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The Structure of Advertising Campaign

1. Appraise your advertising opportunity: - Is there a favorable primary-demand for the product? Are people willing and able to purchase my product at a price that will return me a reasonable profit? - Are there opportunities for product differentiation? - Can I identify any hidden qualities which might serve as the focal point of an ad campaign? - Are there any powerful emotional buying motives attached to my product? - What proportion of the people can afford to buy my product and can I reach them with ads and product?

2. Analyze your market: - Do I have sufficient information to define closely the target market? - Am I aware of the factors of that affect demand for my product? - What do I suspect will be the competitive response to my ad campaign? - Are there any legal constraints surrounding my advertising certain products or services? - Can I afford advertising? If so, how much is appropriate considering my market situation? - Do I have the capabilities to produce sufficient volumes of my product if sales increase dramatically because of advertising?

3. Determine your advertising objectives -- should contain: - What is the basic message I want delivered?

- Who is the audience I want reached?

- What do I want to happen because of the ad campaign?

- What are the specific criteria which will be used to measure the success or failure of the campaign after it is completed?

4. Establish you budget and the necessary control systems: - What kind of balance between reach, frequency, and continuity will be most effective? **reach: total number of different people or households to whom your message is delivered; **frequency: number of times your message is delivered within a given period of time;

**continuity: length of time your media schedule will run

5. Develop your strategy:

- Which media will deliver the most effective advertising messages to the greatest number of prospects at the lowest possible cost? - What kind of message should be created? To answer this consider the Following: 1) What business goals do you want to accomplish?
2) What kind of people do you now sell to? What kind of people should you be selling to? 3) How do people in your target market currently think, feel, and believe about your product, your company, and your competition? 4) What do you want these people to feel, think, and do?

5) What key thought can you put into these peoples' minds to make them think, feel, believe, or do what you would like?
6) What tone of voice will get those people to hear and believe you? - What is the basic theme that needs to be included as it appears, at least by implication, in all your ads and publicity.

6. Coordinate advertising with other promotional and marketing methods: - What other types of advertising and marketing efforts am I currently involved in? - How will these other activities affect my ad campaign?

7. Evaluate advertising results: - Have I done adequate pretesting before investing substantial money in a major campaign? - What criteria will I use to judge the effectiveness of my advertising expenditures after the campaign is completed? - What have I learned that will help insure that future campaigns will be more effective?


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