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Programming languages ...

Enabled programmers to write code using

plain words and symbols Enabled the computers to contain an operating system
The OS lets the user ask the computer to perform

a task, and the OS translates the task into machine language code The OS keeps the various parts of the computer running together smoothly

Third Generation Computers

Another new aspect of computing was the

emergence of MULTIPROGRAMMING This enabled the computer to run more than one job simultaneously in 1970, IBM introduced the floppy disk drive in their 3740 system computer This provided three times more storage space and faster access to the information

Development of the Computer

Fourth Generation Computers
Technology: Large-scale Integrated

Circuitry 1000 to 10000 Transistors per Integrated Circuit or chip Age of Microcomputers
Apple Computer IBM Personal Computer (PC)

More developments
Computers spread from the workplace into the

home Computers are faster, have more memory, and are relatively inexpensive Increase in the quantity and quality of software available Very large-scale IC: 10,000 to 1 million Transistors per Integrated Circuit or chip

Fifth Generation Computers

Technology: Ultra Large Scale IC over 1 million Transistors per Integrated Circuit or Chip

Dual Core Processor

History of the Internet

During the Cold War (1960s)
Defense Advance Research Projects Agency

(DARPA) designed a network of computers that would allow important information to be accessible even during a nuclear attack. First network was called Arpanet (1969) Links between four computer sites:
UCLA Stanford Research Institute UC-Santa Barbara University of UTAH

The researchers designed the system so that if

one of the sites was destroyed by a nuclear attack, the other sites could continue to function. Soon, other government and educational institutions began to connect to this computer network. These researchers shared not only academic information but also communicated socially with each other.

The Information Age

Research on:

Invention of the Telegraph Machine Invention of the Telephone Invention of the Email Birth of MP3 What is MPEG? WWW Yahoo Netscape eBay

Research on:
Amazon RealAudio Internet Explorer Java

Winamp Blog


Research on:
Domain Sales SQL Slammer Worm Attack

I Love You Virus Attack

Napster MySpace

YouTube Web 2.0 Friendster Facebook

Computer Hardware and Software

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