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Human Social Temperaments:

yin, yang, and harmony

social temperaments: yin, yang, and harmony


1. Personality
2. Social Temperaments

The Source of the Presentation

Human Social Temperaments: yin, yang, and harmony

The three basic human social temperaments are yin, yang, and
harmony for feminine collective wellbeing, masculine individualistic
achievement, and harmonious connection, respectively. The
harmonious temperament transcends yin yang, and exists only in
human. The theory of human social temperaments is the combination
of the three popular theories, including the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI), the Big Five, and the Merrill-Reid social style
theory. The theory starts with the personality system based on the
brain structure and neurotransmitters. Human social temperaments
are derived from the personality system and the instincts. The yin,
the yang, and the harmonious temperaments produce the collective,
the individualistic, and the harmonious societies, respectively.
The Social-Information Personality System
Information Process Personality system Personality The Big Five
Type (MBTI)
Admission High Sensitivity (S) introvert (I)
Low Assertiveness (A) extrovert (N) Extrovert (E)
Resolution High Distinctness (D) sense (S) Consciousness (C)
Low Network (N) intuition (N)
Action High Goal (G) thinking (T)
Low Context (C) feeling (F) Neuroticism (N)
Openness High Updating (U) perceiving (P) Openness (O)
Low Persistence (P) judging (J)
Social Relation
Commitment High Bonding relation (B) Agreeable (A)
Low Free relation (F)
The Social Temperaments for Primate Social Structures
Social Temperaments Characteristics Primate Social Merrill-Reid
Structures Temperaments
Yin (BNC) Passive (S) –active (A)
Yang (FDG) or flexible Intragroup
or harmony interaction
Yin Passive passive loose Amiable
collective collective
wellbeing society       
Yang Passive passive loose Analytical
individualistic individualistic
achievement society
Yin Active active collective tight collective Expressive
wellbeing society
Yang Active active tight Driver
individualistic individualistic
achievement society
Harmony Flexible harmonious harmonious
connection society
1. Personality
In Section 1, the personalities are derived from the brain
structure-neurotransmitters. The proposed personality
system is the social-information personality system. The
two general types of personality are the social relation type
for socialization and the information process type for the
human brain process information like a computer. There are
one factor for the social relation type and four different
factors in the information process type. These four factors
correspond approximately to the four factors in the popular
Myers-Briggs Type MBTI. These four factors in addition to
the social relation type correspond the five factors in the
popular Big Five.
Popular Personality Theories
The two popular theories are the Big Five and Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI).
the Big Five (OCEAN) :
1. openness to experience (appreciation for unusual ideas, imagination,
and curiosity)
2. conscientiousness (tendency to act dutifully rather spontaneously)
3. extraversion (to seek the company of others)
4. agreeableness (tendency to be compassionate and cooperation
rather than suspicious to others)
5. neuroticism (a tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily).
MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)
1. Introvert-extrovert
2. sense-intuition
3. thinking-feeling
4. judging-perceiving.
The Social-Information Personality System

The proposed personality system is the social-information

personality system. The two general types of personality:
1. The social relation type: deals with social relation.
2. The information type: deals with how the human brain
process information like a computer. There are four
different factors in the information process type. These
four factors correspond approximately to the four factors
in MBTI. These four factors in addition to the social
relation type correspond the five factors in the Big Five.
1.1.The Social Relation Type
Social Relation Personality system Personality The Big Five
Type (MBTI)
Commitment High Bonding relation (B) Agreeable (A)
Low Free relation (F)

1. Sociability
Sociability is a function of all social animals. High committed
sociability is bonding relation (denoted as B), while low
committed sociability is free relation (denoted as F).
2. Bonding chemicals
Three bonding chemicals: oxytocin, vasopressin, and edorphin.
Oxytocin sometimes is called “cuddle chemical” that builds bonds
between mates, mother-child, and social members. Vasopressin
processes focus attention to the individuals for the bonding.
Vasopressin is responsible for creating intense loving memories
during passionate situations. Edorphin is a social neurotransmitter
that response to touch and pleasing visual stimulus (such as smile).
3. Male and female
According to Simon Baron-Cohen, the essential difference
between the female brain and the male brain is that the average
female brain favors slightly empathy, and the average male
brain favors slightly in non-social information. Instead of
social contact, the average male brain finds pleasure in
systematizing non-social information. The overlapping of the
male brain and the female brain is significant.
4. Extremes
A genetic example of free relation is autism, which has genetic
impairment in forming social bonding. A genetic example of
bonding relation is Williams Syndrome, which has genetic
impairment to process visual–spatial information, but has
unusually cheerful talkative demeanor and ease with strangers
The Information Process Type

