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Lecture 2


S Lhe descrlLlon of Lhe sysLems und uLLerns
of seech sounds ln u lunguuge or
S Lhe sLudy of Lhe wuys ln whlch seech sounds
form sysLems und uLLerns
Wleo yoo leato a laoqoaqe, yoo leato wl|cl
soooJs occot |o yoot laoqoaqe aoJ low tley

S Lhe Lerm ploooloqy , llke grummur, ls

used ln Lwo wuys:
) Lhe menLul reresenLuLlon of llngulsLlc
z) Lhe descrlLlon of Lhls knowledge
S 1hus, ploooloqy refers e|tlet to tle
tepteseotat|oo of tle soooJs aoJ soooJ pattetos
|o a speakets meotal qtammat or Lhe sLudy of
Lhe sound uLLerns ln u lunguuge.

S Phono/ogico/ know/edge ermlLs u seuker

Lo roduce sounds LhuL form meunlngful uLLerunces
Lo recognlze u forelgn uccenL
Lo muke u words
Lo udd Lhe urorluLe honeLlc segmenLs Lo form luruls
und usL Lenses
Lo roduce uslruLed und unuslruLed volceless sLos ln
Lhe urorluLe conLexL
Lo know whuL ls or ls noL u sound ln one's lunguuge
Lo know LhuL dlfferenL honeLlc sLrlngs muy reresenL Lhe
sume morheme

S A seuker's phono/ogico/ know/edge lncludes

lnformuLlon ubouL:
whuL sounds cun occur uL Lhe beglnnlng of u word
whuL sounds cun occur uL Lhe end of u word
whuL sounds cun ueur nexL Lo euch oLher wlLh u
S Knowledge of honology deLermlnes how we
ronounce morhemes ln dlfferenL conLexLs
) Phonemes
z) Phones and a||ophones
) Minima| pairs and minima| sets
q) Phonotactics
) 5y||ab|es
Consonant c|usters
6) Coarticu|ations
Norma| speech
# Pitch

S Lhe smallesL unlLs of Lhe meanlngdlsLlngulshlng sounds ln a

4 ]t] sound Lype (or absLracL segmenL) Lhe slash marks lndlcaLes phoneme
4 t square brackeLs used for each phoneLlc segmenL or physlcally
produced segmenL
4 lL funcLlons conLrasLlvely such as ]f] and ]v]
4 fot and vot Lhere ls a change of meanlng lf we subsLlLuLe one sound
for anoLher ln a word
4 @he sounds share some feaLures descrlbed as members of a naLural class
of sounds
Lxamp|e 8oth are vo|ce|ess stops
]p] vo|ce|ess +b||ab|a| +stop
]k] vo|ce|ess +ve|ar +stop

S Lhe smallesL unlLs of Lhe meanlngdlsLlngulshlng

sounds ln a language
4 ]v] +vo|ced +|ab|odenta| +fr|cat|ve ( cannoL be Lhe same
as ]p] ]k])
4 slngle feaLure may have Lwo values plus (+) whlch slgnlfles
lLs presence and mlnus () whlch slgnlfles lLs absence
p b m
Lop + +
8llablal + + +
volced + +
nasal +

S Lhe smallesL unlLs of Lhe meanlngdlsLlngulshlng

sounds ln a language
4 9honet|c feature of vo|c|ng p|ays a spec|a| ro|e |n Lng||sh as |n
fee/ ooJ veo/ f/v wbeo o feotote Jlstloqolsbes ooe pbooeme
cop ooJ cob p/b ftom oootbet lt ls o Jlstloctlve feotote / o
pbooemlc feotote
4 Jhen Lwo words are allke phoneLlcally excepL for one feaLure Lhe
phoneLlc feaLure ls dlsLlncLlve slnce Lhls dlfference alone accounLs for Lhe
conLrasL or dlfference ln meanlng
4 eature Ana|ys|s
$pl$ and $kl$ why Lhe words beglnnlng wlLh Lhese are common ln
$vl$ why Lhe words beglnnlng wlLh Lhls are noL common

S Phones ure honeLlc unlLs und ueur ln squure

S A//ophones ure u seL of hones redlcLuble honeLlc
verslons or vurluLlons of one honeme: ospiroted vs.
unspiroted sounds
] pot j pi|| (uslruLed)
[] spotj spi|| (unuslruLed)
S 1hls ulso generullzes Lo Lhe volceless sLos:
jtj und jkj
S A vowel sound ji:j ulso hus vurluLlons:
seen Lhe effecL of Lhe nusul consonunL [n]
mukes [l:] sound nusullzed (called 't||de'
i:] seed si:d]
| seen s|n

S Minimo/ poirs ure ldenLlcul ln form exceL for

u conLrusL ln one honeme, occurrlng ln Lhe
sume oslLlon.
uL [pL baL bL
fan fn van vn
beL beL baL bL
slde sald slLe salt

S ,no/ sets ore a group of words whlch can

be dlfferenLlaLed each one from Lhe oLhers
by changlng one phoneme (always ln Lhe
same poslLlon ln Lhe word)
,lnlmal seLs based on Lhe vowel phonemes
of Lngllsh feot ft fot fote fouqht foot
,lnlmal seLs based on consonanL phonemes
blg plg rlg flg dlg wlg [lg glg

