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EDU 3772

Pengurusan Makmal Sains Kuliah 1 dan 2


my teacher teaches science in class: I hear and I forget When she runs a demonstration: I see, I remember and then I forget When I do an experiment: I set up apparatus, I do and I get more confused.. Teaching is like fishing

Lesson Objectives:
By the end of this unit, you should be able to: 1. Explain the meaning of science 2. Describe with examples two main method of science 3. Explain the theory behind childrens science 4. Define misconception in science learning 5. Apply conversion factors for simple calculation.

A. What is science? What is technology? Science around us: Things and events (phenomena) in universe occur in patterns comprehensible through study Example: Science is activities conducted by humans with a desire to understand them. Interface of social and science is technology. Some technology has drawn directly on scientific knowledge, some feeding each other.

How ideas are developed?

World seen through naked eyes

1. Notice something

2. Common sense

3. Naive acceptance by everyone

Science starts to test the nave ideas

b. Methods of Science
i. Inductive Starts with many specific observations of nature to find a general statements about how it work Link ii. Deductive Starts with a few true specific postulates with the goal of proving true general statements (theorems or formulas) that logically follow the postulates. Laws/principles = a summary of previously unrelated facts. Boyles Law = For a fixed mass of ideal gas at fixed temperature, the product of pressure and volume is a constant: PV = k. Theories = a logical explanation of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena. Any objects dropped on earth has been observed to fall towards the center of the planet Newtons theory of universal gravitation.

c. Childrens Science

what is happening around them. Making sense of their observations. Develop perceptions from observations Develop own concepts from perceptions However, children frequently develop concepts differ from scientific views. Example:

The earth is the center of the solar system. The moon can be only seen during night. Fishes can breath in the water.


always have some ideas about scientific phenomena. Scheme theory (Piaget)
Assimilation Accommodation Equilibration

Stable Personal One

science are

own interpretation / meaning Inconsistent with scientific ideas (revised over historical time!!)


is light? Where is the light in this room? Can you prove the existence of light?

vs hot What happen when the water is boiled? It is difficult to teach new ideas until we know students existing ideas constructivist approach.

d. Misconceptions in science Misconceptions are

alternative understanding Incomplete ideas Flawed ideas

about scientific phenomena that learners have formed as they progress in chemistry. Also known nave conception, children science, preconception Importance highly resistant to change especially if they provide satisfactory interpretations to the students.


of knowledge Surface understanding Misinterpretation Factual errors Response to prior knowledge Response to personal experience Response to everyday language

e. Stoichiometric: Conversion Factor (CF) CF is a ratio represents the relationship between two different units. Examples: 1 foot 1 mol 12 inches 6.02 x 1023 atom Numerator and denominator are different unit CF is important to keep track of correct units In science, any numbers are meaningless without units.

EDU 3772
Pengurusan Makmal Sains Kuliah 3 and 4

Science education in Malaysia


education aims to create a national identity with the aim to: Eradicate poverty Rectify the economic imbalance 1960s, General Science was taught for the lower secondary. 1968, Projek Khas was introduced to improve primary pupils performance in science and maths .


the Scottish Integrated Science was adapted for Form I,II, III to replace General Science 1972, Modern Physics, Chem. And Bio. Were derived from Nuffield Science (England) for Forms IV and V 1974, Modern Science was introduced for upper secondary non-science students derived from Nuffield Secondary Science.


KBSM Stressed the development of scientific skills through guided-inquiry activities


are actively involved in solving and discovering scientific phenomena through investigations, discussions, and problem solving

National Education Philosophy


To encompass general knowledge, skills, values, culture and beliefs.




physical, spiritual and emotion Balanced and well-rounded individual A trained manpower and cherishers the national aspirations for unity Belief in God

National Science Education Philosophy

In consonance with the NEP, science education in Malaysia nurtures a Science and Technology Culture by focusing on the development of individual who are competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient and able to master scientific knowledge and technological competency.

