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Contr|buted by Anubhoot| Ma|hotra

n|man| Sharma
@he Inst|tut|on of L|ectr|ca| and L|ectron|cs Lng|neers (ILLL) has deve|oped severa|
standards for LANs @hese standards are co||ect|ve|y known as ILLL 802 or ro[ect
@he ILLL pro[ect 802 d|v|des data ||nk |ayer |nto two sub |ayers
Log|ca| ||nk contro| (LLC) and Med|um access contro| (MAC)
LLC prov|des one s|ng|e data ||nk contro| protoco| for a|| ILLL LANs @h|s s|ng|e LLC
protoco| can prov|de |nterconnect|v|ty between d|fferent LANs as |t makes the MAC
sub |ayer transparent Cn the other hand MAC prov|des d|fferent protoco|s for the
d|fferent LANs
802.1 Network management and Internetworking .
802.2 LogicaI Link ControI (LLC).
802.3 Ethernet or CSMA/CD.
802.4 Token Bus.
802.5 Token Ring.
802.6 MetropoIitan Area Networks (MAN) or
Distributed Queue DuaI Bus (DQDB).
802.7 Band pass TechnicaI Advisory Group.
802.8 Fibre Optic TechnicaI Advisory Group.
802.9 Integrated Data and Voice Network.
802.10 Security Working Group.
802.11 WireIess LAN.
802.12 Demand priority
802.14 CabIe Modems
802.15 WireIess PAN
802.15.1 BIuetooth certification
802.15.4 ZigBee certification
802.16 Broadband WireIess Access(WiMax
802.16e (MobiIe) Broadband WireIess Access
802.16.1 LocaI MuItipoint Distribution Service
802.17 ResiIient Package Ring
802.18 Radio ReguIatory TAG
802.19 Coexistence TAG
802.20 MobiIe Broadband WireIess Access
802.21Media Independent Handoff
802.22 WireIess RegionaI Area Network
802.23 WireIess ISDN System
ILLL 8023 supports a LAN standard or|g|na||y deve|oped by kerox
and |ater extended by a [o|nt venture between D|g|ta| Lqu|pment
Corporat|on Inte| Corporat|on and kerox @h|s was ca||ed Lthernet
ILLL 8023 def|nes two categor|es baseband and broadband @he
word base spec|f|es a d|g|ta| s|gna|
@he word broad spec|f|es an ana|og s|gna| ILLL d|v|des the
baseband category |nto f|ve d|fferent standards 108aseS 108ase2
108ase@ 18aseS and 1008ase@ @he f|rst num (10 1 100)
|nd|cates the data rate |n Mbps
@he |ast number or |etter (S 2 1 or @) |nd|cates the max|mum
cab|e |ength or the type of cab|e
Carrier Sense MuItipIe Access with CoIIision Detection
Whenever muItipIe users have unreguIated access to a
singIe Iine, there is a danger of signaIs overIapping and
destroying each other.
Such overIaps, which turns the signaIs into unusabIe
noise, are caIIed coIIisions.
As traffic increases on a muItipIe access Iink, so do
coIIisions. A LAN therefore needs a mechanism to
coordinate traffic, minimize the number of coIIisions that
occur, and maximize the number of frames that are
deIivered successfuIIy.
In CSMA system, any workstation wishing to transmit must first
Iisten for existing traffic on the Iine.
A device Iistens by checking for a voItage.
If no voItage is detected, the Iine is considered idIe and the
transmission is initiated.
CSMA cuts down on the number of coIIisions but does not
eIiminate them.
CoIIisions can stiII occur.
If another station has transmitted too recentIy for its signaI to
have reached the Iistening station, the Iistener assumes the Iine
is idIe and introduces its own signaI onto the Iine.
The finaI step is the addition of coIIision detection (CD).
In CSMA/CD the station wishing to transmit first Iistens to
make certain the Iink is free, then transmits its data, then
Iistens again.
During the data transmission, the station checks the Iine
for the extremeIy high voItages that indicate a coIIision.
If a coIIision is detected, the station quits the current
transmission and waits a predetermined amount of time for
the Iine to cIear, then sends its data again.
Eucl stution on un Etlcrnct nctwork
(sucl us u Pt. workstution. or rintcr)
lus its own nctwork intcrlucc curo
(NIt). 1lc NIt usuull, lits insioc tlc
stution uno roviocs tlc stution witl u
six b,tc l,sicul uoorcss. 1lc numbcr
on tlc NIt is uniquc.
The baseband system use
Manchester digitaI encoding.
There is one broadband
system, 10Broad36.
Ethernet LANs can support data
rates between 1 and 100 Mbps.
PreambIe: The first fieId of the 802.3 frame, the preambIe,
contains seven bytes of aIternating 0s and 1s that aIert the
receiving system to the coming frame and enabIe it to synchronize
its input timing.
Start frame deIimiter (SFD): The second fieId of the 802.3 frame
signaIs the beginning of the frame. The SFD teIIs the receiver
that everything that foIIows is data, starting with the addresses.
Destination Address (DA): The destination address (DA) fieId is
aIIotted six bytes and contains the physicaI address of the
packet's next destination.
Source Address (SA): The source address (SA) fieId is
aIso aIIotted six bytes and contains the physicaI address of
the Iast device to forward the packet.
Length/type of PDU: These next two bytes indicate the
number of bytes in the coming PDU.
802.2 frame (PDU): This fieId of the 802.3 frame contains
the entire 802.2 frame as moduIar, removabIe unit.
