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or Hearing is one of the traditional five senses. It is the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations via an organ such as ear. The inability to hear is called deafness, whereas, Speech is the vocalized form of human communication.

You might have heard a great deal about listening, Psychologist, Therapist and Business Communication Experts constantly talk about the positive benefits of a being a good listener . Being a great listener can win you friends, improve your family relations, boost your business profits or advance your career. It can make people feel so good about being with you that they will literally follow you anywhere.

As a salesman or businessman we have got to listen to people everyday. Physician, judges, lawyers & stress counselor have to listen everyday. If we dont do this well, we might make a wrong choice. Miss some important fact or make people feel that we are not really interested in them.

When we go to home, we have to listen even more. You have got to listen to your family, in which we must admit we dont always do expertly. Thats a lot of listening with all the practice we get and with all attention this skill has received we would all be pretty good at it.

We are not very good listeners much of the time. Its not because we are lazy or stupid or uncommitted or anything like that. Its just that we all have trouble with listening because Listening is not a simple skill. Listening is an incredible complex skill to master.

The several techniques you can use that will improve your listening skills: Concentrate on what people are saying when you are in a conversation. Maintain eye contact with speaking individual Try not to judge or evaluate what speaker is saying before they are finished.



summary, the following six benefits will occur if you listen purposefully and positively because such attentive listening.

Leads to helpful, positive attitudes by understanding the hindrances that lie in the way of good listening. Permits the speaker and listeners to improve communication because each side is more aware of and receptive to the others viewpoint. Indicates by feedback to the speaker that listeners are interested in turn, the speaker tries harder to give his or her best presentation.

Helps listeners obtain useful information on which they can make accurate decisions. Creates better understanding of others and thus helps listeners work with others. Helps the speaker in talking out a problem, a person needs to receive, as well as give, help.


In the ancient world, writers such as Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian names unfamiliar to many people were some of the Greek and Roman practitioners of the art of rhetoric or persuasion. Its roots are deep, Its heritage is oral. Our statement suggests that orally moving a message from sender to receiver is not new. Throughout each day, in our personal life and in the world of business, you orally communicate with customers, colleagues, associates, supervisors, employees, employers, and others.

The following are seven steps for successful speaking. Determine the purpose Analyze the audience and occasion Select the main ideas for message Research to topics Organize the data and write the draft Create visual aids Rehearse the talk


all oral communication lies between informative speaking on one end of continuum and persuasion at the other end. Short talks may range from 1 to 10 minutes in length, whereas longer statements may vary from 10 minutes to 1 hour.

There are ways of delivering speeches i.e. for speaking and the options are 1) Extemporaneous, 2) Reading, 3) Memorization and 4) Impromptu delivery.


writing has its criteria to move ideas clearly across a page, so too does the speaker in an oral situation. Your voice is your trademark, it is part of yourself that adds the human element to your words

You can give extra life to your delivery in five traditional ways. Pitch Rate Volume Vocal Quality Pronunciation

The nonverbally communicate about yourself when speaking is very important i.e. your posture, your movements, gesture, facial expression and attire.

The stage fright, the sign of discomfort are universally experienced. The heart rate increases, blood pressure and body temperature rises and some say their mouth feels dry. All these are internal, none are visible to the audience. And surely you will also feel as if your voice is trembling and your palms are sweaty, these signs are not obvious to the audience.

In conclusion the strategy for improving oral communication is to follow seven steps. 1) determine your purpose, 2) know the audience and occasion, 3) select your main ideas, 4) collect data, 5) organize your material, 6) plan visuals if needed, and 7) rehearse about three times.


determine whether your talk is to inform, persuade, or entertain. Once that is determined, most likely you will present the talk be a extemporaneously from notes in an outline form.

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