Objectives of Science education


knowledge in S&T Acquire scientific and thinking skills Apply knowledge and skills in creative and critical manner for p-solving and d-making Face challenges in the scientific world Evaluate science and tech-related information wisely Realize that scientific discoveries are results of human endeavor.

Sejarah Makmal Awal 1950an US (laboratory experiment) dan UK(practical activities) laksana makmal orientasi aplikasi pam tandas 1960 Burner penyiasatan dan inkuiri data is gathered to verify a stated principle, develop scientific skills, problem solving, create interest and motivation 1970an Pendekatan makmal dipersoal pelajar hanya ikut prosedur (cook book) spt juruteknik 1980an banyak misconception dalam sains Pandangan konstruktivis pelajar bina pengetahuan dari pengalaman kendiri. Ini termasuk sosial konstruktivis perbincangan dan perkongsian maklumat dalam makmal. Implementasinya sukar dilaksanakan oleh guru.

Terminologies (SAMT)
Strategy Approach The general plan or T & L strategies: Emphasize thoughtful direction learning Ideas intended to deal with the situation. A way of doing something systematically. Approaches: Inquiry, contextual, constructivism, STS and mastery learning. Approach: Method Inquiry: discussion, experimentation Constructivism: discussion Contextual: project, field trip STS: field trip Mastery: remediation Method is translated into technique (T&L activities) stated in lesson plan such as techniques to do discussion, project or remediation.



A well-defined procedure for a specific activity

Organisasi Makmal Sains

Penyelaras (Ketua Panitia Sains) Selaras P&P Urus kewangan

Unit Bilik Sains Keceriaan Pameran Sains

Unit Stok Unit BBM Unit Keselamatan Urusan rekod stok Penggunaan Bahan Peraturan Makmal Simpanan alat tulis Selenggara BBM Alatan Kecemasan

Peralatan Sains
Peralatan Sains


Bahan Sains


Optik Kaca Elektrik Mesin ringkas

Spesimen Bahan Kimia Plastik Pakai habis

OHP Komputer Radio / TV Carta

Selenggara dan simpanan alatan sains Elak kerosakan Senang dikesan Susun ikut jenis Radas kaca:

Bersih sebelum disimpan Simpan dalam almari tertutup Bahan merbahaya dilabel dengan simbol Simpan dalam kepingan stifoam untuk elak gurisan Mikroskop / binakular dalam kotak khas + gel silika Sentiasa diselenggara supaya berfungsi Dibaiki oleh juruteknik bertauliah

Bahan Kimia:

Radas Optik:

Radas elektrik:

Peraturan: Masuk dengan kebenaran Hanya buku dan alat tulis dibawa masuk Jalan amali bawah pengawasan guru Guna hanya bahan / alatan yang dibenarkan Bersih radas selepas diguna Kembalikan radas / bahan ditempat asal Alatan rosak dilaporkan segera Sisa dibuang mengikut peraturan Kemalangan hendaklah dilaporkan dengan segera


1. 2. 3.

Kebakaran: Berhati-hati jalan amali libat haba, minyak, gas oksigen, kertas Langkah: Simpan bahan mudah terbakar dengan kuantiti sedikit Kawal penggunaan gas oksigen Elak haba dan bebab elektrik melampau

Pemadam api: Due jenis utama: Bahan kimia kering (sodium or potassium bicarbonate dan ammonium phosphate) Gas CO2 Kelas kebakaran: Kelas A bahan biasa seperti kertas, kain, papan, plastik Kelas B libat bahan meruap dan cecair mudah terbakar seperti gasolin, petrol, bahan organik Kelas C peralatan elektrik seperti suis, hot plate, peti kuasa, blender Kelas D logam mudah terbakar seperti magnesium, titanium, kalium dan natrium

Kegunaan: Kelas BC bahan kering sodium atau potassium bicarbonate Kelas ABC ammonium phosphate Kelas BC CO2 Kelas D serbuk NaCl Lain: Air kebakaran kelas A : Selimut kebakaran kecil yang boleh ditutup

Tindakan bila Kebakaran:


loceng kecemasan Matikan suis dan gas Bawa pelajar mengikut laluan kecemasan ke tempat selamat Telefon bomba Ambil kehadiran pelajar

