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Political Schools of Thought


Gina Lee M. Santos

Liberalism Conservatism Socialism Communism

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The word "liberal" derives from the Latin "liber" (meaning "free" or "not a slave"). In everyday use, it means generous and open-minded, as well as free from restraint and from prejudice.
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John Locke (1632-1704) English philosopher who is often called the father of liberalism In his writings he argued in favor of limited government and protection for individual rights. Rejected the popular doctrine of the divine right 04/28/12 Gina Lee M. Santos of kings.

John Stuart Mill popularized and expanded liberal ideas in the mid19th Century utilitarian liberalism
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Types of Liberalism
Classical Liberalism Social Liberalism freedom of citizens Freedom from right to an coercion education, health laissez-faire care and a living economic policy wage opposes the provision of welfare state welfare 04/28/12 Gina Lee M. progressive Santos 6

What Makes A Liberal?

Liberals stress equality of opportunity, reject special treatment for those with privilege Equality before the law
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What Makes A Liberal?

Freedom is a leading value and it is pluralistic: freedom of association, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly Liberals are thought to be more permissive and open to change than Conservatives (e.g. samesex marriage) Gina Lee M. Santos 04/28/12

Different Kinds of Liberals

Egalitarian liberalism welfare state, progressive taxation, equalization payments, state intervention Libertarian liberalism rejects attempts of state to achieve social equality by manipulating the economy
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Key Liberal Principles

Responsible Government Civil Liberties Constitutionalism Individualism Rule of Law Majority Rule Popular Sovereignty International Co-operation


Gina Lee M. Santos


From the Latin word conservare to keep, guard, observe; a commitment to preserve tradition while recognizing there needs to be gradual improvement Favors tradition (in the sense of various religious, cultural, or nationallydefined beliefs and customs) in the face of external forces for change, and is critical of proposals for radical social change
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Founder of Traditional Conservative Ideology

Edmund Burke -Anglo-Irish Philosopher -British writer & Member of Parliament in Late 18th century -the father of Conservatism in Anglo American circles
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Wrote Reflection on the Revolution in France. Advocated conserving tradition, authority, and moral values. Asserts: That because of the profound human tendency toward irrational behavior, humans need guidance and direction from traditional authorities for society to enjoy peace and stability. M. Santos 04/28/12 Gina Lee


Types of Conservatism
Cultural Religious Fiscal


Gina Lee M. Santos


Key Conservative Principles Reverence for the past

Constitutional continuity Opposition to Revolution The Religious Basis of the State The priority of duties over rights Loyalty Common Sense and 04/28/12 Gina Lee M. Santos Pragmatism


It is the transitional stage between capitalism and communism. Karl Marx (Father of Socialism) American socialists favor an expanded role of govt. and share the following views: Public ownership of key industries Vast public job programs all who want to work will be put to work (Build jobs, not jails) High taxes for wealthy Cut in defense spending against war Social and economic equality is goal Against capitalist free market economy Healthcare and childcare provided for all Free post secondary education (college)
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A reaction to the Industrial Revolution, characterized by: rejection of the idea that the wealthy deserve their wealth because they created it - but instead an argument that wealthy exploit working classes vision of society based on economic equality belief in cooperation, production for benefit of all idea of public ownership of means of production


Gina Lee M. Santos


Socialisms principles
Egalitarianism (equality) Humankind will be unified and cooperative Wealth owned in common, used for the common good Capitalism exploits the very people who create societys wealth. Moralism Division of rich and poor is evil Capitalism is fundamentally unjust The ideal future = peace, social justice and true liberty for all.
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SOCIALISM PRINCIPLES man is naturally good a bad environment makes people bad govt should regulate economy public ownership equality is important, but the common good is the ultimate goal people give govt authority, and can take it away change happens through REFORM

Marx and Engels studied the history of the worlds economies. This means the way that power, industry and finance are controlled. They saw the way countries developed in stages. Communism


Capitalism Feudalism Primitive Communism


Gina Lee M. Santos


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