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Knowledge management
For BOB PT. Bumi Siak Pusako, to survive and sustain its growth it
needs to develop and nurture new knowledge , stimulating
innovation, sharing existing tacit knowledge within its organization.

Knowledge entry
One of the concern at BOB PSK During the construction phase of a
project, most project-related problems, solutions, experiences and
know-how are in the minds of individual engineers and expert.

The tacit Knowledge & experience are still exists in the head of
engineers and experts. Therefore, this situation represents a major
loss for BOB PSK who do not preserve the know-how and
experiences of senior engineers and experts. Organizational knowledge

Stored knowledge
Experiences and knowledge should be preserved and managed.
They should be captured, modeled, stored, retrieved, adapted,
evaluated and maintained.

KM in oil & gas phase deals primarily with the process of creating
value from knowledge about drilling ops, organization and

In a dynamic oil & gas business environment, the ability to

exchange information from various source and the different formats
becomes crucial to reusing and updating knowledge. Personal knowledge

When individual learns together, they will grow more rapidly than
could have occurred otherwise Knowledge retrieval
The “end state” of Knowledge Management at BOB PSK is a transformation to become a learning organization, where Knowledge
Management will be embedded within organizational culture.

In this way , BOB PSK can constantly adapt to dynamic and drastic environmental business change by aligning knowledge
processes with company objective.

The implication of this Knowledge Management project at BOB PSK will result in :
Our approach to implement Knowledge Management at BOB
PSK are

01. Top‐down

The overall strategic direction of the organization is used to

identify the focus of the knowledge management initiative.
This is reflected in a series of activities designed to meet this
broad goal.

02. Bottom‐up

Research is conducted into the activities of staff involved in

key business processes. The findings of this research
highlights key staff needs and issues, which are then tackled
through a range of knowledge management initiatives.
“Problem” “Transition State” t “End State”

Restructuring Explicit Transforming Tacit
Knowledge Knowledge

Diagnostic KM readiness KM Implementation KM Nurturing

Objective: Objective: Objective: Objective:

o Audit organization o Restructuring the way o Implement the system o Perpetuating the ‘sharing
structure & attributes organization store and needed to build the “KM culture’, make sharing

System Verification
that encouraging or utilize the explicit culture”, to transform thing as a habit, part of
discouraging the turn knowledge tacit knowledge into daily work, embedded in
over rate of geologist o Restructuring the explicit knowledge that business process
in BOB attributes in order to can be well-documented and
o Review how organization encourage the “sharing utilized by organization
Targe Process Targe Target
manage its explicit culture” for tacit t:
t: : :
knowledge knowledge
People Restructuring Planning Community of Practice Working Culture

Enabling Learning
Culture Re-engineering process Leadership Actions
Informal Meeting, “work &
Content Review Company Policy

Process Socialization ‘Daily Routine’

Implementation Technology Enabler

Output: Output: Output: Output:

o Information regarding o Well-documented of o Actions needed to o A sharing habit that
explicit knowledge & explicit knowledge strengthening the “sharing enable learning culture
tacit knowledge through re-engineering of culture”, in order to make
structure business process and SOP it as part of daily work, o Well-documented of tacit
a working habit knowledge
o Identified System need o Well established system
to be resolved, to to encourage the “sharing o Technology to help o Well established system in
flourish the condition culture” organization store and utilizing and evolving

Timeline & Man

Activity Output Tools & Method Power Cost

People  Recommendation on Survey questionnaire 2 weeks USD 15,000

Assess how people existing and should- (web-based) (1 senior consultant)
characteristic in BOB be condition of Qualitative survey
are ready for KM people, gap analysis (manual)
implementation  Necessary action to
be taken (in the form
action plan for
phase 2)
Culture  Recommendation on Survey questionaire 2 weeks
Assess how BOB culture existing and should- (web-based) (1 senior consultant)
will be condition of Qualitative survey
encourage/discourage culture, gap analysis (manual)
the KM implementation  Necessary action to
be taken (in the form
action plan for
phase 2)
Content  Recommendation on Survey questionaire 2 weeks
Assess how BOB existing and should- (web-based) (1 senior consultant)
structured the explicit be condition of Qualitative survey
knowledge, content, gap analysis (manual)
characteristic of tacit  Necessary action to
knowledge to be be taken (in the form
captured that will action plan for
impact to complexities phase 2)
related in transforming
Process  Recommendation on Survey questionaire 3 weeks
the tacit knowledge
Assess how organization
into explicit knowledge existing and should- (web-based) (2 senior consultant)
structure, attributes, be condition of BOB Qualitative survey
and process will process, gap analysis (manual)
encourage/discourage  Necessary action to Organization manual
the KM purpose be taken (in the form analysis
action plan for
Process analysis
phase 2)
Diagnostic KM Readiness