Information The information Personality

Process Function process type Type
Admission High sensitivity (S) introvert (I)
Low assertiveness (A) extrovert (N)
Resolution High distinctness (D) sense (S)
Low network (N) intuition (N)
Action High goal (G) thinking (T)
Low context (C) feeling (F)
Openness High updating (U) perceiving (P)
Low persistence (P) judging (J)
1.2. Admission: Sensitivity and Assertiveness
Information Process Personality system Personality The Big Five
Type (MBTI)
Admission High Sensitivity (S) introvert (I)
Low Assertiveness (A) extrovert (N) Extrovert (E)

1. Admission
The admission of each set of input data can be high or low. In
computer, program is written to recognize and admit a part of each
set of input data. If every detail in a set of input data is important,
the admission of data is high. In this case, under limited computer
capacity, only few sets of data can be accepted.
2. Harm
In the human mind, the perceived degree of harm determines the
degree of admission. The high perceived degree of harm leads to
the importance of every detail in a set of data, resulting in
sensitivity (represented by S). The low perceived degree of harm
leads to the importance of only few details, resulting in
assertiveness (represented by A).
According to H. J. Eysenck, extroverts have persistently low
cortical arousal and seek stimulation. The personality of
assertiveness therefore is the personality of extrovert as described
in MBTI and by Eysenck. On the other hand, the personality of
sensitivity is introvert in MBTI. Introverts have persistently high
arousal and avoid stimulation.
4. Neurotransmitters
The behavior is facilitated by neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters
facilitate communication between neurons (nerve cells). Different
neurotransmitters enhance different personality types. Serotonin
(5-HT) enhances the assertiveness type. If excessive amount of
serotonin is in the brain, the brain can become too selective,
expressing as repetition or inactivity. Acetylcholine (Ach) is the
neurotransmitter to enhance sensitivity. Acetylcholine provokes
fear and withdrawal (freezing). Acetylcholine decreases in
Alzheimer’s dementia, so the patient with Alzheimer’s dementia
has trouble in association in terms of memory.
1.3. Resolution: Distinctiveness and Network
Information Process Personality system Personality The Big Five
Type (MBTI)
Resolution High Distinctness (D) sense (S) Consciousness (C)
Low Network (N) intuition (N)
1. Resolution
When computer processes video pictures, it can have many
pictures with coarse details (low resolution) or few pictures with
distinct details (high resolution). The information process type
with the high resolution and low connection is Distinctness
(represented by D), while the information process type with low
resolution and high connection is Network (represented by N).
According to MBTI, a person with the personality type of
sensing (represented by S) is a specialist, matching with the
distinctness type in the information process type. According to
MBTI, a person with the personality type of intuition (N) is a
generalist, matching with the network type.
3. left brain-right brain
The cortex is divided into the left cortex and the right cortex. The
left cortex, which expresses language, is the cortex for distinctness,
while the right cortex, which is good in orientation, is the cortex
for network
4. male-female

The social relation affects the brain structure involving network.

The bonding relation type requires extensive social network
resulting the brain structure with extensive network. As discussed
before by Simon Baron-Cohen, woman is more social relation type
than man, so the female brain has more network than the male
brain. It is shown in the thicker corpus collosum that connect the
right brain and the left brain, more dendritic connections between
brain cells, and more evenly distributed language centers in the
brain for better communication. Therefore, for woman, the brain is
wired more for the bonding relation and the network, and for man,
the brain is wired more for the free relation and the distinctiveness.
5. Neurotransmitter
Dopamine allows a person to focus. Dopamine has been implicated
in the controlled of fine motor movement. The patient with
Parkinson’s disease, which is deficient in dopamine, cannot control
fine motor movement. Excessive dopamine causes a person to
have an unrealistically excessive focus.
6. Extremes

The mental disorders involving Distinctiveness and Network deal

with the extreme presence or absence of Distinctiveness and
Network. The extreme presence of Distinctiveness involves
Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD). The extreme
absence of Distinctiveness involves diseases, such as in
Parkinson’s disease.
1.4. Action: Goal and Context
Information Process Personality system Personality The Big Five
Type (MBTI)
Action High Goal (G) thinking (T)
Low Context (C) feeling (F) Neuroticism (N)

