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Wagyu beef is meat that is produced by the Wagyu cattle.
It originated from Kobe, Japan.

Whats so special about it??

Why so much fuss?

Their diets are different from others. Its controlled under and during the final fattening process, cattle are fed huge quantities of sake and beer mash. Each animal does get a daily massage.

Why beer and massage?

Beer is fed to the cattle during summer when the interaction of fat cover, humidity and temperature depresses feed intake. Beer is used to stimulate their appetite. The massaging is to relieve stress and muscle stiffness. Its believed that the eating quality of the meat is affected positively by keeping the cattle calm and content

First : Alcohol is filth ( najis) according to the majority of the muslim scholars.
Though they differ in the matter whether alcohol is najis hissiyah ( substantial ) or najis ma'nawiyyah ( spiritual ), they all agree that alcohol is filth.

Second : The moral and ethical issue of feeding animals with alcohol.
Feeding alcohol to human is haram due to its ill effects and social consequences. Feeding alcohol to animals is also haram and consuming Wagyu beef will propagate the feeding of animals with alcohol. The act of feeding the cows with alcohol would also encourage others to feed other animals with alcohol to improve the quality of meat.

What is jallalah?
Jallalah are animals that feed mainly on filth and their growth are caused by the filth. The animals feed on filth such that the character of their meat changes due to the feeding habit. The smell as well as the feature of the animals also change due to this habit.
Animals that occasionally feed on filth will not be considered as jallalah. Fish that occasionally feed on the waste of human will not be considered as Jallalah

A goat or cow that grew by feeding them with the milk of pigs will also be considered as Jallalah.

According to the majority of scholars ( jumhur ), eating and drinking the milk as well as eating the eggs of Jallalah animals is makruh ( discouraged ).
If alcohol is considered filthy and najis, then the Wagyu beef would be considered Jallalah. Hence, eating Wagyu beef would only be makruh or discouraged. This is for scholars who consider alcohol to be najis hissiyyah ,the physical substance of alcohol is filthy. For scholars who consider alcohol to be of najis ma'nawiyyah , the physical substance is not najis but the act of drinking is najis, then Wagyu beef would not be included amongst Jallalah animals.

consider the law of wagyu beef on the second matter which is : The moral and ethical basis on feeding animals with alcohol. Islam forbids the imbibing of alcohol to Muslims and Non-Muslims alike. If a Muslim is given a bottle of alcohol, he should not give it to his/her non-Muslim friend. He would be considered as participant in drinking if he gave it to others.

This hadith indicates strictly that anyone who has a direct dealing with alcohol will be cursed by Allah.

Alcohol affects a person's mind and makes him lose control as well as inhibit his capacity to think. It would be zhulm (cruelty ) upon our ownself to imbibe alcohol, so how could we commit zhulm upon an animal. It would be considered an abuse towards animals when we feed them with alcohol. The brains of animal will be affected just like the brains of human after drinking alcohol. They would also suffer intoxication and the alcohol would affect their organs just like how it affects human organs.

If feeding the cows with alcohol improves the quality of meat, then all other animals would one day be fed with alcohol to improve their meat. Eating wagyu beef would inculcate the feeding of animals with alcohol and thus propagate the abuse of animals. Muslims should also abstain from eating Wagyu beef because it propagates animal abuse from the Islamic perspective.

MOHD KAMAL MOKHTAR, Wagyu beef to eat or not to eat? Retrieved from /wagyu-beefto-eat-or-not-to-eat.html

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