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Inner psychological characteristics that both determine and reflect

how a person responds to his or her environment.

Inner characteristics

specific qualities , attributes, traits, factors and mannerisms that

distinguish one individual from others.

This inner and deeply ingrained characteristics that we call personality influence the individuals product choice.

Identification of personality characteristic associated with consumer

behavior has proven to be highly useful in the development of a firms market segmentation.

Three properties are of central importance

Personality reflects individual differences


two individuals are exactly alike similar in terms of a single personality

Many individuals are

characteristic but not in terms of others

Personality is consistent and enduring

Consistency and

endurance are essential if marketers wants to predict

consumer behavior in terms of personality

Personality can change

Individuals personality may

be altered by major life events.

Personality also

changes as a part of gradual maturing process.

2) 3)

Freudian theory
Neo-Freudian theory Trait theory


Freuds psychometric theory of

personality is a cornerstone of modern psychology.


was built on the premise that unconscious needs

or drives, especially sexual and other biological drives, are at the heart of human motivation and personality.

constructed his theories on the basis of patients.


warehouse of primitive and impulsive drives individuals internal expression of societys moral and ethical codes of conduct. It act as a brake that restrains or inhibits the impulsive forces of the id. Individuals conscious control It attempts to balance the impulsive demands of the id and the sociocultural constraints of the superego.




:Personality is instinctual and sexual in nature. Believed: social relationship are fundamental to the formation and development of personality.

ALFRED ADLER(1870-1937)
governed by social urges.

Striving for superiority.

Unique life style(personality pattern). Creative self(choices and experiences.)

HARRY STACK SULLIVAN significant and rewarding relationship with others.

KAREN HORNEY 3 personality groups

Compliant Aggressive

personality: Moving Toward People personality: Moving Against


personality:Moving Away From



on measurement of personality in terms of specific psychological characters: TRAITS

any distinguishing or relatively enduring way by which one individual differs from other.


theorists :concerned with construction of personality tests. Single-trait personality test.


innovativeness. Consumer materialism. consumer ethnocentrism.


are innovators?

differentiate innovators from non innovators, the methods are 1) Consumer innovativeness:measurement scales 2)Dogmatism:- degree of rigidity - Highly dogmatic consumers - Low dogmatic consumers

3) Social character:-inner directedness (attracted towards product features and personal benefits) -Other directedness (social aspect)

4) Need for uniqueness (NFU):-if others won't criticize ,accept it

5) Sensational seeking:-need for varied and complex sensation and experience - ready to take risks - pulsar ad. 6) Variety novelty seeking:-exploratory purchase behavior -vicarious Exploration product -scope for new brand

Two most important cognitive personality traits are considered: Need for cognition and visualizers versus verbalizers.

The mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. That which comes to be known, as through perception, reasoning, or intuition; knowledge. cognition

It measures persons craving or enjoyment of thinking.




messages are more effective Spend more time in processing print adverts Prefer high verbal complexities in websites than visual .


and pictorial messages are more effective Spend more time with visual adverts Prefer high visual complexities in websites


materialism Fixated consumption behavior Compulsive Consumer behavior


have an addiction Mostly have damaging consequences Out of control Example- drugs


a 7 point Likert type scale to measure ethnocentrism) Marketers successfully target ethnocentric customers in any national market by stressin a nationalistic theme. Example, Made in France.

A set

of human characteristics associated with a brand of the brand reflects consumers vision regarding the brand
and Favorable Personality will strengthen the brand



Marlboro is masculine while Virginia Slims is feminine





masculinity, inviduality, unconventionality


freedom, adventure


sensuality, being cool

Enriches understanding


gain an in-depth understanding of consumer perceptions and attitudes towards the brand provide more insight than is gained by asking about attribute perceptions


Contributes to a differentiating identity


differentiate brands especially where brands are similar in product attributes In fact, it can define not only the brand but the product class context and experience

