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Amity Business School

Non Verbal Communication and use of Body Language

Group Members:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Poonam Dabaria(02) Neha Gupta(03) Ritu Taneja(04) Nandini(07) Abhishek Gaur(21) Neha Sharma(39)

Body Language

Amity Business School

1. For the following images of couples, analyze what message you believe is being communicated ?? 2. Write this information down. 3. Do not yell out the answer to the whole class (yet).


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Image analysis

Amity Business School

1. Now we will go back to the first picture and discuss what your group believes was being communicated by each couple. 2. How can we come to the conclusions that we do simply based on a photograph?


Amity Business School

Communication, in general, is a process of sending and receiving messages that enables humans to share knowledge, attitudes and skills. Although we usually identify communication with speech, communication is composed of two dimensionsVERBAL and NON VERBAL.

Amity Business School

Non verbal Communication involves: facial expressions eye contact, tone of voice body posture and motions and positioning within groups. It may also include the way we wear our clothes or the silence we keep.

Amity Business School

According to the social anthropologist , Edward T. Hall, in a normal conversation between two persons, less than 35% of the social meaning is actually transmitted by words. So, at least 65% of it is conveyed through the body (non verbal channel).

PHYSICAL: This is the personal type of communication. It includes: facial expressions tone of voice sense of touch sense of smell and body motions.

Amity Business School

AESTHETIC: This is the type of communication that takes place through creative expressions: playing instrumental music Dancing Painting and Sculpturing.

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SYMBOLIC: This is the type of communication that makes use of religious, status or ego-building symbols.

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Use of various signs in non verbal communication

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"All right!" Even though his fist is clenched, you can tell that this dude's way happy.

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Non Verbal Behaviour

Brisk, Erect walk Standing with hands on hips aggression Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly Sitting legs apart Arms closed on chest Walking with hands in pocket , shoulders hunched

Confidence Readiness,

Boredom Open, Relaxed Defensiveness Dejection

Amity Business School

Non Verbal Behavior

Touching, Slightly Rubbing nose Rubbing the Eye Hands clasped behind back Head resting in hand, eyes downcast Rubbing Hands Hand to cheek

Rejection, Doubt, Lying Doubt, Disbelief Anger, Frustration, Apprehension Boredom Anticipation Evaluation, Thinking

Gestures and postures Amity Business School

Positive gestures: 1. Open palms 2. Eye-to-eye confrontation 3. Smile 4. Equal handshake Postures: 1. Standing position 2. Walking style 3. Hand movement

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