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Presented By N.Yathendra Prasad.

Basic Terminologies Web Services What is SOA?

Introduction &Why SOA?

SOA & its Entities SOA Infrastructure Properties of SOA Conclusion

1.Distributed Application
2.MiddleWare: Computer software that connects the components Mainly Built for Distributed Application. Support for Interoperability Types

Examples :

EAI, Transaction Monitors.

Component capable of performing a task.

4.Web service : Software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.

Web Service
Application component used by other application Basis of Web Services : XML + HTTP Elements of Web Services : 1.SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) 2.UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration) 3.WSDL(Web Service Description Language). SOAP : XML-based protocol to let applications exchange information over HTTP. * Communication Protocol UDDI : Directory Where companies can Register and Search for Web Services. * Directory of Web Services Interfaces WSDL: XML based language for locating and describing Web Services

What is SOA?
Definition : Service Oriented Architecture as an architectural style for building systems based on interacting autonomous components called services. (OR) A set of components which can be invoked, and whose interface descriptions can be published and discovered .

SOA is not just an architecture of services but ensure the right services
are provided and consumed. General Definition :

Designing application using services.

Introduction and Why SOA?

Distributed Application s Tightly coupled have nature i.e. do not deal with changing Environment E g: Data types SOA is an Evolution of Distributed Applications Loosely Coupled Reason : Divides the interface and implementation part Heterogeneous Environment Example : operating system and programming language.

SOA & its Entities

What is Software Architecture ? Software Architecture

SOA is a Special Kind of Software architecture

JINI : Light weight environment for discovering and using services on the network SOA separates service interface from its implementation.

Hierarchical Structure

SOA Entities :

1. 2. 3. 4.

Service Consumer Service provider Service Registry Service Contract

5 . Service proxy

To run and manage SOA Applications, enterprises need SOA infrastructure WS-I Basic Profile Used for Service testing

SOA Characteristics
1. Loosely Coupled 2. Service Interface And Service Implementation

3.Interoperability 4. Contract and information hiding 5. Discoverable and Dynamically Bound

Rather than developing the Application from the scratch make use of

the services available which saves time and the cost and other


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