Pertolongan cemas: Bantuan / rawatan pertama kepada mangsa yang cedera sebelum ketibaan ambulan / pegawai perubatan Matlamat: Selamatkan nyawa Minimum kesan kecederaan Elak keadaan lebih parah Tugas guru sains: Kenal pasti jenis kemalangan Nilai situasi bahaya kepada pelajar lain Dapatkan bantuan guru lain, ambulan, bomba Hubungi keluarga mangsa Rekod dan laporkan kemalangan

Tindakan guru: Luka kecil Pengsan Lecur kecil Kejutan elektrik Mata dimasuki bendasing Terkena asid Terhidu gas beracun

Ordinary people cannot use a fire extinguisher safely


to evaluate a fire Unaware of danger Lacking judgment regarding the correct use of portable extinguishers Dont know about the proper type of extinguisher Unfamiliar with the P.A.S.S method

Common fire classifications


Ordinary combustibles Paper, wood, rubber, plastics and textiles. Flammable liquids Oil, gasoline, solvents Energized circuits Electrical equipment and computers

How they work:


by cooling Area of class A fire which a non-expert can extinguish, with proper training

1-A is equivalent on Class-A fire to 5 liters of water 2-A contains has twice as much extinguishing agent

How they work:


by blanketing the fuel. Interrupts chemical reaction at fuel surface Class B ratings signify the area in square feet of flammable liquid fire a unit will extinguish when used, by a trained, non-expert

How they work:


C units have no numerical rating. A Class C rating doesnt imply any capacity Only indicates that the extinguishing agent is nonconductive, safe on energized equipment. Works by displacing oxygen, smothering fire

Extinguisher Common Features

Locking pin Carrying handle/ operating lever Pressure gauge Label:

Type: water,CO2,Dry chemical Classification (A, B, C) Instructions

Discharge nozzle or horn

Dry Chemical Multi-Purpose Rated




for general use: Reduced risk of re-ignition

CO2 Best


on burning liquids / electrical SHORT range 3 to 8 ft Emptied in 5 to 10 seconds! DISPERSES QUICKLY!


applying after the fire is out!


gets VERY cold hold properly

REACT- upon discovery of fire or smoke


person in immediate danger! Ensure doors are closed! (confine fire/smoke) Active the building alarm! Call the Fire Department! Treat ALL fires as DANGEROUS!

a complete building evacuation Do not attempt to fight a fire unless you are trained to use fire extinguisher!

Use a portable extinguisher ONLY if the:


is being evacuated (Fire alarm has been pulled) Fire Department has been called Fire is NOT spreading (small and contained) EXIT is clear (fight fire with your back to an exit) You have been trained and know how to use it.


= Pull A = Aim S = Squeeze S = Sweep

EDU 3772
Pengurusan Makmal Sains Kuliah 5, 6 dan 7


Process Skills Skills


Science Process Skills


that enable students to formulate their questions and find out the answers systematically

Science Process Skills



Using the sense of hearing, touch, smell, taste and sight to collect information about an object or a phenomenon



Using observations to group objects or events according to similarities or differences.


Measuring and Using Number

Making quantitative observations using numbers and tools with standardized units. Measuring makes observations more accurate



Using past experiences or previously collected data to draw conclusions and make explanations of events



Stating the outcomes of a future event based on prior knowledge gained through experiences or collected data.



Using words or graphic symbols such as tables, graphs, figures or models to describe an action, object or events

7. Using Space-Time Relationship Describing changes in parameter with time. Example of parameter are location, direction, shape, size, volume, weight and mass. 8. Interpreting data Giving rational explanations about an object, event or pattern derived from collected data.

10. Defining Operationally Defining all variables as they are used in the experiment by describing what must be done and what should be observed.

11. Controlling variables Identifying the fixed variable, manipulated variable, and responding variable in an investigation. The manipulated variable is changed to observe its relationship with the responding variable. At the same time, the fixed variable is kept constant.

