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5: The role of circulatory system in the bodys defence system

Bodys Defence Mechanism

Circulatory System (CS) also defends the body against

disease abolition of the disease causing microorganisms (pathogen) Humans have 3 lines of defence against pathogens:

Skin # sweat # sebum

Mucous Membranes #Secretion of mucus

Phagocytosis by phagocytes

Antibodies producted by lymphocytes

First line of defence -prevent of pathogen entering the body (i) Skin -as a physical barrier -is made up of a dead keratinised layer - tough enough for pathogen to penetrate If there is a scratch/cut , the blood clots to seal the wound & avoids infection

-as a chemical barrier (a) sweat gland secretes sweat which contains salt , & lysozyme ( destroy bacteria) (b) Sebaceous gland secretes sebum-which contains acid & oil
## All these substances are unfavourable for growth of microorganisms

(ii) Tears & Saliva -Contain lysozyme - protect the eyes & mouth from pathogen invasion (iii) Gastric juice in stomach -contain hydrochloric acid destroys most pathogens in foods & drinks

iv) Mucous membranes -secrete mucus in nasal cavity & tracheas to trap the dust particles & spores - The cilia in the respiratory tract sweep the trapping particles to the pharynx & stimulate sneeze /cough to expel out the pathogens

Second line of defence (non-specific defence) -killing the pathogens that entered our body by action of phagocytic white blood cells (neutrophill & monocyte) known as phagocytes (process: phagocytosis) -occur when the pathogens get through the first line of defence . -Phagocytes move to the infected area due to the stimulation by chemicals released by damaged cells example cut skin.

The third line of defence (antibody)

1)is a kind of protein released by lymphocytes in response to the presence of foreign substances, called antigen in our body 2)Lymphocytes (WBC) : -found in lymph nodes & in the blood circulatory system -2 types : B- lymphocyte T-lymphocytes Secretes antibody Helps B-lymphocytes in antibody production

3)Antigen -is a substance (usually protein) normally found on the outer surface of pathogen. -different types of pathogen act as different types of antigen. 4)It is a specific defence because when a specific antigen invades the body, lymphocytes is stimulated & produces specific antibody to destroy these specific antigens. 5)This response is known as immune response because it resists the body from pathogens or disease

6) After any infection, some lymphocytes remain in the body as memory cells, which may last for several months /years. #This memory cells help to defend the body against next infection by the same antigen. #During this period, someone is said to be immuned for that particular disease. 7) Definition of immunity The ability of an organism to defend itself against infection by pathogens.

Types of Immunity

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