1. Action
In a computer, each information process goes through an operating
system that control the flow of information processing in terms of
priority and scheduling of different information processes. A simple
operating system put all information processes in a context from
which priority and scheduling are determined. Thus, each
information process has a specific goal to reach, while each simple
operating system has a context to arrange all information processes.
In terms of action for actual information output, information process
has much higher action than operating system. In the human mind,
there is also Goal (represented by G) for information process and
Context (represented by C) for operation system.
Goal is action-oriented resulting in the measurable intentional
change. Context is option-oriented resulting in the context for
possible action.
2. The evolutionary origin
The evolutionary origin of Goal and Context is the first
difference between male and female animals. Male animal
carries extremely high number of sperms, while female animal
carries limited number of eggs. During the mating session, the
presence of a female animal with eggs triggers the desire of
action in a male animal. Such action can result in a measurable
intentional goal in terms of mating. On the other hand, to a
female animal, the presence of a male animal is merely an option
for which a context is set for possible action. Such context can
be the show of strength, superiority, and affection. The context is
for possible action. A female animal has much less drive for
action, and much higher ability for the discernment for possible
Another important action in Goal is problem solving in terms of
removing obstacle during courtship and mating, such as chasing
off another male competitor. Context is emotion with option, and
Goal is emotion with action.
The free-bonding relation type is closely connected with the goal-
context type because the man-woman difference. For man, the
combination of free relation type and the goal type results in the
thinking type (T) for MBTI. According to MBTI, The thinking
type (T) has characteristics of theoretical, rational, analytical,
purposive, logic, and unconcerned with people's feeling. In terms
of Goal, the thinking type is essentially the action of problem
solving to remove an obstacle. It has a definitive goal to make a
measurable intentional change. For woman, the combination of
the context type and the bonding relation type results in the
feeling type in MBTI. According to MBTI, the feeling type (F)
has characteristics of passionate, warm, personal, artistic, and
concerned with people's feelings.
In the Context, the feeling type does not have a particular propose
to make a measurable intentional change. It is merely to discern
the situation. Since the context type is combined with the bonding
relation type, it concern with people’s feeling.
4. Male and female
On average, the female human brains have a larger deep limbic
system than males. The larger deep limbic brain allows women
more in touch with their feelings to prioritize all possible options.
When the brain at rest without consciously thinking of anything,
men, on average, had higher brain activity in the more ancient and
primitive regions of the limbic system, the parts that are more
involved with action. Women, on average, had more activity in the
newer and more complex parts of the limbic system, which are
involved in feelings . The hypothalamus, which is a tiny structure
at the base of the brain, regulates many basic functions, such as
eating, sleeping, temperature control, and reproduction. One part
of the hypothalamus responsible for sexual behavior is larger in
male brains than in female brains, in human and non-human
5. Extremes
The mental disorders involved are the extreme Goal and the
extreme Context The extreme Goal is the extreme action-oriented
without stopping, resulting in manic. Manic can lead to
psychopath, seeking the unstopping thrill of action. The extreme
Context is the extreme option-oriented without any possible action,
resulting in depression. Depression can result in suicide,
terminating all possible action. Both extremes are the results of
chronic stress in terms of pain and loss.
1.5. Openness: Persistence and Updating
Information Process Personality system Personality The Big Five
Type (MBTI)
Openness High Updating (U) perceiving (P) Openness (O)
Low Persistence (P) judging (J)

1. Openness
An elaborate operating system for a computer not only schedules
information processes but also manipulate and update information
from different information processes. In the human brain, the part
involved in the update is the prefrontal cortex. The large size of
the prefrontal cortex in human is an important difference between
human and other apes. The opposite of update is persistence
which keeps the program constant. The information process type
for the low openness is persistence (represented by P), and for the
high openness is updating (represented by U).
According to MBTI, the judging type has characteristics of
planned, orderly way, settled, organized, decisive, closeness, and
finishing things. The judging type matches the Persistence type.
The perceiving type has characteristics of flexible, spontaneous,
flexible, tolerant, open option, understand life rather than control
it. This perceiving type matches the Updating type.
3. The prefrontal cortex
The whole updating process involves both the prefrontal cortex
and the rest of the cortex. The prefrontal cortex has extensive
connections to various parts of the brain. The prefrontal cortex
allows a quick switch of strategy in behavior to a change of
circumstance. The reason for such a quick switch of strategy is
that the prefrontal cortex has ample free neuron network which
provides the space to construct a new strategy one after another
free of previous experience and memory.
4. Neurotransmitters
Glutamate is the neurotransmitter for long-term potent (LTP)
which is necessary for the working memory, which in turn is
important for updating. Dopamine enhances the activity of few
selective neurons by inhibiting the activity all other unrelated
and unneeded neurons. Both glutamate and dopamine work
together to accomplish updating.
5. Extremes
The people with damage in the prefrontal cortex cannot construct
a new strategy one right after another. They tend to construct
one strategy, and stay with the same strategy over and over again
even there is a need for another strategy. They fail to select the
most current strategy for their action. The people with damage
in the prefrontal cortex may also persistently follow whatever
command given to them without change. The damage in the
prefrontal cortex is the example for the extreme case of
The Big Five
1. Openness correlates to Updating in persistence-updating for the
propensity for adapting to changing information.
2. Conscientiousness relates to Distinctiveness in distinctiveness-
network for the care for focusing attention.
3. Extrovert corresponds to Assertiveness in sensitivity-
assertiveness for the easy to receive incoming information.
4. Agreeable corresponds to bonding relation in bonding relation-
free relation in the way of social life for the propensity to form
trust for social bonding.
5. Neuroticism corresponds to Context in goal–context for
The Social-Information Personality System
Information Process Personality system Personality The Big Five
Type (MBTI)
Admission High Sensitivity (S) introvert (I)
Low Assertiveness (A) extrovert (N) Extrovert (E)
Resolution High Distinctness (D) sense (S) Consciousness (C)
Low Network (N) intuition (N)
Action High Goal (G) thinking (T)
Low Context (C) feeling (F) Neuroticism (N)
Openness High Updating (U) perceiving (P) Openness (O)
Low Persistence (P) judging (J)
Social Relation
Commitment High Bonding relation (B) Agreeable (A)
Low Free relation (F)
2. Social Temperaments
In Section 2, the combination of the factors in the personality
system results in the yin personality (BNC) and the yang
personality (FDG) for collective wellbeing and individualistic
achievement, respectively. The social temperaments are the
combination of the yin-yang personalities and the active-passive
intragroup interactions among the basic social units. The
combination results in yin passive, yin active, yang passive, and
yang active, corresponding to Amiable, Expressive, Analytical,
and Drive in the popular Merrill-Reid social style theory. The
additional temperament is harmony that exists only in human.
The instinct for the harmonious temperament (harmonious) is the
conscience instinct that is the combination of the hyper friendly
instinct and the detective instinct (theory of mind), resulting in
maximum eager cooperation without lie. The yin, the yang, and
the harmonious temperaments result in the collective, the
individualistic, and the harmonious societies, respectively.