12. Hypothesizing Making a general statement about the relationship between a manipulated variable and a responding variable in order to explain an event or observation. This statement can be tested to determine its validity.

13. Experimenting Planning and conducting activities to test a certain hypothesis. These activities include collecting, analysing and interpreting data and making conclusions.

Manipulative Skills

skills that enable students to:

and handle science apparatus and laboratory substances correctly. Handle specimens correctly and carefully Draw specimen, apparatus and laboratory substances accurately. Clean science apparatus correctly Store science apparatus and laboratory substance correctly and safely.


and reading ammeter, voltmeterconnecting parallel and serial circuit Setting up pendulum a stick solution Transfer solution



a piece of tissue for slide Focusing microscope Germinating seeds


atau aktiviti praktikal sains di sekolah merujuk kepada pengalaman dalam makmal sains, bilik darjah atau kerja lapangan yang menyediakan pelajar peluang untuk berinteraksi secara langsung dengan fenomena alam melalui pengumpulan data menggunakan peralatan, bahan dan teknik tertentu. adalah penting dalam kurikulum sains penting untuk proses inkuiri pelajar.


Aims of laboratory teaching

Support and reinforce theories by providing students with handson and practical experience. Improve students understanding of the methods of scientific inquiry. Develop students science process skills. Provide students with specialized lab. Skills Provide motivation and enjoyment Should be handled by lab assistants Basic safety in the laboratory Keep students away from the apparatus until they are ready to be used Ensure that students work in small group Ask student to manage their own group Teacher should continuously interact with all group.

Planning and conducting lab work



Planning and preparation before experiment Prepare lesson plan Check apparatus and chemicals Try out the experiment to identify the time needed, possible dangers, difficulties students might encounter and appropriateness of the apparatus. Teaching procedures a. Start - remind the safety procedures - explain the objectives of the experiment - explain the experiment procedure b. During - walk around and guide students

Cont c. End - discuss and analyze data - make conclusion - link the conclusion to the theory learned in class 3. Cleaning up procedure - ask students to clean and pack up apparatus - check all the apparatus used during the experiment - special or dangerous substance or materials

General Scientific Report

1. 2. 3. 4.


5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Title: Aim Problem statement Hypothesis Variables: a. Manipulated b. Responding c. Fixed Procedure: a. Materials and apparatus b. Steps (including safety precaution) Observation Data collection Analysis Discussion Conclusion

Planning for science demonstration


the concepts to be demonstrated. Choose the appropriate place so that all students can see the demonstration. Select the simple demonstration yet generate enhancement in student learning. Student can directly observe the process occur during the demonstration. Students can also be involved in the demonstration. Give direct explanation when conducting demonstration. Demonstration must be clear and big enough to be seen by all students.

Bidang tugas
Pengetua PK HEM PK Pentadbiran PK Koku Penyelia Petang Ketua Bidang Ketua Panitia Guru Mata Pelajaran Staf Sokongan

Pengetua Memimpin kurikulum dan membantu dalam aspek profesional seperti meluluskan Anggaran perbelanjaan dalaman Senarai keperluan pembelian

Ketua Panitia Bertanggungjawab kepada pengetua dalam pengendalian program kurikulum dan kokurikulum semua mata pelajaran sains dan matematik dari segi: Perancangan, perlaksaan, penyelarasan, penilaian dan pemantauan. Bimbingan professional kepada guru Sains dan staf sokongan Pengurusan makmal

Memastikan semua kenmudahan fizikal makmal menepati ciri keselamatan Memastikan kelengkapan makmal mencukupi dan selamat Merancang pelan keselamatan dan kecemasan Latihan kecemasan dan kebakaran Latihan dan kelengkapan kecemasan Menyediakan senarai tugas guru dan staf makmal.

