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Name : M. Vani
Designation : Lecturer
Branch : AEI
Institution : Dr. B. R. Ambedkar GMRP,KNR
Year/sem : IV-SEM
Subject : Process Instrumentation-II
Subject code : AEI-405
Topic : Miscellaneous measurement
Sub topic : Audio sensors
Duration : 100 minutes
Teaching aids : PPT, Visuals
AEI405.88 To 89 1

In the last class we have studied about :

 Leak detector

 Water leak detectors

AEI405.88 To 89 2

Upon completion of this topic you would be able to

know about :

 Audio sensor (or) detector.

 Types of audio sensor.

AEI405.88 To 89 3

 Sound is defined as an oscillation in an elastic medium,

occurring within the frequency range to which the human
ear is sensitive.

 The audio frequency range is 20 to 20,000cycles /sec (Hz).

 The elastic medium is air.

AEI405.88 To 89 4

 Sound wave occur

 as pressure wave or

 as particle -velocity or
 particle-displacement.

 Microphone is the device which converts pressure wave

into electrical.

AEI405.88 To 89 5

 Microphones are classified according to the type of

response, whether the instrument is activated by

velocity, displacement, pressure of the sound waves.

 Ribbon microphone responds to velocity.

 Pressure –gradient microphone are sensitive to

difference in pressure between two points.

AEI405.88 To 89 6

 Ultrasonic microphones, respond only to frequency

above the hearing range i.e. about 25,000 to45,000 Hz.

 Other microphones are carbon, condenser, capacitor,


AEI405.88 To 89 7

 Audio sensor is a device which gives information about the

 Sound may be of three types

1) low
2) medium
3) high
 The low, medium sound is good to hear but a high sound
is not audible to the human ear.
AEI405.88 To 89 8

 Audio sensor is a device which converts the mechanical

energy in electrical energy

 The sound is measured in decibels (db).

 The sound is nothing but vibrations caused in air.

AEI405.88 To 89 9

 If we consider about our surroundings, apart from the air

and water pollution we are also facing the problem of

sound pollution, which is to be reduced.

 Measures are to be taken to reduce the sound pollution.

 Thus different audio sensors are developed.

AEI405.88 To 89 10

 This type of microphone is mostly used for precision

measurements because of good frequency and large

dynamic pressure range

 This microphone consists of thin metallic diaphragm in

close proximity to a rigid back plate

 The diaphragm and the back plate form the plates of the

AEI405.88 To 89 11
Condenser type microphone

AEI405.88 To 89 12

 The movement of the diaphragm caused by the

impinging of sound pressure results in a voltage given by

E ≈ Qd

 Where E = output

Q = Charge provided by the polarization


d = Separation of the plates

AEI405.88 To 89 13

 The microphone is provided with an air-leak for

equalization of the pressure on both sides of the

diaphragm to prevent the diaphragm from bursting

 The black plate also consists of damping holes

 The motion of air diaphragm causes air flow through the

holes which results in energy dissipation due to fluid

AEI405.88 To 89 14

 This damping effect is utilized in the control of resonant

peak of the diaphragm response

AEI405.88 To 89 15
Electrodynamic microphone

• It is based on the principle of generation of emf when a

moving coil is placed in magnetic field
• The Fig. shows the typical construction of it
• The sensing diaphragm is attached to a coil or ribbon
placed within the poles of a permanent magnet
• The movement of the magnet due to acoustic pressure
generates the analogous induced voltage in the coil

AEI405.88 To 89 16
Electrodynamic microphone

AEI405.88 To 89 17
Audio sensor 1

AEI405.88 To 89 18
Audio sensor 2

AEI405.88 To 89 19
Audio sensor 3

AEI405.88 To 89 20

In this class we have learnt :

 Audio sensor

 Types of audio sensors

AEI405.88 To 89 21

1. Sound energy is measured in

a) Decibels

b) Kilograms

c) Liters

d) none

AEI405.88 To 89 22
Frequently asked questions

1. What is meant by audio sensor. Explain ?

AEI405.88 To 89 23
Thank you

AEI405.88 To 89 24

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