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Debate On

JIT & Lean Production Possibility and its

Implementation in Bangladesh
PosL of Lhe Lvenlng
OSabal Elias
9eposlLlon CpposlLlon
O asnuva Anwai.
O Zafiin Aliei
O Sifai Sabiina
O Saima Clowdluiy
O Nusiai }aiin
O Nusiai Mannan
O Slaimin A.Sonia
O ajin
JhaL ls !l1?
O A coipoiaie sysiem designed io
pioduce ouipui wiilin ile
minimum lead iime and ai ile
lowesi ioial cosi by coniinuously
ideniifying and eliminaiing all
foims of coipoiaie wasie and
9hllosophy of !usLln1lme
O }I plilosoply means geiiing ile
iigli quaniiiy of goods ai ile iigli
place and ai ile iigli iime.
O }I is oiiginaied in }apan
O }I gained woildwide piominence in
ile ios.
O oyoia Moioi Co. developed }I.
O Ofien ieimed as "Lean Sysiems".
!l1 Coals and 8ulldlng 8locks
ing PIanning
EIiminate disruptions
Make the system fIexibIe
EIiminate waste
rapid fIow
Make system
ouces of JasLe
O Oveipioduciion
O Waiiing iime
O Unnecessaiy iianspoiiaiion
O Piocessing wasie
O Inefficieni woil meilods
O Pioduci defecis
!l1 8ulldlng 8locks
9oducL deslgn
O Siandaid paiis.
O Modulai design.
O Higlly capable pioduciion
sysiems wiil qualiiy buili
O Concuiieni engineeiing.
Landad 9aLs
O Ii means woileis lave
fewei paiis io deal wiil
and iiaining iime and
cosi aie ieduced.
Puiclasing, managing
and clecling qualiiy aie
moie iouiine and lend
ilemselves io coniinual
,odula deslgn
O Ii is an exiension of siandaid paiis, iley aie
sepaiaie paiis clusieied iogeilei and iieaied as
one unii.
Plghly Capable 9oducLlon ysLems
O }I iequiies liglly capable
pioduciion sysiem. Qualiiy
is ile sine qua non of }I.
Pooi qualiiy can cieaie
majoi disiupiions. Qualiiy
musi be embedded in
goods and piocesses.
ConcuenL Lnglneelng
O iinging engineeiing design
and manufaciuiing peisonnel
iogeilei eaily in ile design
9ocess ueslgn
O even aspecLs of pocess deslgn LhaL ae lmpoLanL fo lean
1 mall loL slzes
2 eLup Llme educLlon
3 ,anufacLulng cells
4 LlLLle wok ln pocess
3 CuallLy lmpovemenL
6 9oducLlon flexlblllLy
7 lnvenLoy sLoage
,anufacLulng Cells
W Cne chaacLelsLlc of lean poducLlon sysLems ls mulLlple
manufacLulng cells
W 8eneflLs lnclude
8educed changeove Llmes
Plgh equlpmenL uLlllzaLlon
Lase of cossLalnlng wokes
O Qualiiy impiovemeni means finding
and eliminaiing ile causes of
pioblems, so ilai qualiiy defecis
duiing ile pioduciion piocess can'i
disiupi ile flow of woil.
O Qualiiy impiovemeni can be done
iiougl ile use of autonomation.
ua||ty Improvement
Pioducii on f l exi bi l i iy
means abiliiy io aclieve oi
mainiain ile fiee flow of
ile pioduciion piocess.
9oducLlon flexlblllLy
O Invenioiy minimizaiion is ile fiisi mosi
issue in ile invenioiy sioiage piocess.
As invenioiy sioiage is esseniial in
pioduciion piocess, low invenioiies aie
ile iesuli of successful pioblem solving
i l a i a c l i e v e o v e i i i m e .
lnvenLoy sLoage
9esonal/CganlzaLlonal LlemenLs
O Woileis as Asseis
O Cioss-iiained woileis
O Coniinuous impiovemeni
O Cosi accouniing
O Leadeislip]piojeci
9esonal/CganlzaLlonal LlemenLs
9esonal /CganlzaLlonal LlemenLs
O Cioss-iiained woileis-
O Woileis aie iiained io peifoim
seveial paiis of a piocess and
opeiaie a vaiieiy of maclines
O Faciliiaies flexibiliiy
O Helps in line balancing
Personnel/Organizational Elements
Continuous improvement-