yin (network-bonding relation-context = collective wellbeing) and yang

(distinctiveness-free relation-goal = individualistic achievement)
passive (sensitivity) – active (assertiveness) intragroup interaction
harmony = high openness (updating) to transcend yin-yang and passive-active

the social instincts


yin passive yin active harmonious yang active yang passive

temperament temperament temperament temperament temperament
(amiable) (expressive) (driver) (analytical)
bonding + nurturing + conscience instinct = hyper dominative + systemizing +
freezing instincts manipulative instincts friendly + detective predatory addictive instinct

loose collective tight collective harmonious tight individualistic loose individualistic
society society society society society
2.1. The Social Temperaments for Social Structures

(1) Yin-Yang Personality (BNC-FDG)

The feminine yin personality is the combination of the bonding
relation type (B), the network type (N), and the context type (C),
while yang is the combination of the free relation type (F), the
distinctiveness type (D), and the goal type (G). For the yin
personality (BNC) type, the combination leads to “collective
wellbeing”, where collective means B and N, and wellbeing does not
involve a specific action. For the masculine yang personality (FDG)
type, the combination brings about “individualistic achievement”,
where individual means F and D, and achievement involves a specific
goal. Collective wellbeing deals with mainly people, while
individual achievement deals with primarily with task. Therefore,
yin represents people, while yang represents task. The society with
the yin personality is the collective society, while the society with the
yang personality is the individualistic society.
(2) Passive-Active Intragroup Interaction (S-A)
1. Primate social structure
The social temperaments for primates are the combination of the
yin-yang personalities and the active-passive intragroup
interactions among the basic social units (subgroups) within a
social group. The basic social units (subgroups) can be single
female and her offspring, monogamous family, polyandrous
family (one-female-several-male group), polygynous family (one-
male-several-female group), and multimale-multifemale group
(non-committal male-female). The intragroup interaction among
the subgroups can be passive or active interaction, corresponding
to introvert (Sensitivity) or extrovert (Assertiveness). The
passive intragroup interaction leads to a loose social group where
the intragroup interaction in not active. The active intragroup
interaction leads to a tight social group. The tight social group
helps to provide protection against predators. It also helps to
protect scarce food resources.
2. The yin yang social temperaments
The combination of the yin-yang personalities and the active-
passive intragroup interactions leads to yin passive, yin active,
yang passive, and yang active. The loose collective society and
the tight collective society come from the yin passive and the yin
active temperaments, respectively, while the loose individualistic
society and the tight individualistic society come from the yang
passive and yang active temperaments, respectively.
3. The yin yang social structures
In the tight collective society, the active intragroup interaction
produces the group wellbeing that promotes care about all
members of the group and the group identity in addition to basic
collective wellbeing. In the tight individualistic society, the active
intragroup interaction produces the group hierarchy that promotes
individual strength and effort as well as the submission to the
leader of group in addition to basic individualistic achievement.
The tight collective society is more egalitarian than the tight
individualistic society.
(3) The Degree of Openness (P-U)
The additional social temperament is the harmonious
temperament for harmonious connection that exists only in
human that has the much larger prefrontal cortex responsible
for the high openness in terms of Persistence-Updating in the
personality system. The high openness allows the harmonious
temperament to transcend yin-yang and passive-active.
Consequently, the society with the harmonious temperament
maximizes acquisition, and minimizes the cost for individuals
in the intragroup interaction, resulting in the most successful
society. However, the harmonious social group size has to be
small. The description and the evolution of harmony
temperament and harmonious society will be discussed in
details in the next sections.
The Social Temperaments for Primate Social Structures
Social Temperaments Characteristics Primate Social Merrill-Reid
Structures Temperaments
Yin (BNC) Passive (S) –active (A)
Yang (FDG) or flexible Intragroup
or harmony interaction
Yin Passive passive loose Amiable
collective collective
wellbeing society       
Yang Passive passive loose Analytical
individualistic individualistic
achievement society
Yin Active active collective tight collective Expressive
wellbeing society
Yang Active active tight Driver
individualistic individualistic
achievement society
Harmony Flexible harmonious harmonious
connection society
The Merrill-Reid and the Yin Yang Social Temperaments
Merrill-Reid Temperament Yin Yang Social Temperament
control emotion yang

