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A study on the extent of NREG scheme implementation in Sulikuntte Village Panchayath, Bangarpet Taluk,Kolar District

submitted by Shobha.N


The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act is an Indian legislation enacted on August 25, 2005. legal guarantee for one hundred days of employment in every financial year to adult members of any rural household willing to do public work-related unskilled manual work at the statutory minimum wage.

Aim improving the purchasing power of the rural people, primarily semi or unskilled work to people living below poverty line in rural India. Roughly one-third of the stipulated work force must be women. Objective of the Act : Enhance livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. To combine the twin goals of providing employment and asset creation in rural area

Objective: To understand the level of awareness on the provisions of the scheme and method of implementation. To know the extent of coverage and the benefits accessed by rural unemployed having Job cards under the scheme. To understand the problems experienced by Job card Holders and their suggestions

HYPOTHESIS Working hypothesis: The NREGA might not have implemented according to the provisions of NREGA in the villages of Sulikunte Panchayat.

Research methodology Research design The descriptive study is used in this research, to fact finding investigation. And it is a simply type of research. It has focus on particular aspect or dimensions of the problem studied .It characteristics of a community problem under study.

Universe: sulikunte panchayat The universe for the study is 1300 card holders spread across 10 villages coming under jurisdiction of Sulikunte Gram Panchayat( Bangar Pet taluk, Kolar district.) The information was obtained from Gram panchayat.

Sampling The total sample for the study is 50 Jobcard holders. Since, the study is academic and has to be completed in a short period of time, the sample is restricted to 50 only. The list of village-wise Job card holders will be obtained from Panchayat, of them 3 villages will be selected using simple random sampling technique for data collection.

Sources of information: The research study collects information from primary and secondary source a. Primary source of data The primary or main source of information will be collected directly from the respondents / Job card holders living in three selected villages. The data will be collected using interview schedule. b. Secondary data collection: The secondary source of information for this study will be mobilized from different sources such as internet reports, research studies, articles appeared in newspapers, magazines, journals, books including annual reports published by government etc.

Statement of research The researcher had come across the scheme called NREGA during the Rural camp, got to know the scheme learnt that this scheme is meant for enhancing the sources of livelihood of poor in rural areas and learnt that through this scheme 100 days of work was guaranteed for the poor. This has motivated the researcher to get to know how this scheme being implemented in the villages of Sulikunte panchayat in Bangar Pet taluk, Kolar district of which a village Gollahalli, a native of my father was also part of the panchayat. Researcher visit this village quite often, take part in the all activities of relatives and familiar with the difficulties of poor families Limitations a) The researcher found it difficult to meet the jobcard holders because during the day time they are not available as they go for work and nobody remains in house, so I was met them in the evening. b) The panchayat officials took a lot of time to give the list of jobcard holders. c) The panchayat member of the village also came together when I interviewed the jobcard holders and the jobcard holders responses will be influenced by the officialss presence.

Review of literature The review of literature is focused on the poverty of the rural people and unemployment and also about gender bias, how the people are treated by the members of panchayat. Rural poverty and slums S.M.Dahiwale , Rawat publications 1997 Rural development Edited by Yatindra singh sisodia, Rawat publications 2007 Websites: Newspaper articles, reports, magazines, journals

Where is your NREG work setup

Sl.n o 1 2 3


percent No of age respondents 100% 0 0 50 0 0

In the village Far away Beyond 5 km

This table represent the NREG work set up of the respondents . There are 100% of respondents say that the work w as setup within the village itself

The graph above represent the work of NREG

100% 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% male 1 female 2 3 0% 0% percentage


Sl.No 1 2

Field Male Yes Male No Female Yes Female - No

No.of repondents 10 6 21 13

Percentage 20% 12% 42% 26%

From the above table we understand that 26% females respondents are not aware of the scheme and 12% of male respondents are unaware of the NREGA scheme.






30% 26% 25% 20% 20% Percentage





0% Male - Yes 1 Male - No Female -Yes 2 Female - No

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