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Kathleen Stassen Berger

Part I
Defining Development Five Characteristics of

Chapter One

Developmental Study as a Science
Prepared by Madeleine Lacefield Cautions from Science Tattoon, M.A.


What will happen to the baby just born, or to the schoolchild trying to make a friend, or to the emerging adult wondering how to pay for college, or to the elder contemplating retirement? Why should you care?

Defining Development
The science of human development seeks to understand how and why peopleall kinds of people, everywherechange or remain the same over time. There are 3 crucial elements.

1. Science
developmental study is a science.
theories data analysis critical thinking sound methodology

2. Diversity
studying all kinds of people
young and old rich and poor every ethnicity, background sexual orientation

3. Connections Between Change and Time

Changing or remaining the same over time

transformations consistencies of human life
beginning to end
understanding each segment of life

Dynamic Systems Theory

stresses the fluctuations and transitions
the dynamic synthesis of multiple levels of analysis

the interaction between people and within each person

parent and child prenatal and postnatal life between ages 2 and 102

Bioecological Systems
Urie Bronfenbrenner
a leader in understanding ecological systems approach
he believed that developmentalists need to examine all systems surrounding the development of each person
microsysems exosystems macrosystems

The Ecological Model

a persons immediate surroundings

local institutions, such as schools and churches

larger social setting, including cultural values, economic polices, and political processes


Five Characteristics of Development

developmentalists are acutely aware of the reciprocal connections between one moment in life and another leading to five principles that are useful for understanding any age of human life


1. Multidirectional
changes in direction; development is dynamic, not static
each fraction of a second years are analyzed, revealing unexpected twist and turns


Gains and Losses


The Butterfly Effect

the power of a small change
all change may have a large effect every change affects a dynamic system

a tiny event could have an enormous impact, not that is always does
opposite can occur large changes can affect people in contradictory ways (i.e., lottery jackpots)

2. Multicontextual
humans develop in dozens of contexts that profoundly affect their development
physical surroundings family patterns

Social context
historical socioeconomic


The Historical Context

people born within a few years of one another
these people are affected by the same
values events technologies culture


The Socioeconomic Context

socioeconomic status (SES)
social class
more than money occupation education place of residence

includes advantages and disadvantages

Question: does low SES cause damage in infancy or in late adulthood?



3. Multicultural
culture affects each human at every moment culture is so pervasive, people rarely notice their culture while they are immersed in it


Deciding What to Do Each Moment

culture the patterns of behavior that are passed from one generation to the next groups have their own culture
values customs clothes dwellings cuisine assumptions

people are influenced by more than one culture


Ethnicity, Race, and Income

ethnic groups share certain attributes
ancestral heritage national origin religion culture language

ethnic categories arise from history, sociology, and psychology, not from biology


Ethnicity, Race, and Income

used to categorize groups of people based on appearance 95% of the genetic differences between one person and another occur within, not between, supposed racial groups race is misleading as a biological category race = social construction an idea created by society perceived racial differences lead to discrimination affect cognition


Ethnicity, Race, and Income

social construction
SES (socioeconomic status)
a form of income or wealth overlaps with ethnicity and race national history and SES affect culture, development


Issues and Applications

My Name Wasnt Mary


4. Multidisciplinary
a broad array of disciplines and crosscutting topics each person develops simultaneously in body, mind, and spirit
Development is divided into three domains;
biosocial cognitive psychosocial


The Three Domains


Mirror Neurons
reflected brain cells observed actions
mirror the intentions, sensations, and emotions of those around

implications of Mirror-Neuron Research

possible cultural transmission or social organization


5. Plasticity
denotes two complementary aspects of development
human traits can be molded
yet maintaining durability of identity culture and upbringing affect both aspects of plasticity Genes and other biological influences

provides hope and realism

hope = changes is possible realism = each developing person must build on what has come before

Developmental Study as a Science

based on objective evidence laden with subjective perceptions
making developmental science challenging


Steps of the Science Method

to avoid distortions of unexamined opinions and to control the biases of personal experience
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ask a question developing a hypothesis test the hypothesis draw conclusions Make the finding available



Ways to Test Hypotheses

Four methods:
1. 2. 3. 4. Observation The Experiment The Survey The Case Study


record behavior systematically and objectively
occur in a naturalistic setting tries to be unobtrusive can occur in a laboratory or in searches of archival data


The Experiment

used to establish cause

a particular treatment to expose to a specific condition
notes whether their behavior changes
independent variable = imposed treatment or special condition dependent variable = specific behavior being studied
experimental group: is given a particular treatment control group: does not get the treatment


The Experiment


The Survey
Information is collected from a large number of people by:
interview questionnaire some other means
wording and the questions can influence answers


The Case Study

intensive study of one individual or situation
asking about past history current thinking future plans

can provide unanticipated insight


Studying Change over Time


Studying Change over Time

Cross-Sectional Research
designed to compare groups of people who differ in age but share other important characteristics
(i.e., education, SES, ethnicity)


Studying Change over Time

Longitudinal Research
design in which the same individuals are followed over time and their development is repeatedly assessed


Studying Change over Time

Cross-Sequential Research
designed to first study several groups of different ages and then follow those groups over the years


Caution from Science

developmental scientists also discover changes that are not beneficial
television, divorce, shift work, automobiles.


Caution from Science

Correlation and Causation

can be confusing
a correlation indicates the degree of relationship between two variables.
a correlation is positive if both variables tend to increase or decrease together a correlation is negative if one variables tends to increase when the other decreases a correlation is zero if no connection is evident


Caution from Science

Quantity and Quality
a second caution concerns how much scientists should rely on data produced
quantitative research: provides data that can be expressed with numbers qualitative research contains descriptions of conditions, and participants ideas

Caution from Science

Ethics in Research
Caution for all scientists is to ensure that research meets ethical standards
code of ethics
A set of moral principles that members of a profession or group are expected to follow


Caution from Science

Protection of Research Participants
Researcher must ensure that participation is voluntary, confidential, and harmless


Caution from Science

What should we Study?
Consider the most important ethical concern:
Are scientists studying issues that are crucial to human development?


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