Creates brand equity


long-term brand equity


the brand and makes it distinct from other competitive offerings


characteristics can be primary drivers of a brand personality

Even the product class can affect personality


Insurance etc., tend to be Competent, Serious, Masculine, Older and Upper-class shoes tend to be Young, Lively, Rugged, Outdoorsy, Adventurous etc.,



Product Personality And Geography


Personality link
commands respect, authority

Marketing insight
Americas favored colour IBM holds the title in blue Men seeks product packed in blue Eyes register it fastest Associated with vegitable and chewing gum Make food smell better Coco-cola owns red


Caution, novelty, warmth Secure, natural, relaxed Human, exciting, hot, passionate


Goodness, purity, cleanliness, formality

Sophistication, power, mystery Regal, wealthy, stately

Pure and wholesome food Clean, bath products, feminine

Powerful clothing High tech electronics Suggests premium price

Is defined as the totality of individuals thoughts and feelings having reference to him/ her as an object. Life style, in many ways, is an outward expression of ones self-concept.


that an individuals have a concept of self based on who they think they are (the actual self) and a concept of who they think they would like to be (the ideal self).

Actual Self Concept Private Self Actual Self How I actually see myself

Ideal Self Concept Ideal self How I would like to see myself

Social Self

Social Self How others actually see me

Ideal Social Self How I would like others to see me.


is no one actual self. Consumers have various role identities mother, wife, working woman, volunteer etc. One of these roles is dominant in specific situations. This particular role affects the behavior (dressing style, talking, way they conduct etc) The amalgam of individuals roles makes up the individual self.


have confirmed that consumers buy products related to their self concept. studied buying of beer, cigarettes, soaps and tooth paste and found that respondents tend to prefer brands they rate similar to themselves. takeaways: the concept of actual self, says that image consumers have of themselves influences their purchases.



Product (Brand Image)

Relationship Between self concept & brand image

Behavior Seek products and Brands that improve/ maintain self concept.

Satisfaction Purchases Contribute to Desired self concept

Consumer (self concept)

Reinforces Self-Concept

Concept of ideal self relates to ones self esteem. The greater the difference between the actual self and the ideal self, the lower an individuals self esteem. Dissatisfaction with actual self, will end up in purchases of such products that they think will enhance their self-esteem. A woman who would like to be more modern, efficient and imaginative will use different perfumes, deodorant or shop at different stores than a woman who want to be warm/attractive.


that features beautiful models and luxurious life styles leaves a sense of inadequacy based on a comparison of their real self with idealized self. fashion model is 59 tall and weighs 55 kgs. But the average Indian Woman is 52 tall and weighs 65 kgs.


The desire for both self consistency and self esteem can be conflicting. Generally consumers buy products that conform to their actual self image. But if they are lower in their self esteem they are more likely to be swayed by appeals to fantasy that portray an idealized self ... the alluring woman, the lone biker on Bajaj Discover or well groomed male in Vimal suiting. Buying to achieve an unrealizable self image can lead to compulsive purchasing behavior (frequent buying to overcome the discrepancy between the real and the ideal self).


different contexts, consumers behavior might be guided by different self concepts. Daily use items including consumer durables purchase will be more guided by actual self concept. Socially conspicuous products or status products will be guided by social self image. Fantasy products cosmetics, fashion items or accessories will be guided by ideal self image or ideal social self image.


only does our self image influence the products we choose, but the products (of symbolic value) we possess frequently influence our self image. Extended self incorporates some of our more important possessions into our self concept. We are what we wear, and what we use. People seek, express, confirm and ascertain a sense of being through what they have.


symbolic role that products play in shaping the consumers self concept. Marketers have understood the role of product in projecting a persons Self image. Advertising for jewelry might show fashionably dressed models or expensive automobiles .. And ads for clothing might show jewelry. This brings in opportunity for co-branding


change themselves in an attempt to improve themselves. Attempting to express their individuality or uniqueness by creating a new self. They seek admiration and praise from others. They use opportunities to change themselves. Example: Makeover products


increasing use of internet, there is a rise in virtual relationships. behavior views this as an opportunity because people are ready to purchase products which relate to the virtual personalities.


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