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By: Brandon Bornhauser and Nick McCune

What is War?
A state or period of armed hostility or active military operations.
When people have conflict between opposing parties and choose to fight to solve the problem.
a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air.

Help from Jack Black c&feature=related

Mo Tzu
Ancient Chinese Philosopher Against Offensive Warfare Big on Universal Love which formed the cornerstone of Mohism. Tzu preached that people should only do that which produces tangible benefit for themselves and others. The idea of war was a frequent target for Mo Tzu and his followers. The killing of other human beings clearly violated the principle of universal love.

According to World military expenditure in 2010 was estimated to have reached 1.62 trillion dollars A 50 percent increase since 2001

Believed that war was a foolish waste of resources.

Sun Tzu
Known for The Art of War, one of the most influential military treatises of all time. In his text he uses a series of sentences that are meant to be read and thought about individually, however they all fit together and feed off one another and produce a modern view of warfare. Generally in War the best policy is to take a state intact; to ruin it is inferior to this. He who knows he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious. Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles you will never peril if the army is confused and suspicious, neighboring rulers will cause trouble. (A confused army leads to victory.)

Vietnam and Sun Tzu v0

freedom from war: freedom from war, or the time when a war or conflict ends tranquillity: a calm and quiet state, free from disturbances or noise mental calm: a state of mental calm and serenity, with no anxiety harmony: freedom from conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people

St. Thomas Aquinas

Conditions for a Just War

1. The war must be started and controlled by the authority of state or ruler. 2. There must be a just cause. 3. The war must be for good, or against evil. 4.Law and order must always be restored. 5. The war must be a last resort. 6. The war must be fought proportionally.


Interview #2

Interview #3

Interview #4

Reality of War
The reality of war has always been accompanied by the ideal of peace. Few societiesnot even militaristic and violent oneshave considered warfare desirable.

We found our information on As well as our English textbook Reading the World by Michael Austin. No copyright infringement intended.

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