Timeline & Man

Activity Output Tools & Method Power Cost

Restructuring Planning: Modified organization Process-based 3 weeks USD 25,000

 Identify needs of structure that fit with (1 senior consultant)
enhancement in the KM purpose:
organization Collaborative
structure & system structure
 Modify organization Learning-based
structure and structure
selected system Fit organization
Re-engineering Process: Modified
system tosystem in Business Process 8 weeks
 Identify needs in how structuring
the needed Analysis (2 senior consultant)
organization process knowledge properly:
culture for Meeting Taxonomy
should structuring Efficient & effective
KM implementation After Action Review
its explicit process
knowledge & tacit Complete & systematic
knowledge SOP
 Modify process in Collaborative working
order to re-arrange culture
explicit knowledge in Proper work mechanism
suitable way & ready
Review: to
Well-adjusted of Business Process 1 week
for transforming the
Evaluate all capture structure
organization tacit Analysis (1 senior consultant)
tacit knowledge
initiatives in this knowledge
and process, according
phase to ensure the to the need of BOB and
‘well-behaved’ of the structure of
explicit knowledge in explicit knowledge &
organization process; tacit knowledge
to ensure organization
system appropriately
promote the ‘sharing
Implementation  Increased proper Socialization 4 week
culture’ so as Roll-
support learning coordination between Close monitoring (1 senior consultant)
Develop implementation
organization different areas of Coordination measure
blueprint, assist organization
realization of the (cultivating ‘sharing
blueprint, find problem culture’ for the
areas, develop solution learning
Diagnostic KM Readiness KM Implementation

Timeline & Man

Activity Output Tools & Method Power Cost

Community of Practice  Quantity of community Analysis & 3 weeks USD 30,000

 Create & join practices within BOB Recommendation (1 senior consultant)
community in related  Effectivity of tacit
subject, profession knowledge capturing
 Evaluate effectivity (growth of knowledge
of community to the in system)
learning activity

Leadership Actions  Achieved KPI Analysis & 3 weeks

 Implement coaching &  Effectivity of tacit Recommendation (2 senior consultant)
mentoring system knowledge capturing
between supervisor & (growth of knowledge
subordinate in system)
 Regular and accurate
performance review
Company Policy  Formal enforcement Analysis & 1 week
 Policies related to upon learning culture Recommendation (1 senior consultant)
learning organization  Increased activity of
enforcement learning through
 Procedures to ‘force’ sharing
the learning habit

Daily Routine  Learning through Processs Analysis 4 week

Implant all learning sharing as a routine- Recommendation (1 senior consultant)
activities in dailly based activity
working process  Effectivity of tacit
(meeting, coordination, knowledge capturing
information sharing, (growth of knowledge
cross-function in system)
etc)  Good system to System dynamic 4 week
Install system to capture tacit Knowledge portal (1 senior consultant)
enable tacit knowledge knowledge and Data mining
capturing transform it into
explicit knowledge
 Good system to ensure
Diagnostic KM Readiness KM Implementation KM Nurturing

Timeline & Man

Activity Output Tools & Method Power Cost

Working Culture To understand and Survey Questionnaire 4 Weeks USD 15,000

 Appraise the sharing measure the sharing (web-based)
habit, sharing culture behavior index and Process analysis
and working culture in working culture in order
BOB to monitor and maintain
 Analyze and propose sharing behavior in BOB
recommendations to
maintain and increase
sharing behavior in a
required level

Enabling Learning

Work & Play  Quantity of informal Survey Questionnaire 4 weeks

 Ensure learning meeting inside the (web-based)
activity become habit organization Depth observation
within organization,  Quantity of (informal) Interview
represent by many meeting across Process Analysis
‘informal meeting’ industry
within BOB  Index level of
 Strengthening knowledge growth
leadership action to  Percentage of working
perpetuate the habit hours spend for
learning through
knowledge sharing

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