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Communication Skills Click to edit Master subtitle style



Words Mean Different Things to Different People. The Initiation of a Message Provides No Assurance It Has Been Received. Communications Often Become Distorted as They Are Transmitted.

Why is Communication Important?

Everything a manager does involves communication. Effective communication skills can lead to problems for the manager. Communication of content Supportive communication


Communication of Content

Channel choices

In person Telephone Email Written Third party


Supportive Communication


A focus on processes. Two categories: Coaching: giving advice, direction or information to improve performance focus on abilities Counselling: helping the person understand and resolve a problem themselves by displaying understanding focus on attitudes

What Is the Interpersonal Communication Process?

Communication Sequential Steps

Encoded Transmitted Decoding Noise Feedback


Exhibit 3-1: The Communication Process Model


Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

Avoid Barriers to Communication. Send Understandable Messages: Effective communication. Actively Listen. Utilize Non-verbal Signals. Give and Solicit Meaningful Feedback. Adapt to Diversity of Communication Styles try multiple channels

What Are the Barriers To Communication?

Frames of Reference Semantics Value Judgments Selective Listening Filtering Distrust


Attributes of effective communication

Problem oriented not person oriented

I dont like the way you dress for work. You are not very professional.


Attributes of effective communication

Congruence versus incongruence Mismatch between what one feels/thinks and what one says

Im disappointed that we didnt reach our target and that we arent getting our bonuses.


Attributes of effective communication

1. 2.


Descriptive versus evaluative Avoid judgment How: describe objectively; focus on the behaviour and your reaction not the others attributes; focus on solutions You screwed up

Attributes of effective communication

Invalidation: Superiority Rigidity Indifference impervious

Validation: Respectful Flexible Two way communication Identify areas of agreement


Attributes of effective communication

specific not global you never ask for my advice

You are lazy


Attributes of effective communication

Conjunctive not disjunctive

Lack of equal opportunity to speak? Extended pauses? Who controls the flow?

A continuum


Attributes of effective communication

Owned not disowned

Use of I statements not you or other statements

Ive heard that you


Attributes of effective communication

Two way not one way

Listening by responding


Exhibit 3-2: Guides for Giving and Receiving Feedback

Criteria for Giving Feedback
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Make sure your comments are intended to help recipient. Speak directly and with feeling. Describe what the person is doing and the effect the person is having. Dont be threatening or judgmental. Be specific, not general (use clear and recent examples). Give feedback when the recipient is open to accepting it. Check to ensure the validity of your statements. Include only things the receiver can do something about. Dont overwhelm the person with more than can be handled.


Exhibit 3-2: Guides for Giving and Receiving Feedback

Criteria for Receiving Feedback
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Dont be defensive. Seek specific examples. Be sure you understand (summarize). Share your feelings about the comments. Ask for definitions. Check out underlying assumptions. Be sensitive to senders nonverbal messages. Ask questions to clarify.


How Do You Receive and Understand Messages Accurately?


Active Listening

Sensing Attending Reflecting


How Can You Utilize Nonverbal Cues?

Visual Tactile Vocal Time and Space


Exhibit 3.3: Means of Nonverbal Communication

Components Image Facial Expressions Eye Movements Posture Gestures Examples Meanings Communicated

Clothing, hygiene Values, competence Frown, smile, sneer Unexpressed feelings Looking away, staring Intentions, state of mind Leaning in, slumped Attitude Handshake, wave Intentions, feelings

Touch Pat on the back Gentle touch on an arm Approval Support and concern


Exhibit 3.3: Means of Nonverbal Communication

(continued) VOCAL
Components How things are said Vocal intonations Examples Meanings Communicated Different meanings, e.g. Sarcasm, disapproval

Loudness, pitch, rate Rhythm, pitch, clarity

Body closeness 0 2 feet Feelings of intimacy Furniture arrangement Large pieces far apart Formal and serious


How Can You Adapt to Diversity of Communication Styles?

Differences in Communication Styles

The Socializer The Director The Thinker The Relater


Cultural Differences


Gender Differences


How Can You Facilitate Communication with Diversity?

Assume Differences Emphasize Description Empathize Treat Interpretations as Guesses


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