analytica driver yang passive yang active

ask tell passive active
amiable expressive yin passive yin active

emote yin

The yin yang social temperament system is comparable to the

Merrill-Reid social style theory , consisting of amiable,
expressive, analytical, and driver temperaments.
According to the Merrill-Reid theory, the four temperaments are
described below.
• Amiable: Place a high priority on friendships, close
relationships, and cooperative behavior. They appear to get
involved in feelings and relations between people.
• Expressive: Appear communicative, warm approachable and
competitive. They involve other people with their feelings and
• Analytical: Live life according to facts, principles, logic and
consistency. Often viewed as cold and detached but appear to be
cooperative in their actions as long as they can have some
freedom to organize their own efforts.
• Driver: Give the impression that they know what they want,
where they are going, and how to get there quickly.
Amiable and Expressive have yin (female type) characteristic for
collective wellbeing, while Analytical and Driver have yang (male
type) characteristic for individualistic achievement. Expressive and
Driver are more active in interpersonal relations than Amiable and
Driver. Merrill-Reid Temperaments do not include harmony. The
amiable temperament in the Merrill-Rein theory corresponds to the
yin passive temperament that involves and is keenly interested in the
close relationship with people (yin) for collective wellbeing. The
expressive temperament corresponds to the yin active temperament
that involves in both close relationships with people in the basic
social unit and the intragroup in terms of group wellbeing in addition
to basic collective wellbeing. The analytical temperament
corresponds to the yang passive temperament that involves and is
keenly interested in only systemizing task (yang) for individualistic
achievement. The driver temperament corresponds to the yang
active temperament that involves both the close relationships with
people in the basic social unit and the intragroup in terms of group
hierarchy in addition to basic individualistic achievement.
2.2. The Human Instincts and the Yin-Yang Temperaments
1. The humanized and dehumanized instincts
The temperaments are derived from the human instincts. The
human instincts include the humanized instincts and the
dehumanized instincts. The humanized instincts are used
originally involving human. The dehumanized instincts are used
originally involving nonhuman. It is quite common among social
animals to behave differently toward the animals of the same
species and toward the animals of different species. For examples,
cannibalism and the killing among the animals of the same species
are rare in social animals even during the fighting among the
animals of the same species. On the other hand, as predators,
animals kill preys of different species without hesitation. As a
prey, an animal makes a manipulative strategy to escape from a
predator of different species. Animals make a clear distinction
between the animals of different species and the animals of same
2. The humanized female-male instincts
The humanized instinct consists of the female-male instincts
involving human. People possess all of the female-male instincts.
The female instincts are in average stronger in women, while the
male instincts are in average stronger in men. However, the
overlap is large, so it is common for some men to have stronger
female instincts, and for some women to have stronger male
instincts. The female instincts include the bonding instinct to
bond with other human and the nurturing instinct to nurture the
love ones. The male instincts include the systemizing instinct to
systemizing various objects into a system and the dominative
instinct to have domination in social hierarchy.
3. The dehumanized the prey-predator instincts.
The dehumanized instincts involving nonhuman are the prey-
predator instincts. The prey instincts include the freezing instinct
to minimize the activity in the presence of strong nonhuman
predator and the manipulative instinct to play tricks to a strong
nonhuman predator for the protection of self and love ones.
The predatory instincts include the addictive instinct to have
obsession in terms of task and the predatory instinct to over-
control a weak nonhuman prey. Such prey-predator instincts are
for nonhuman, but in the large complicate civilized society where
people relations are complicate, people misuse the prey-predator to
subhuman that is defined as human who is treated as nonhuman.
In an extreme case, a person regards all people as subhuman that
activates the prey-predator instincts in the person, resulting in
mental disorders, such as depression, borderline personality
disorder, obsession, and psychopath. The prey instincts closely
relate to the female instincts, while the predatory instincts closely
relate to the male instincts.
4. The positive and the negative yin yang social temperaments
As in the table below, the positive yin temperament and the
positive yang temperament are derived from the humanized female
instinct and male instinct, respectively. The negative yin and the
negative yang temperaments are derived from the dehumanized
prey-predator instincts, respectively.
The Positive-Negative Yin Yang Temperaments