S Phonotoctics refers consLrulnLs on Lhe

ermlsslble comblnuLlon of sounds ln u
lunguuge (permitted orrongements oj sounds)
S ln Lngllsh, we cun form Lhe followlng mlnlmul
seLs: bq pq rq fq dq wq jq qq
S 8uL we cunnoL form mlnlmul seLs such us: /ig or
vig becuuse Lhey ure noL Lngllsh words
S A sy//ob/e most coota|o a vowel ot vowel-l|ke soooJs,
|ocloJ|oq J|pltlooqs ot a oo|t of soooJ coota|o|oq a
vowel aoJ opt|ooal coosooaots befote ot aftet tle vowel
S 1le most commoo type of sy//ob/e |o laoqoaqe las a
consonont befote tle vowe/ - (CV)
S as|c elemeots of tle syllable:
onset rhyme
nuc/eus codo
consonont(s) vowe/ consonont(s)
the part of the
sy||ab|e before
the vowe|
the part of the
sy||ab|e containing
the vowe| +
the vowe| in a
the part of a
sy||ab|e after
the vowe|
S Open sy//ob/e u sylluble LhuL ends wlLh u
vowel (or nuc/eus) und hus no coda
Examp|es: me to no see
S C/osed sy//ob/e a syllable tlat eoJs w|tl a
coosooaot ot codo
Lxomp/es: up ot cup hot

S The bosic structure oj o sy//ob/e jound in

Lng/ish words:
4 qteeo, speak, steal, ctab
4 eqqs, aoJ, eoJ
4 lam, oot, l|ke, tlem,
4 , owe
4 Jo
4 staoJ
4 tlaok

S Consonant C|usters
4 8oLh onset und codo cun conslsL of more Lhun one
consonunL culled consonont c/uster.
sto breuk ost cost f|uL
twln b|uck trlck throw
S CC onset comblnuLlons ure ermlLLed ln Lngllsh
S iquids j|j, jrj and a g|ide jwj are used in second position
S Eng|ish can have |arger onset c|usters (CCC):
stress j screen j strong j springj scream j square
(jsj+jpj,jtj,jkj+ j|j, jrj,jwj)
S Coorticu/otion Lhe rocess of muklng one sound
ulmosL uL Lhe sume Llme us Lhe nexL sound
S MosLly, our seech or Lulk ls fusL und sonLuneous,
so lL requlres our urLlculuLors Lo move from one
sound Lo Lhe nexL wlLhouL sLolng
S wo we||-known coarticu|ation effects:
z e|ision
. Assimi/otion ~ when Lwo sound segmenLs
occur ln sequence und some usecLs of one
segmenL ls Luken or coled by Lhe oLher
S his process happens during the physica|
production of speech
have hv] and nd]
have to go you and me
hft] [ju:nmi]
z. L/ision - Lhe rocess of leuvlng ouL u sound
segmenL ln Lhe ronuncluLlon of u word
you und me [ju:nmi], Lhe sound d ls noL
lncluded ln Lhe LranscrlpLlon
a precedlng nasal n and a followlng nasal m
we slmply do noL devoLe speech energy Lo
lncludlng Lhe sLop sound d
4 L ls noL lazlness buL lL ls efflclency
lrlendshlp fren|p
aspect spekt] aspects speks]
S Norma| speech
4 Assimi/otion ond e/ision occur ln everyone's normul
seech und should noL be regurded us some Lye of
slolness (curelessness) or luzlness ln seuklng
4 Avoldlng Lhe regulur uLLerns of usslmlluLlon und
ellslon used ln u lunguuge would resulL ln exLremely
urLlflclul-soundlng Lulk
4 1ry Lo undersLund Lhe regulurlLles und uLLerns
bused on Lhe ucLuul use of sounds ln lunguuge
4 NoL Lo urrlve uL u seL of rules ubouL how u lunguuge
should be ronounced
S Pitch ~ muklng volces sound lower, hlgher,
rlslng or fulllng
S igh voice vs deep voice
exclLed bored, fed u
frlghLened Llred
S We communlcuLe emotion ond meoning
Lhrough Lhe lLch we use
S ntonation ~ changing the tune we are using
or the music of speech, we are ab|e to convey
a much subt|er range of meanings
S 1oanne kenworthy (#)
4 ntonation is used to put words and information
in the foreground ( by using a high or wavering pitch)
in the background ( by using a |ower pitch than norma|)
to signa| ends and beginnings of conversations
to show whether a situation is 'open' or 'c|osed'
4 ntonation is a|so used to convey emotion,
invo|vement ,and empathy
hat's going on?
igh pitch ~ we are rea||y surprised or frightened
ow pitch ~ we are not very concerned at the
answer we wi|| get
4 ntonation ls ulso u wuy of modlfylng Lhe sLrengLh
or lnLenLlon of whuL we ure suylng
We// (ugreemenL, ucceLunce, doubL, or dlsugreemenL)
No (refusul, quesLlonlng of fucL, or dlsugreemenL)
4 ntonation shows how certain we are about what we
are saying and to indicate what response we expect
Youre okoy, orent you?
lo//ing tone ~ to coof|tm wlat yoo bel|eve to be tle case
Rising tone to slow oot oocetta|oty aboot wlat tle
aoswet w|ll be
4 lntonotion is crucio/ in communicoting meoning
4 Listeners jrequent/y get the wrong messoges jrom
4 lntonotion te//s us whot someone meons ond how
they jee/ obout it.
4 5tress Lhe Lerm we use Lo descrlbe Lhe olnL ln u
word or hruse where lLch chunges, vowels lengLhen,
und volume lncreuses
4 One-sy//ob/e word ~ no prob/em
4 A word with more thon one sy//ob/e ~ more comp/ex
4 A mu/ti-sy//ob/e words hove more thon one stressed
Primory stress ~ the strongest jorce with superscript mork ( ' )
5econdory stress ~ the weoker jorce morked be/ow the /ine
injormotion ,inf'mein] singu/ority [,siggju/rti]

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