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Supervisor : dr.Edi Prasetyo W, SpOG

Medical Student: Fahmi, zul, lili, sankuntala

Cases resume Click to edit Master subtitle style : Normal Labor

Pathologic labor 1.


Name : mrs. M

Admitted to GH NTB april 3, 2012 at 10.00 WITA Objective Assestment Planning

-Obs mother and fetal well being - and HBsAg -Report to GP, GP report to supervisor Supervisor advice : prepare for SC

Age : 22 years old time Subjective

13/03/2012 10.00 WITA


Patient referred from vGeneral status : G1P0A0 41-42 sigerongan PHC with GC: weak, GCS: E4V5M6 weeks /S/L/IU G1A0P0L0 T/L/IU/ 1st stage of BP:130/100 mmHg with 2nd stage labor latent phase with RR: 24 x/mnt active phase of suspect CPD. patient Pulse :88 x/mnt labor with confessed abdominal pain T: 37,7 C suspect CPD since at 01.00 pm. history of Eyes : an(-) ikt (-) rupture of membrane since at Cor : S1S2 single regular and polio 05.00 (+) amnion clear, Murmur (-), Gallop (-) odorless , wetting one cloth, Pulmo : Vesiculer (+/+), rh Blood slim (+). FM (+). (-/-), wh (-/-) History of DM (-), HT (-), Abd : scar (-), striae (+) Asthma (-). History of acute Extremity edema (-/-) paralysis at her left limb since Left lower limb : paralysis (+), childhood atrofi (+) LMP : forgot : 15-6-2011 vObstetric status : EDD: 22-3-2012 L1 : breech UFH: History of ANC : >4x, in 32cm midwife, L2 : back on right History of USG : (-) L3 : head History of family planning : - L4 : 2/5 injection EFW : 3255 g Next family planning: IUD UC : 4x10,45 Obstetrical history: FHB : 12-13-13 x/mnt 1. This VT : 8 cm, eff : 80%, amnion (+), head presentation, caput (+) hodge 2+ PE : tepi spina ischiadika menonjol, distantia interspiinosum <10 cm, os sacrum bengkok ke kanan




assestment Planning

Chronologis (at midwife) : 12/03/12 -12.15 Lab exam : S: Patient confessed 9 month of pregnancy vital WBC : 21,8 sign BP; 110/90, PR : 80, RBC : 3,65% HGB :10.3 temp 36 VT : 1 cm, at PLT : 448.000 20.15 VT :2cm, and at Hct : 28,5 04.30 vaginal toucher HbsAg (-) gainded 5 cm and effacement 50%, then at Protenuria : +1 07.45 ruptured Keton : +2 membrane and completed, denominator palpable small part of occipital Today at 07.50 patient refered to tanjung general hospital, then patient diagnosis with with G1A0P0L0 T/L/IU/ 2nd stage of labor suspect malpresentation and observe until 09.45 then refer to NTB general hospital



Wound operation pain


assestment Planning
Observe mother and fetal well being Suggest mother to eat and drink

GC : well G1P1A0 A/S/L/IU BP : 140/90 mmHg face PR : 100 bpm RR : 20presentation tpm with 2nd stage T : 37,5C of labor and UC : 3x10, 30 mild preeclamsia 2 hours post SC


Wound operation pain

GC : well G1P1A0 A/S/L/IU BP : 140/90 mmHg face PR : 80 bpm RR : 18presentation tpm with 2nd stage T : 36 C of labor and UC : 2x10, 30 mild preeclamsia

Observe mother and fetal well being Suggest mother to eat and drink


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