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Question tags (tag questions)

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Verb auxiliar cu semn schimbat + Subiect (pronume)

Observatii: Verb auxiliar cu semn schimbat inseamna ca daca propozitia principala este afirmativa, tag-ul este negativ. Si invers daca propozitia principala este negativa, tag-ul este afirmativ. Subiectul va fi mereu sub forma de pronume. Adica daca subiectul propozitiei principale este, sa zicem, the houses, atunci Subiectul va fi they. Verbele auxiliare se recunosc simplu: sunt cele care se pot prescurta cu not la schemele de negativ corespunzatoare timpurilor din propozitiile principale. Atunci cand este la negativ, se prescurteaza intotdeauna verbul auxiliar cu not in tag.

Lista verbelor auxiliare timp

Present Simple Present Continuous


Do/ does Am/ is/ are

Past Simple
Past Continuous Present Perfect Simple/ Continuous Past Perfect Simple/ Continuous

Was/ were Have/ has Had

Future Simple/ Continuous/ Perfect

Future-in-the-Past Going to Future Verbe modale (can, could, may, might, must, shall, should)

Would Am/ is/ are

Se pastreaza verbul modal din propozitia principala


Present Simple
We always watch TV in the evening, dont we? Our friend doesnt watch TV every day, does she? (Intotdeauna ne uitam la TV seara, nu-i asa? Prietena noastra nu se uita la TV in fiecare zi, nu-i asa?)


Present Continuous
Mary is drinking milk now, isnt she? The children arent playing in the yard now, are they? (Mary bea lapte acum, nu-i asa? Copiii nu se joaca acum in curte, nu-i asa?) SINGURA EXCEPTIE de la regula: I am a pretty girl, arent I? (in loc de am+not+I) (Sunt o fetita draguta, nu-i asa?) DAR: I am not a bad girl, am I? Nu sunt o fetita rea, nu-i asa?


Past Simple

His parents arrived yesterday, didnt they? You didnt go to that party, did you? (Parintii lui au sosit ieri, nu-I asa? Voi nu ati mers la petrecerea aceea, nu-I asa?)


Past Continuous

We were watching TV at this time yesterday, werent we? You werent listening to music from 6 to 7 p.m. yesterday, were you? (Ne uitam la TV ieri pe vremea asta, nu-i asa? Voi nu ascultati muzica ieri de la 6 la 7 seara, nu-I asa?)


Present Perfect Simple

Your parents have just arrived, havent they? Her sister hasnt learned to swim yet, has she? (Parintii tai tocmai au sosit, nu-i asa? Sora ei nu a invatat inca sa inoate, nu-i asa?)


Present Perfect Continuous

He has been listening to music since he came, hasnt he? Our friends have been waiting for us for ten minutes, have they? (El asculta muzica de cand a venit, nu-i asa? Prietenii nostri ne asteapta de zece minute, nui asa?)


Past Perfect Simple

You had finished your job by the end of the programme, hadnt you? We hadnt picked the pears by October, had we? (Terminasei treaba pana la sfarsitul programului, nu-i asa? Nu am cules perele pana in octombrie, nu-i asa?)


Past Perfect Continuous

Her father had been trying to repair the car by the time the mechanic arrived, hadnt he? The baby hadnt been crying for half an hour, had he? (Tatal ei incercase sa repare masina pana cand a sosit mecanicul, nu-i asa? Bebelusul nu plansese timp de o jumatate de ora, nu-i asa?)


Future Simple

Well have some roast beef, wont we? He wont pass the exam, will he?

(Vom servi niste friptura de vita, nu-i asa? Nu va lua examenul, nu-i asa? )


Future Continuous

Our friends will be swimming in the ocean at this time next week, wont they? They wont be working any more at this time tomorrow, will they?

(Prietenii nostri vor inota in ocean saptamana viitoare pe vremea asta, nu-i asa? Ei nu vor mai munci maine pe vremea asta, nu-i asa?)


Future Perfect

He will have finished his job by 6 p.m., wont he? Your guests wont have arrived by the time you come back, will they?

(El isi va termina treaba pana la ora 6 seara, nu-i asa? Musafirii vostri nu vor sosi pana cand va veti intoarce voi, nu-i asa?)


Going to Future

It is going to rain, isnt it? You are not going to do that, are you?

(O sa ploua, nu-i asa? N-ai de gand sa faci asta, nu-i asa? )


Verbe modale

The teacher must explain this, mustnt he? You should learn more, shouldnt you? They couldnt bring the camera, could they? You cannot use your calculator during the exam, can you?

(Profesorul trebuie sa explice asta, nu-i asa? Voi ar trebui sa invatati mai mult, nu-i asa? Nu au putut aduce aparatul foto, nu-i asa? Nu va puteti folosi calculatorul in timpul examenului, nu-i asa? )

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