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Aprilia Norvyani Fredy Pebri Ramadhani Saldi Primadiputra Shika Yuatna Yustina Novita Sari

Teachers' Welfare Improvement is One of the Answers for Our Education Problem

Assalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillahi rabbil alamin. So many grateful and praise be to Allah SWT., because of His mercy, finally we have finished this presentation theme education. As we know, education have an important role to develop the quality of a nation. So, education becomes very necessary to be discussed. This presentation has been made to open our mind about the development of education in our country, about how important education in this era of globalization is and also the main problem of education in Indonesia. This presentation also has purpose to give us the solution to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.

The solution is teachers welfare improvement. Because, teacher become a main component of the education. Thats why, our title of this presentation is Teachers' Welfare Improvement is One of the Answers for Our Education Problem. In the process of finishing this presentation, we have been helped by our English teacher, Mrs. Urai Mimmi V. E., S.Pd. Thank you for the guidance. And also, thank you for our parents who also give the motivation, opinion and thought, also the facilitation for this presentation subject. So, this is our presentation. We hope it will be useful for us. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Writing Team

Group 2

Indonesia is a developing country and will never be a developed country until Indonesia can improve the quality of human resources of our nation. The quality of human resources can be increased if it is supported by an established educational system. But, looking at our education nowadays, it becomes a big question mark. If it so, is it still possible for Indonesia to becomes a developed country? Meanwhile, the condition of education in this country is far from the word established educational system. Actually, what are the problems of education in Indonesia? And how should we solve it?

At least, there are three aspects that very influence to the quality of educations improvement: 1. The purpose of education 2. Student 3. Educator (Teacher) And yes, one of those components is Educator. Educator is known as the teacher. Teacher. Its the one of most important aspects in education.

Good Teacher

Good Student

If the quality of a teacher is good, the quality of their student will be also good. It depends on the way, how a teacher teach his/her student. Teacher become one of the components in education that is very important.


Appreciation to teachers roles in education world nowadays ` Teachers roles ` Appreciation to the teacher 2. Between quality and quantity

Teacher is a profession, a professional teacher is a teacher who have a high dedication to education, without the high dedication of a teacher, teaching and learning process will be lack. In the process of teaching and learning there are several components. In this case teachers as educators and students as learners can be separated from his position, but they cant be separated in developing students to reach their dreams.


Teachers Roles

The Effectiveness and efficiency of learning in school are depends on teachers role. There are teachers role: 1. facilitator 2. dynamist 3. mediator 4. motivator


Appreciation to the Teacher

Teacher have so many roles to develop the next generation. That becomes the problem now is the lack of teachers and low level of teachers' welfare. Actually, the lack number of teacher is not the main problem, but the main problem is welfare of teachers who are very apprehensive. The appreciation for teachers so far, is something that government really doesn't care about. Education won't be good if we just rely on the term unhonored heroes or pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa. Even the welfare of teachers also must be guaranteed. So how should we solve this one of the main educational problem in Indonesia?


Based on the Government Regulations Number 19 Year of 2005 about the Standards of National Education which the function is to become a basic of planning, implementation, and supervisor of education to realize a qualified national education. The standard of educator have a big part in developing education.

Teacher certification is a process of giving the educator certificate to the teacher. Educator certificate is given to the teacher who have fulfilled the professional standards of a teacher. A professional teacher is a main term to create the system of education qualified.


2. 3. 4.

To determine the proper of a teacher in doing the task as a educational agent and realize the goal of national education. Improve the process and the quality of education Improve the dignity of a teacher Improve the professionalism of a teacher.




to protect teacher profession from the practices which are not competent, which can ruin image of teaching professio. To protect the citizen from the unqualified and unprofessional education. Improve the welfare of teacher.

There are two kinds of process to certificated the teacher, those are: a. Portfolio score for the teacher in position. b. Profession education for the calon teacher.

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Teacher certification guarantee the improvement of teachers quality and welfare. Guru yang telah memiliki sertifikat pendidik harus terus melakukan peningkatan kompetensinya melalui berbagai kegiatan untuk meningkatkan profesionalitas guru berkelanjutan (continous professioal development). Hal ini harus berlangsung secara berkesinambungan, karena prinsip mendasar adalah guru harus merupakan a learning person, belajar sepanjang hayat masih dikandung badan. Sebagai guru profesional dan telah menyandang sertifikat pendidik, guru berkewajiban untuk terus mempertahankan profesionalitasnya sebagai guru. Pembinaan profesi guru secara terus menerus (continuous professional development) menggunakan wadah guru yang sudah ada, yaitu kelompok kerja guru (KKG) untuk tingkat SD dan musyawarah guru mata pelajaran (MGMP) untuk tingkat sekolah menengah di P4TK, di perguruan tinggi dan di tempat lain yang merupakan wahana pemeliharaan dan peningkatan kompetensi. Aktifitas guru di KKG/MGMP tidak saja untuk menyelesaikan persoalan pengajaran yang dialami guru dan berbagi pengalaman mengajar antar guru, tetapi juga untuk mengembangkan kontak akademik dan melakukan refleksi diri.


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(2010, October). Teachers are expected to be more of a facilitator of childrens learning. Weekender The Jakarta Post.

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