Origin humanized female-male instincts involving human
Description collective wellbeing in individual achievement in
mostly people mostly task
Perceived abundant resource and deficient resource and security
Condition security
Perceived offensive mechanism for defensive mechanism for
Mechanism connecting people survival
Merrill-Reid amiable expressive analytical driver
Instinct bonding nurturing systemizing dominative
Behavior kindness nurturing discipline strength
Role friend nurturer systemizer leader
Idealized Self- loyalist peacemaker idealist hero
Origin dehumanized prey-predator instincts involving subhuman
Description cool manipulation in obsessive over-control in
mostly people mostly task
Perceived deficient resource and abundant resource and
Condition security security
Perceived defensive mechanism for offensive mechanism for
Mechanism protection hunting
Merrill-Reid amiable expressive analytical driver
Instinct freezing manipulative addiction predatory
Behavior withdraw manipulation obsession over-control
Role prey manipulator addict predator
Idealized Self- loner strategist specialist master
Mental depression borderline obsession psychopath
Disorder personality
5. The general description of the positive temperaments
As in the table above, the positive yin temperament and the
positive yang temperament are derived from the humanized female
instinct and male instinct, respectively. The general description of
the positive yin temperament from the female instincts is
collective wellbeing in mostly people. The best perceived
condition to have collective wellbeing is abundant resource and
security. It is hard to have collective wellbeing under deficient
resource and security. Under such abundant resource and security,
the mechanism is the active offensive mechanism to connect with
people instead of passively connecting with people. The general
description of the positive yang temperament from the male
instincts is individual achievement in mostly task. The best
perceived condition to have individual achievement is deficient
resource and security. The deficient resource and security
motivate an individual to achieve in order to survive and prosper.
Under the deficient resource and security, the mechanism is
passive defensive mechanism to achieve in order to survive and
6. The positive yin passive temperament (amiable) .
The positive yin passive temperament (amiable) involves and is
keenly interested in close relationships with people, so the instinct
is the bonding instinct. The corresponding behavior is kindness
toward people. The role for the yin passive temperament is friend.
A person with the role of friend can idealize (exaggerate) the role
as loyalist.
7. The positive yin active temperament (expressive)
The positive yin active temperament (expressive) involves in both
basic social unit and intragroup. The instinct is the nurturing
instinct in addition to the bonding instinct. The nurturing
instinct’s involvement is active and broad. The role for the yin
active temperament is nurturer. A person with the role of nurturer
can idealize in terms of exaggeration the role as peacemaker to
provide the peaceful environment for nurturing all love ones.
8. The positive yang passive temperament (analytical)
The positive yang passive temperament (analytical) involves and is
keenly interested in only task. The instinct is the systemizing instinct
for the intrinsic human capability and desire to make a system out of
various objects. The corresponding behavior is discipline to follow a
well-developed system. The role for the yang passive temperament is
systemizer. A person with the role of systemizer can idealize in terms
of exaggeration the role as idealist to have the idealistic system.
9. The positive yang active temperament (driver)
The positive yang active temperament (driver) involves in the basic
social unit and intragroup. The instinct is the dominative instinct in
addition to the systemizing instinct. The dominative instinct’s
involvement is active and broad. The corresponding behavior is
mental and physical strength. The role for the yang active
temperament is leader to provide the best (dominating) condition to
survive and prosper. A person with the role of leader can idealize in
terms of exaggeration the role as hero who will fight for survival and
10. The general description of the negative temperaments
As in the table, the negative yin temperament and the negative
yang temperament are derived from the dehumanized prey instinct
and predatory instinct, respectively. The general description of the
negative yin temperament from the prey instincts is cool
manipulation in mostly people. The perceived condition to have
cool manipulation is deficient resource and security. Under the
deficient resource and security, the mechanism is passive
defensive mechanism to stay away and to manipulate in order to
survive. The general description of the negative yang
temperament from the predatory instincts is obsessive over-control
in mostly task. The perceived condition to have obsessive over-
control is abundant resource and security. Under such abundant
resource and security, the mechanism is the active offensive
mechanism to obsess and to over-control.
11. The negative yin passive temperament (amiable)
The negative yin passive temperament is derived from the
dehumanized prey instinct that is the freezing instinct to avoid the