Ketua Panitia Sains


ketua bidang merancang, melaksanakan, menyelaras dan menilai P & P sains dan makmal seperti:

merancang perbelanjaan tahunan Menyemak dan mengemaskini stok Merekod peralatan rosak dan lupus

Staf Sokongan Setiap 2 makmal mesti ada: 1 jawatan pembantu makmal C7 + 1 jawatan Pembantu Am Rendah N13. Tugas harian: Buka pintu / tingkap makmal Pastikan kebersihan makmal Pastikan alat berfungsi Pastikan hidupan terjaga Pastikan keselamatan Sediakan dan simpan alatan Kendali sistem maklumat

Tugas hari Sabtu: Bantu ketua bidang dan guru sains kemas kini rekod Menyediakan bahan kimia Bantu baikpulih dan selenggara alatan Mengecas akumulator Bersihkan longkang Tugas khas cuti sekolah Cat permukaan meja Bantu tugas pelupusan Selenggara taman sains, bangunan makmal



Diberi mengikut Bantuan Per Kapita (Per-Capita Gross PCG) 2 kali setahun 1 oktober tahun sebelumnya dan 1 julai tahun semasamengikut bilangan pelajar.

Tingkatan Peralihan Ting. 3 Ting. 4 dan 5 Ting. 6

Kadar PCG RM 15.00 RM 30.00 RM 45.00

Perbekalan dan Pembelian


pembelian peralatan dan bahan terdapat dalam kontrak pusat atau KPM, ia hendaklah dibeli terus dari syarikat tersenarai. Jika tidak, pembelian dibuat dari syarikat yang dipilih oleh Jawatankuasa Sebut Harga. Bekalan yang diterima akan direkod dalam daftar stok. Guru Kanan Sains menandatangani Sijil Akuan Penerimaan (SAP) dan disah oleh Pengetua. Pembayaran dibuat hendaklah direkod oleh Guru Kanan Sains supaya diketahui bakinya.

Penyelenggaran Stok Stok diselenggara sekurang2nya 6 bulan sekali bagi memudahkan: 1. Semakan 2. Rekod 3. Mengesan pergerakan alatan / bahan 4. Rancang perolehan Peralatan dan bahan diterima atau dikeluarkan hendaklah direkod menggunakan borang: Daftar Harta Modal barang tak luak > RM 500 Daftar Inventori (selalunya bentuk kad) barang tak luak < RM500 Daftar Stok Bekalan Pejabat (bentuk buku) barang luak seperti alatulis yang rendah nilainya Daftar Pergerakan Harta Modal dan Inventori (bentuk buku) pinjaman atau penempatan sementara harta modal atau inventori

Hapus Kira dan Pelupusan (harta kerajaan)

Hapus Kira: Alatan yang secara fizikalnya tidak ada dalam simpanan seperti hilang. Pelupusan: Alatan atau bahan rosak, pecah, lebih tarikh luput, tidak sesuai, reput, usang, tidak ekonomik untuk dibaiki yang perlu dikeluarkan dari stok. Perlu untuk penjimatan ruang dan pengurusan stok. Dibuat dari masa ke semasa.

Tatacara perlupusan Guru Kanan Sains mengenalpasti dan menyenarai alatan / bahan untuk dilupus Alatan > RM 10000 seunit dilupus melalui Lembaga Pemeriksa Alatan < RM 10000 seunit dilupus tanpa melalui Lembaga Pemeriksa dengan menghantar 4 salinan barang2 tersebut ke Bahagian Kewangan KPM melalui JPN. Cara Perlupusan: Jualan lelonh atau Tender Pindahan ke sekolah lain atau bahagian kerajaan lain Tukar beli Pemusnahan

Penyelenggaraan Makmal Sains


semak Peredaran udara: kipas penyedut Sistem saluran gas: silinder gas Sistem pendawaian: diperiksa oleh pegawai bertauliah Sistem air: Sinki, paip, longkang Penunu Bunsen Perabot makmal Kebuk wasap

Penyelenggaraan Peralatan dan Bahan Sains


semak: Alatan kaca: alatan dicuci dengan bersih. Disusun mengikut saiz dan jenis disimpan ditempat tidak terlalu tinggi. Alatan kecil (piring kaca, tiub spesimen, piring petri disimpan dalam talam)
Tiub dan rod kaca: diletakkan secara mengufuk supaya tidak lentur. Tutup lubang kedua2 hujung bagi elak habuk. - Buret dan pipet: disimpan secara menegak - Botol Reagen: Labelkan dan susun ikut abjad.


dan teleskop: Simpan dalam kotak dikhaskan yang kering dan pengudaraan yg baik.


