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Abstarct Mobile technology applications have proven more interesting and more capable with each passing year, and continue to be a technology with new surprises. Users can get the latest weather information without accessing to the specific weather website. In addition, weather information can be deployed on any cell phone with internet explorer.

Introduction Web Services, MIDlet programming is the technology applied in this project. Weather report is designed as a two-tier structure, web application server and client. Web services are generated and published on the web. On client side, user, on the MIDP platform, can interact with web services with the agreement on SOAP protocol.

Web Service?
A Web service is defined as "a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Web services are Web Application Programming Interfaces that can be accessed over a network, such as the Internet, and executed on a remote system. This web service application will show the chosen country and citys weather information on the cell phone. Java ME will be the development language. be continued

Web Service?
Blue tooth will be used to connect the cell phone into the Internet. Emulator of Cell phone will be used for developing.

User can input the name of country and city through the user interface. According to the name of country and city, the weather information will be shown on the emulator automatically in words. be continued

Web Service?
If the country and city information are not included in the WSDL file or the name input is not correct, error massages will be sent to the user.
web Services Stack Error Message

Web Services
Web services are XML-based, self-contained and selfdescribed, web applications. XML is the basis for web services that make web services communicate among various platforms and systems. In other words, the response received by the requester from provider is a XML message. This XML message codes and decodes the data exchanged. Then, using SOAP protocol, the message is transported to open protocols. There are three layers in the center of the above stack.Processes, Descriptions, and Messages, indicate three main elements of web services, UDDI, WSDL, and SOAP.

Request-Response Flow
Web Service Components include Service Provider, Service Registry and Service requestor. Service Provider: publishes and provides. Service Registry: supports for publishing and locating. Service Requestor: finds services and binds services to service provider.

Steps with web services

A service provider creates a Web service. The service provider uses WSDL to describe the service (to a UDDI registry). The service provider registers the service (in a UDDI registry and/or ebXML registry/repository). Another service or user locates and requests the registered service by querying UDDI and/or ebXML registry (ies). The requesting service or user writes an application to bind the registered service using SOAP (in the case of UDDI) and/or ebXML. Data and messages are exchanged as XML over HTTP

Definitions :
Web Services : A software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. In common words, refers to client and server interaction using XML messages based on SOAP protocol. SOAP : Simple Object Access Protocol, an XML based lightweight protocol for exchanging structured information in decentralized and distributed environment. WSDL :Web Services Description Language, a language for describing Web Services, starting with the messages that are exchanged between the requester and provider.Messages are described abstractly and then bound to a concrete network protocol and message format.

Defintions :
UDDI : Universal Description, Discovery and Integration. A platform independent framework for discovering businesses, describing services, and integrating business services by using the internet. specifically, a directory storing information about web services .
MIDP : Mobile Information Device Profile, combined with CLDC, is the Java runtime platform for mobile information devices like cell phone and PDA; provides the framework. CLDC : Connected Limited Device Configuration, defines the basic interfaces and virtual machine for application programming to mobile devices; provides core libraries. MIDlet : An application of MIDP, requires a device which implements J2ME and MIDP to run.

Implementation :
The weather information has stored in the WSDL file with XML format. The algorithm used in the development is the information matching that matches the country and city name with the weather information. The Weather report project is designed as a two- tier structure by web application server, and the client. In Figure 4, the structure and procedure of engaging the stock web services are depicted. To engage the weather web service after it is published, four steps will be performed as: (i) Discovery service searching the weather web service (ii) WSDL web service description is used to know what available methods and legal.

Implementation :
Semantic / Agree the client and database server will have the agreement on using the weather web service, after the client understands the web service description. Interact the client accesses the weather database with the response from database through the weather web service in XML data format.

Implementation :
MIDlet is an abbreviation composed of two words: MID for Mobile Information Device, and let is the suffix of "applet", which means mobile application. As the layout shown in Figure, CLDC is to deliver core Java libraries to support the framework, MIDP, to create the applications for mobile phones. Web services are generated and published on the web. On client side, user, on the MIDP platform, can interact with web services with the agreement on SOAP protocol.

Implementation :
The weather information has stored in the WSDL file with XML format. The algorithm used in the development is the information matching that matches the country and city name with the weather information.

To engage the weather web service after it is published, four steps will be performed as: Discovery service searching the weather web service WSDL web service description is used to know what available methods and legal parameters required are. Semantic / Agree the client and database server will have the agreement on using the weather web service, after the client understands the web service description. Interact the client accesses the weather database with the response from database through the weather web service in XML data format.

User Interface -

Advantages :
Cross platform : MIDlets run on any Java based device that supports the version of CLDC and MIDP that the MIDlet uses. Availability of learning resources : Because MIDlets can run on various devices, many vendors publish information about MIDlet development. Many MIDlet code examples are publicly available, as are a number of books, articles, and websites about MIDlet development. In addition, the web services can have more market value on mobile phones applications.

Disadvantages :
Poor screen layout functionality : The MIDlet API provides only the simplest mechanisms for easily positioning UI elements on the device screen. The result is that, even for relatively simple layouts, you have to resort to writing code to draw directly to the screen.

Conclusion :
The application is small and is not computer-expensive, which makes installation and usage relatively easy. Modern wireless technology combined with Java technology provides advanced usage of products such as weather forecasts, so that the user can selectively and interactively access the desired data, no matter where he is. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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