CRC: The Iast fieId in the 802.3 frame contains the error
detection information in this case a CRC-32.
The first of the physicaI standards defined in the
IEEE 802.3 modeI is caIIed 10Base5, thick Ethernet,
or Thicknet.
The nickname derives from the size of the cabIe,
which is roughIy the size of garden hose and too
stiff to bend with your hands.
10Base5 is a bus topoIogy LAN that uses baseband
signaIIing and has maximum segment Iength of 500
Tbe second Etbernet implementation defined by tbe IEEE
8 series is called Base or tbin Etbernet.
Tbin Etbernet provides an inexpensive alternative to
Base Etbernet, witb tbe same data rate.
Tbe advantages of tbin Etbernet are reduced cost and ease
of installation. It also uses a bus topology.
4 The most popuIar standard defined in the
IEEE 802.3 series is 10Base-T, a star
topoIogy LAN using unshieIded twisted pair
(UTP) cabIe instead of coaxiaI cabIe.
4 It supports a data rate of 10 Mbps and has
a maximum Iength of 100 meters.
Star LAN is an AT & T product used infrequentIy today
because of its sIow speed. At onIy 1 Mbps, it is 10 times
sIower than the three standards discussed above.
What is interesting about Star LAN is its range, which can
be increased by a mechanism caIIed Daisy Chaining. Like
10Base-T, star LAN uses twisted pair cabIe to connect
stations to a centraI inteIIigent hub.
Local area networks have a direct application in
a factory automation and process control, where
the nodes are computers controlling the
manufacturing process.
n this type of application, real time processing
with minimum delay is needed. Processing must
occur at the speed as the objects moving along the
assembly line.
Ethernet Is not suitabIe protocoI for this purpose because
the number of coIIisions is not predictabIe and the deIay in
sending data from the controI centre to the computers aIong
the assembIy Iine is not a fixed vaIue.
Token Bus combines the features of Ethernet and Token
It combines the physicaI configuration of Ethernet and
coIIision free feature of Token Ring.
Token Bus is a physicaI bus that operates as a IogicaI ring
using tokens.
Stations are IogicaIIy organized into a ring.
A token is passed among stations. If a station wants to send data, it
must wait and capture the token. However, Iike Ethernet, stations
communicate via a common bus.
Token Bus is Iimited to factory automation and process controI and
has no commerciaI appIication in data communication. AIso, the detaiIs
of the operation are very invoIved.
When a station passes the token, it sends a token to its IogicaI
neighbour irrespective of where that station is physicaIIy Iocated on the
When the ring is initiaIized, stations are inserted into it in order
of station address, from highest to Iowest. Token passing is
done from high to Iow address.
Whenever a station acquires the token, it can transmit frames
for a specific amount of time.
If a station has no data, it passes the token immediateIy upon
receiving it.
The Token Bus defines four priority cIasses, 0, 2, 4, and 6 for
traffic, with 0 the Iowest and 6 the highest.
Each station is internaIIy divided into four substations, one at
each priority IeveI i.e. 0, 2, 4 and 6.
As input comes into the MAC sub Iayer from above, the
data are checked for priority and routed to one of the four
Thus each station maintains its own queue of frames to
be transmitted.
When a token comes into the station over the cabIe, it is
passed internaIIy to the priority 6 substation, which can
begin transmitting its frames, if it has any.
When it is done or when its time expires, the token is
passed to the priority 4 substation, which can then
transmit frames untiI its timer expires. After this the token
is then passed internaIIy to priority 2 substation.
This process continues untiI either the priority 0
substation has sent aII its frames or its time expires.
After this the token is passed to the next station in the
%he various fields present in the frame format are:
PreambIe: This fieId is 1 byte Iong. It is used for
Start DeIimiter: This one byte fieId marks the beginning of
Frame ControI: This one byte fieId specifies the type of frame. It
distinguishes data frame from controI frames. For data frames it
carries frame's priority.
Destination Address: It specifies 2 to 6 bytes destination
Source Address: It specifies 2 to 6 bytes source address.
Data: This fieId may be up to 8182 bytes Iong when 2 bytes
address are used & up to 8174 bytes Iong when 6 bytes address
is used.
Checksum: This 4 byte fieId detects transmission errors.
End DeIimiter: This one byte fieId marks the end of frame.
%oken Ring resolves this uncertainty by requiring
that stations take turns sending data. Each station
may transmit only during its turn and may send only
one frame during each turn. %he mechanism that
coordinates this rotation is called %oken passing. A
token is a simple placeholder frame that is passed
from station to station around the ring.
%oken Ring resolves this uncertainty by
requiring that stations take turns sending
data. Each station may transmit only
during its turn and may send only one
frame during each turn. %he mechanism
that coordinates this rotation is called
%oken passing. A token is a simple
placeholder frame that is passed from
station to station around the ring.
%oken ring uses a 6-byte address which is
imprinted on the NC card similar to Ethernet
SignaIing: %oken ring uses differential
Manchestar encoding.
Data rate: token ring supports data rates of
upto 16 Mbps.
Castelli, Matthew (2002). Network Consultants Handbook.
Cisco Press. ISBN 1-58705-039-0.
Gallo, Michael; Hancock, William M. (2001). Networking
Explained. Digital Press. ISBN 1-55558-252-4.
External links
IEEE 802.5 Web Site
Get the IEEE 802.5 standard
Troubleshooting Cisco Router Token Ring Interfaces discussion of IBM's failure in token
ring technology
802 Committee website
IEEE 802 Standards

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