Ammeter / Voltmeter: Bersih dan simpan tempat kering untuk elak berkarat. Jgn simpan berdekatan dgn magnet. Termometer: disimpan dalam bekas elak pecah Angkup vernier: simpan dalam desikator elak berkarat Neraca: simpan dalam bilik persediaan, jauh dari bahan kimia menghakis Akumulator: sentiasa dicas Osiloskop: simpan tempat yang stabil (sensitif pada gegar)


Kimia: bahan kimia toksik dan merbahaya hendak disimpan rapi dalam stor berkunci dengan label Bahan Beracun. Bahan kimia peka cahaya disimpan dalam bilik gelap. Asingkan bahan kimia organik dengan bukan organik. Sistem pengudaraan yang baik. Rak mestilah bertubir (tahan botol dari jatuh). Cecair meruap dan merbahaya disimpan dalam kebuk wasap. Label larutan stok dengan Nama bahan dan formula, kepekatan dan tarikh penyediaan.

Keselamatan Makmal Sains


kemalangan lalai, cuai, luar

jangka Elak tingkat pengetahuan, arahan yang jelas, maklumat mencukupi, sediakan prosedur lengkap, aktiviti makmal yang selamat, pengawasan dan pemantauan, mematuhi peraturan, meningkat kemahiran.

Peraturan dalam makmal Sains


dan minuman tidak boleh dibawa masuk ke makmal Kebenaran guru diperoleh sebelum masuk makmal Kembali peralatan dan bahan ke tempat asal Guru perlu sentiasa mengawasi perjalanan makmal Penggunaan alat perlindungan seperti kacamata keselamatan. Alatan / bahan sains tidak dibenarkan dibawa keluar dari makmal.

Highly Toxic

flammable agent

Oxidizing Corrosive Irritant

Radioactive Explosive

Keselamatan pengendalian bahan sains: Pengendalian tumpahan bahan kimia Pengendalian bahan radioaktif Pengendalian bahan biologi

EDU 3772 Lecture 8 - 14

Laboratory and demonstration


4 major aims of laboratory works Describe 2 approaches to lab work Explain 3 aspects involved in the planning and conducting lab work Identify 3 accidents and ways to handle them in the lab work Describe the general guideline for an effective demonstration Define pedagogy, pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)

Aims of laboratory teaching

General aims: Support and reinforce theories by providing students with hands-on and practical experience Improve students understanding of the methods of science inquiry Develop students science process skills Provide students with specialized lab skills Provide motivation and enjoyment

Approaches to lab work

Two approaches: 1. Deductive - common in school - to confirm concepts, laws or principles - transmit information where teacher explain one concept, followed by experiment to verify the concept - easier, guided-inquiry - examples?

2. Inductive - common in higher education - to find concepts, laws or principles from the data - explore and involve in designing the experiment - time consuming, try and error, freeinquiry - examples?

Technical skills in science experiment

Subject Physics Skills

and reading ammeter, voltmeter -Connecting parallel and serial circuit -Setting up pendulum


a chemical -prepare for titration -Transfer solution



a piece of tissue for slide -Focusing microscope -Germinating seeds

Planning and conducting lab work

Three aspects involve: 1. Planning and preparation before experiment - Prepare lesson plan - Check apparatus and chemicals - Try out the experiment to identify the time needed, possible dangers, difficulties students might encounter and appropriateness of the apparatus.

