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~denotes the capacity to endure hardship, difficulty, or inconvenience without complaint.

Patience emphasizes calmness, self-control, and the willingness or ability to tolerate inconvenience.
I have to wait for a member of our team to pack their stuff. We were all ready apart from them. I demonstrated patience by accepting the problemsaw how it was affecting out team and offered to help.

~perception of the consequences of various actions that are being explored leads to the best decision before taking action.
We had to plan a method of raising a team member as high as possible. We considered a base made of the strongest people. The person on top should be light and tall. We realized that we needed to practice methods of getting a person to climb up another person in a safe and low area so that we could experiment and identify the best method to apply.

~ marked by thorough consideration or minute measurement of small factual details

We realized whilst being briefed that taking time to be exact was necessary in order to be successful. One failing knot or one case of misdirection would have disastrous consequences.

~imaginative and clever design or construction

We were asked to take action with regard to what we had found out from our survey. This was the fact that 30 percent of rubbish we had found was easily re-usable, 50 percent was recyclable, 10 percent was naturally decomposable and 10 percent was discardable rubbish. We decided to make a video advert, to email environmental groups including the Hong Kong government, to make posters with the rubbish to put up in the local area, to create a brochure that could be used as a handkerchief and recycled to prove a point. OR We were asked to erect tents but we did not have enough tent pegs or a mallet. Therefore, I sharpened some dead sticks and used them as tent pegs, banging them into the ground with a suitable rock.

~a desire to know or learn which develops a sense of inquiry.

I saw someone throw a carton on the floor. I politely asked them why they considered this action socially acceptable. I heard a very noisy construction site and wondered if people with different jobs perceived pollution in different ways e.g. do office workers care so much about air pollution as they live in a clean air-conditioned environment whilst at work.

~the reactionary, broad minded, mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing potential solutions, analyzing, applying, synthesizing, and evaluating information to enable effective and efficient reactions. You are caught in a bush fire. Your first reaction is to get everyone next to a pool for safety. You view the fire from a nearby hillside and consider the possibility of crossing the fire as you realize that when it is crossed you are on land that will not catch alight again as it is already burnt. You locate a weak point and cross it safely. Then go back, collect your group and cross the fire together.

~the process of committing ones-self mentally or physically to a given problem in order to allow completion in the most efficient way. I was hanging from a rope and could barely see the light streaming in at the top of the cave. My energy was lacking but by concentration ensured that each movement I made was as effective as possible.

~the ability to be at one with the subject in question. The ability to do this is reflected by how much you can understand and justify the feelings and emotions of the subject in question.
I heard the tree creak when the next gust of wind arrived. The tree was feeling stressed, tired of fighting the weather, thirsty due to the recent lack of rain and physically drained as the Sun had been blocked due to high levels of air pollution over the preceding three days. We went to trim its branches to help it out but also realized the pain it would experience during this process, amputation after all is a scary concept.

~the state or quality of mind or spirit that enable one to face danger, fear, or insecurity with a staunch commitment to self-possession, confidence, and resolution.
I was scared as the boat started to drift towards the waterfall. The current was so strong I was definitely going over. I gritted my teeth, focused on what I had to implement to survive and paddled furiously toward the waterfall. Due to the force I had given the boat slid down the waterfall and I paddled away, relieved and satisfied with my performance.

~the identification of personal ethical/moralistic attitudes and the dedication to take continuous action for an extended amount of time in order to satisfy them.
I believe in showing a respect for the environment and ensure that our campsite is neat and tidy. When I observed somebody throwing rubbish out of their tent the other day I did not say anything, but I did demonstrate tidying up the campsite in front of them. I did this every day for a week until finally they copied my actions. I then found this an appropriate time to go and thank them.

~the trait of ensuring that you maintain your standards and expectations despite others creating a scenario where you are tempted to fall short.
We as a group had responsibility to tidy up the kitchen. Every other member of my team went to the seaside to swim. I remained and completed all of the chores because I understood that our actions would effect every other group not just our own.

~ having the energy to enthuse, energize and motivate others, thus in turn making there dedication easier to attain.
We were asked to do a presentation of the environmental and hazardous information relating to Ghana an African country we will soon be visiting. We had forty minutes to present as a group and whilst every one else did what bores them ( a lecture) I chose to do act out The Worst Day of my Life and to engage the audience in the hazards of faced and reacted to with great gusto. People were impressed and remembers the hazards because they were infused and actively involved.

~steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code. ~the state of being unimpaired; soundness. ~the quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness. We were asked to walk towards the animal that most reflected our attitudes and lifestyle. I just followed my friends and therefore was not honest I was not demonstrating honesty. We then had an argument where I argued things I did not believe in just to support my friends without developing them again I was being dishonest. When giving feedback on how I was doing I did reflect on these situations and tell the truth personally I was disappointed with my previous actions, but at least now I was demonstrating integrity.

~a disposition to be humble/ the act or practice of cooperating.

Previously I noticed that I was outspoken and often did not allow quieter people to communicate their ideas. I have since realized that there is a lot more skill and experience in my group than I previously realized. I am now eager so be quiet and to give other people a chance to be involved. This truly allows us to work with each other effectively. We can now cooperate well as we are aware of other peoples points of view.

~deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it. Awareness, or delicate perception of a colleagues needs and successes.
We got to know each other really well as a group and a new friend was really cheerful and happy throughout the camp. I did know however that her mother had died last week I ensured that I spent time with her so that she could share her feelings. Equally important was the fact that I ensured I left her in peace when she needed it.

~to have earned the trust, compassion and empathy of another individual by demonstrating my trust, compassion and empathy for them.
I was disappointed to see many of my team members litter the environment. Instead of saying anything, I collected litter casually as we walked. At a litterbin, I made a visual act of throwing away the litter I had collected. From feedback I did not expect, people individually commented on how they respected my action.

~having or showing receptiveness to new and different ideas or the opinions of others. Not to assume that the information that you receive is fact quite often it is opinion based on assumption.
We were informed today that although recycling is only effective with aluminum cans it is socially supportive. This does not fit in with what I previously thought but does move my thinking on to how re-use can be developed. I mean how many shampoo bottles you actually need to your entire life . well one.

~the state, quality, or fact of being responsible. Something for which one is responsible; a duty, obligation, or burden.
Simply having standards for your interrelationship with self, others and the environment that you ensure that you fulfill.

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