contact with strong subhuman predator as much as possible. The
corresponding behavior is to withdraw (coolness) involving
subhuman predator. It involves only subhuman. The role for the
yin passive temperament is passive prey. A person with the role of
passive prey can rationalize the role as loner to avoid detestable
people. In the extreme case, the person can regard all people as
subhuman predator, resulting in the destruction of the intrinsic
brain structure to distinguish human and nonhuman. The result of
the extreme case is the mental disorder of depression.
12. The negative yin active temperament (expressive)
The negative yin active temperament is derived from the
dehumanized prey instinct that is the manipulative instinct in
addition to the freezing instinct. The corresponding behavior is
manipulation involving subhuman predator.
Manipulation can be very deceptive as the broken wing trick that a
mother bird plays to lead a predator away from the baby birds. It
is the origin of the asymmetrical warfare. It involves both
subhuman and task needed to carry on manipulation. The role for
the yin active temperament is manipulator. A person with the role
of manipulator can rationalize the role as strategist to protect the
person and the love ones from strong opponents. The result of the
extreme case is the mental disorder of borderline personality
disorder. People with borderline personality disorder frequently
have unstable relationships, fly into rages inappropriately, or
become depressed and cannot trust the actions and motives of
other people . Most of people with borderline personality disorder
are women.
13. The negative yang passive temperament (analytical)
The negative yang passive temperament is derived from the
dehumanized predator instinct that is the addictive instinct. The
corresponding behavior is obsession to do a very specific task all
the time. It involves only task. The task can be an obsessive
professional task for excessive wealth or an obsessive hobby task
for excessive adventure. The role for the yin passive temperament
is addict. A person with the role of addict rationalizes the role as
specialist. The result of the extreme case is the mental disorder of
14. The negative yang active temperament (driver)
The negative yang active temperament is derived from the
dehumanized predatory instinct that is the predatory instinct in
addition to the additive instinct. The corresponding behavior is
over-controlling of weak subhuman prey. It involves both task
and subhuman prey. The role for the yin active temperament is
predator to weak subhuman prey.
A person with the role of predator can rationalize the role as
master who controls an inferior person. The mental disorder in the
extreme case is psychopath. People with psychopath are very
egocentric individuals with no empathy for others, and they are
incapable of feeling remorse or guilt. Psychopath is a combination
of dominant and cold interpersonal characteristics Most of people
with psychopath are men. In an fNRI study by neuroscientist Kent
Kichl , a certain part of the brain in criminal psychopaths showed
much less activity in responses to emotional charged words like
blood, sewer, hell, and rape than the normal people. It shows that
psychopaths are relatively insensitive to the cruelty involving
2.3. The Harmonious Temperament
Long social memory from yin, dominance hierarchy from yang, and
gender dichotomy are important to maintain a social structure, but
they form the social barrier that hinders the free cooperation among
the members of society. Cooperation is important in survival
strategies as described by Axelrod and Hamilton's evolution of
cooperation. Among all strategies, TIT FOR TAT is the best
strategy. On the first move cooperate. On each succeeding move do
what your opponent did the previous move. From the further
analysis of TIT FOR TAT, four features of TIT FOR TAT emerged:
1. Never be the first to defect: indicate eager cooperate
2. Retaliate only after your partner has defected: detect defection
3. Be prepared to forgive after carrying out just one act of retaliation:
minimum social memory
4. Adopt this strategy only if the probability of meeting the same
player again exceeds 2/3: a strategy for a small social group..
A distinctive character in TIT FOR TAT is eager cooperation as in
the first feature above. It always cooperates first. Such eager
cooperation has minimum social memory to forgive the past
defection as in the third feature above. Such eager cooperation
generates a large cohesive domain, resulting in the best strategy.
However, if defection has no consequence as in a large group, TIT
FOR TAT does not work as in the fourth feature above. TIT FOR
TAT works only in a small group.
The Conscience Instinct
In the yin and yang temperaments, the high social barrier from
long social memory, dominance hierarchy, and gender dichotomy
excludes eager cooperation. To carry out TIT FOR TAT strategy,
the evolution of human temperament produced two additional new
instincts:. the hyper friendly instinct and the detective instinct.
The hyper friendly instinct allows human to cooperate eagerly,
while the detective instinct allows human to detect defection.. The
combination of the hyper friendly instinct and the detective
instinct brings about the conscience instinct.
The Harmonious Temperament