2. Teaching procedures a. Start - remind the safety procedures - explain the objectives of the experiment - explain the experiment procedure b. During - walk around and guide students c. End - discuss the data - analyze data - make conclusion - link the conclusion to the theory learned in class

Cleaning up procedure

students to clean and pack up apparatus Check all the apparatus used during the experiment Special or dangerous substances or materials should be handled by lab assistants

Basic safety in the laboratory


students away from the apparatus until they are ready to be used Ensure that students work in small group Ask student to manage their own group Teacher should continuously interact with all groups

Minor accidents

clean the affected area with clean cloth or cotton and exert a little pressure Injury to eyes (splash with chemical) place the eyes under running water Scalding (as from contact with hot liquid) immerse the affected area in clean water until the pain subsides

Planning for science demonstration


the concepts to be demonstrated Choose the appropriate place so that all students can see the demonstration Select the simple demonstration yet generate enhancement in student learning Student can directly observe the process occur during the demonstration Students can also be involved in the demonstration. Give direct explanation when conducting demonstration. The demonstration must clear and big enough to be seen by all students.

PCK some definitions:

i. ii.


Pedagogy the principles and methods of instruction Pedagogical knowledge ones understanding of t & l process independent of subject matter. Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) knowledge about the t & l of paticular subject or content - knowing about a topic - knowing about the t & l of that topic

What is PCK?

understanding and abilities that integrate knowledge of science content, curriculum, learning, teaching, and students. The ways of representing and formulating the subject that make it comprehensible to students, distinguishes the science knowledge of teachers from scientists. An understanding of what makes the learning of specific topics easy or difficult.

PCK is an accumulation of:


of subject matter Knowledge of students alternative conceptions Knowledge of curricula Knowledge of general pedagogy. Knowledge how to teach specific concepts Knowledge how to assess and get feedback. Knowing what, when, why, and how to teach

What science classes dont tell us?






Content how does the contents fit together? Atom, ion, cell, heat, nutrition, blood, electricity. Process where did the formulae come from? Heat absorbed = mc t Why is it difficult for students to learn science? Memorize a lot of facts, drilled practices, abstract, dynamic How do I help my students learn science? How to conduct formative assessment and get feedback? How should I prepare and use technologies for multiple representation?

Ways to present concepts

Illustration Analogy Mental

imaginary Aware of linguistic traps


teachers should represent knowledge for students to achieve some understandings. Example 1: How to represent that the density of water is more that vegetable oil?
mwater Vwater
oil water water oil >

moil Voil

Example 2: How to illustrate a standard atmospheric pressure (1.00 atm)?

Standard Atmospheric Pressure = 1.00 atm 760 mm Hg 760 torr 101.325 kPa

Example 3: How to illustrate the idea of Boyles Law (the product of the volume and pressure) of a fixed quantity of an ideal gases constant, given constant temperature.

Analogies are used to describe and explain difficult science phenomena.

Energy = Pain. For the energy content of different wavelengths of light: imagine each wave of light as a sledgehammer poised at the peak. Which hurts more, short wavelength or long wavelength? For the difference between chromatin and chromosome, think of a ball or skein of yarn as you buy it from the store (wound up, as DNA in chromosomes) and then what it is like after you let your pet cat play with it (uncondensed, as in chromatin).

Mental Imagery

Observable objects reagents, specimen Microscopic Unobservable objects atom, cell, virus, bacteria, sperm, chloroplast Symbolic Light (arrow), food web

Mental Imaginary


Linguistic traps

Exothermic heat is released from the system to the surroundings increases. Endothermic heat is absorbed by the system from the surroundings, the temperature of the surroundings decreases.

Is this Endothermic or Exothermic? 1. Put one ice cube in a container and heat the container slowly. The container become hot (temp. increase) and the ice melts. a. system ice cube b. surrounding container, hand

Multimedia Presentation
Text: One idea per each slide Get straight to the point Do not blink the text Use large font sizes (eg: 28 36 Arial) Use the same font consistently Do not use fancy text effects just for fun! Use underline or italic for keyword


light backgrounds and dark text or vice versa. Consistent text color. Highlight key words in a contrasting color Different color should signify something different or important point.

Graphics / Sounds / Videos (GSV)


only GSV related to the idea. Avoid unrelated GSV especially fancy sound. Consistent about graphics and videos placement. Graphics such as charts should be labeled. Use scientific graphical illustrations as much as possible. Do not use animation effects unnecessary.

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