No problem
May occur problem
Production stop
Personnel/Organizational Elements
Traditional Accounting Activity based Accounting
Overhead cost Measurement Overhead Cost Measurement
Using Direct labor cost Using Actual Cost
Partial Result Accurate Result
Poor Management Decision Better Management Decision
Cost Accounting
even LlemenLs of 9lannlng manufacLulng and
conLol ae paLlculaly lmpoLanL fo !l1 sysLem
O Level loading
O Pull sysiem
O Visual sysiem
O Close vendoi ielaiionslip
O Supplieis iei
O Reduced iiansaciion piocessing
O Pieveniive mainienance and louseleeping
O A iaie-based pioduciion
scledule insiead of quaniiiy
based scledule
O Pioduciion scledules aie
ielaiively fixed .
O esi cloice of supplieis.
O Mixed model sequencing
O liee issues need io be iesolved
O Wlai is ile appiopiiaie pioduci sequence io
O How many iimes slould ile sequence be
iepeaied daily?
O How many uniis of eacl model slould be
pioduced in eacl cycle?
O A workstation pulls output from the preceding
O Output of the final operation is pulled by
customer demand
O The system works through communication
from succeeding station to preceding station
O Stock piles can be used as buffer
O Communicaiing ile nexi siep demand
O le signal io siaii woil ai vaiious siaiions in pull
O Can be any lind of visual signaling
O Kanban caid can be used
O anban is the Japanese word meaning 'signal or
'visible record
O Paperless production control system
O deal number oI ,3-,3 cards
part the oI usage daily percentoI 10 than
more no be (should container standard a oI Capacity
system the eIIicient more the 0, closer to (the system in the
cy ineIIicien possible relects that management by set iable Policy var
parts oI container a Ior time production average
plus parts oI ent replenishm Ior time waiting Average
center work using oI rate usage planned
container) per card (1 containers oI number Total
) 1 (

Iose Vendor ReIationships

or maintaining close vendor relationship a

company need to have
1 Few supplieis,
:. Supplieis aie encouiaged io exiend }I
. Repeai business wiil same supplieis
. Neaiby supplieis
. Fiequeni deliveiy in small quaniiiies
. Long-ieim coniiaci agieemenis
Reduced Transaction Processing
JIT vcduccs tvansaction costs that inc!udcs:
i. Logisiical iiansaciions
:. alancing iiansaciions
. Qualiiy iiansaciions
. Clange iiansaciions

!reventive Maintenance and Housekeeping

1 8eakdown ,alnLenance
2 9evenLlve ,alnLenance
upplle Lles

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1 1
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T|er 3upp||er T|er 3upp||er
2 2
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3 3
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T|er 3upp||er T|er 3upp||er
IrcciIicnc| cnc Iierec Supp|ier NeIwcrk IrcciIicnc| cnc Iierec Supp|ier NeIwcrk
Video cIip of DeII Video cIip of DeII
uell ls able Lo povlde excepLlonally shoL lead Llmes Lo Lhel cusLomes
1hel supplles cay lnvenLoy lnsLead of uell
Important factors to e||'s success
uependable supplles wlLh Lhe ablllLy Lo meeL uell's demandlng
lead Llme equlemenLs
A wllllngness of supplles Lo keep lnvenLoy on hand allowlng uell Lo be fee of
Lhls esponslblllLy

}I in Seivice
!l1 sevlce emphaslzes on
W Speed DeIivery
W High-quaIity.
W onsistency.
W Standard work method.
W FIexibIe worker.
W Iose suppIier reIationship
Service Service
Process Process
mprovement mprovement
Problem Problem
Solving Solving
Higber Higber
Productivity Productivity
ncreased ncreased
Customer Customer
Satisfaction Satisfaction
ln sevlces !l1 blngs
O Eliminaie disiupiions
O Male ile sysiem flexible
O Reduce seiup iime
O Eliminaie wasie
O Minimize woil in piocess
O Simplify ile piocess
1anslLlonlng Lo a !l1 sysLem
O Planning successful conveision
O i. Commiimeni of op managemeni
O :. Siudy opeiaiions caiefully
O . Obiain ile suppoii and co-opeiaiions of woileis.
O . Mainiaining ile cuiieni sysiem in minimum iime.
O . Conveii opeiaiions.
O . Conveii suppliei io }I and woil closely.
CbsLacles 1o Conveslon
O Managemeni may noi be commiiied.
O Woileis]managemeni may noi be coopeiaiive.
O Supplieis may iesisi foi many ieasons.
Aeas whee changes have been made
O Culiuial clange.
O Educaiion of woileis and supplieis.
O Empoweimeni of employees.
O Commiimeni of iop level manageis.
O Relaiionslip wiil supplieis.
O Reaiianging ile manufaciuiing piocess

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