Temperament HARMONY

Description maximum eager cooperation without lie: harmonious

connection (mutual empathy and empowerment)
Instinct hyper friendly detective
Behavior eager cooperation theory of mind
2.3.1. Eager Cooperation - The Hyper Friendly Instinct
1. Hyper friendly instinct
Long social memory, dominance hierarchy, and gender dichotomy
are important to maintain a social structure, but they form the social
barrier that hinders the free eager cooperation among the members
of society. To promote eager social cooperation, it is necessary to
minimize such social barrier. One way for the minimization is the
hyper friendly instinct. Through the hyper friendly instinct, the
hyper friendly act minimizes the social barrier. One example of the
hyper friendly instinct is the frequent sexual activities among all
members of bonobo social group. The sexual activities can be
between couples regardless of ages and genders. They do sexual
contacts to greet, to avoid social conflicts, and to reconcile after
conflicts. The hyper friendly act minimizes the social barrier, and
enhances social cooperation. For an example, bonobos engage in
sexual activities before eating to avoid conflict during eating.
Comparing to chimpanzees, bonobos are much more peaceful and
egalitarian because of this hyper friendly instinct.
2. Language
In human, the hyper friendly instinct is expressed as language. The
verbal communication minimizes effectively social barrier.
Human learns language quickly and early. The human brain
encourages language by rewarding language. For an example, the
extremely hyper friendly people are the people with Williams
Syndrome, which has unusually cheerful talkative demeanor and
ease with strangers. They have excellent verbal skills, superior
and precocious musical ability, perfect pitch and a good memory
for names and faces. Individuals with Williams Syndrome,
however, have higher amount of fear with non-social encounter.
The highly developed human language instinct indicates the highly
developed human hyper friendly instinct.
2.3.2. Detection – The Detective instinct

In the advanced stage of verbal communication, a verbal statement

can express an event occurred elsewhere. Since the event occurs
elsewhere, a listener has to determine if the expressed statement is a
truth or a lie. The detective instinct for detecting a lie in a verbal
statement is necessary for the advanced stage of verbal
communication. The detective instinct is for subtle lie instead of
conspicuous lie, which can be detected easily without the new
detective instinct. The neural network for the detective instinct is
called the lie detection neural network. The neural network has been
described by Hiram Brownell and Richard Griffin as the neural
network for theory of mind that that a person believes that the other
people have the mind to lie and to detect a lie that the person makes.
2.3.3. The Conscience Instinct
Theory of mind derived from the detective instinct is that a person
believes that the other people have the mind to lie and to detect a lie
that the person makes. The combination of the hyper friendly instinct
and theory of mind derived from the detective instinct brings about
the conscience instinct that is the instinct for maximum eager
cooperation without lie. People feel guilty about cooperation with lie,
and feel other people should feel guilty about cooperation with lie.
The conscience instinct as the self-regulation of cooperation results in
maximum eager cooperation without lie, leading to the harmonious
connection (mutual empathy and empowerment). Mutual empathy is
love, while mutual empowerment is diligence. The result is the
harmonious temperament. The people with the harmonious
temperament are harmonists. The society with the harmonious
temperament is the harmonious society.
The three basic human social temperaments are yin, yang, and
harmony for feminine collective wellbeing, masculine individualistic
achievement, and harmonious connection, respectively. The
harmonious temperament transcends yin yang, and exists only in
human. The theory of human social temperaments is the combination
of the three popular theories, including the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI), the Big Five, and the Merrill-Reid social style
theory. The theory starts with the personality system based on the
brain structure and neurotransmitters. Human social temperaments
are derived from the personality system and the instincts. The yin,
the yang, and the harmonious temperaments produce the collective,
the individualistic, and the harmonious societies, respectively.
The five factors in the personality system are Bonding
relation-Free relation, Sensitivity-Assertiveness, Distinctiveness-
Network, Goal-Context, and Persistence-Updating, corresponding to
agreeableness, extraversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and
openness in the Big Five. The combination of the factors (Bonding
relation, Network, and Context) in the personality system results in
the yin personality for feminine collective wellbeing. The
combination of the factors (Free relation, Distinctiveness, and Goal)
results in the yang personality for masculine individualistic
achievement. The social temperaments are the combination of the
yin-yang personalities and the active-passive intragroup interactions
among the basic social units. The combination results in yin passive,
yin active, yang passive, and yang active, corresponding to Amiable,
Expressive, Analytical, and Drive in the popular Merrill-Reid social
style theory. Each temperament has its positive and negative
instincts. The additional temperament is harmony that transcends
yin-yang, and exists only in human. The instinct for the harmonious
temperament (harmonious) is the conscience instinct that is the
combination of the hyper friendly instinct and the detective instinct
(theory of mind), resulting in maximum eager cooperation without
lie. The yin, the yang, and the harmonious temperaments produce the
collective, the individualistic, and the harmonious societies,
the brain structure–neurotransmitters for socialization and information processing


admission resolution socialization action openness

(sensitivity- (distinctiveness– (bonding relation– (goal– (persistence–
assertiveness) network) free relation) context) updating)

yin (network-bonding relation-context = collective wellbeing) and yang

(distinctiveness-free relation-goal = individualistic achievement)
passive (sensitivity) – active (assertiveness) intragroup interaction

harmony = high openness (updating) to transcend yin-yang and passive-active

the social instincts

the social instincts


yin passive yin active harmonious yang active yang passive

temperament temperament temperament temperament temperament
(amiable) (expressive) (driver) (analytical)
bonding + nurturing + conscience instinct = dominative + systemizing +
freezing manipulative hyper friendly instinct predatory addictive
instincts instincts + detective instinct instincts instinct

the loose the tight collective the harmonious society the tight the loose
collective society individualistic individualistic
society society society

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