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What |s 8rand?

W A brand ls a name term s|gn symbo| or a

comb|nat|on of them lnLended Lo ldenLlfv Lhe
aoods and servlces of one seller or aroup of
sellers and Lo dlfferenLlaLe Lhem from Lhose of
compeLlLlon lor example Coke nesLle and
MlcrosofL are well renowned brands ln
Lechnlcal speaklna whenever a markeLer
creaLes a name loao svmbol he or she has
creaLed a brand
W Why do 8rands matters?
rands reallv maLLer for boLh consumer and
W rom consumer's po|nt of v|ew
ldenLlflcaLlon of source of producL
AsslanmenL of responslblllLv Lo producL maker
lsk reducer
earch cosL reducer
9romlse bond or pacL wlLh maker of producL
vmbollc devlce
lanal of quallLv
W rands ldenLlfv Lhe source or maker of a producL and allow
consumers Lo asslan responslblllLv Lo a parLlcular
manufacLurer lrom an economlc perspecLlve brands allow
consumers Lo lower search cosLs for producLs boLh
lnLernallv and exLernallv
W Consumers offer Lhelr LrusL and lovalLv wlLh Lhe lmpllclL
undersLandlna LhaL Lhe brand wlll behave ln cerLaln wavs
and provlde Lhem uLlllLv Lhrouah conslsLenL producL
performance and approprlaLe prlclna promoLlon and
dlsLrlbuLlon proarams and acLlons rands can serve as
svmbollc devlces allowlna consumers Lo pro[ecL Lhelr self
W CerLaln brads are assoclaLed wlLh belna used bv
cerLaln Lvpes of people and Lhus reflecL dlfferenL
values or LralLs
W esearched have classlfled producLs and Lhelr
assoclaLed aLLrlbuLes lnLo Lhree ma[or caLeaorles
W search aoods experlence aoods and credence
W rands can reduce Lhe rlsk ln producL declslons
1hese rlsks lnvolve funcLlonal phvslcal flnanclal
soclal psvcholoalcal and Llme rlsk
W search good ls a producL or servlce wlLh
feaLures and characLerlsLlcs easllv evaluaLed
before purchase
W earch aoods are more sub[ecL
Lo subsLlLuLlon and prlce compeLlLlon as
consumers can easllv verlfv Lhe prlce of Lhe
producL and alLernaLlves aL oLher ouLleLs and
make sure LhaL Lhe producLs are comparable
W An exper|ence good ls a producL or servlce where
producL characLerlsLlcs such as quallLv or prlce are
dlfflculL Lo observe ln advance buL Lhese
characLerlsLlcs can be ascerLalned upon consumpLlon
W xperlence aoods pose dlfflculLles for consumers ln
accuraLelv maklna consumpLlon cholces
W ln servlce areas such as healLhcare Lhev reward
repuLaLlon and creaLe lnerLla
W Lxperlence aoods Lvplcallv have lower prlce
elasLlclLv Lhan search aoods as consumers fear LhaL
lower prlces mav be due Lo unobservable problems or
quallLv lssues
W 9ostexper|ence goods also called credence
aoods are aoods for whlch lL ls dlfflculL for
consumers Lo ascerLaln Lhe quallLv
even f Lhev have consumed Lhem such as
vlLamln supplemenLs
W 9oLenLlal consumers of Lhese aoods mav
requlre LhlrdparLv lnformaLlon provlded bv
prlvaLe raLlna aaencles or aovernmenL bodles
W rom manufacturer's po|nt of v|ew
W Means of ldenLlflcaLlon Lo slmpllfv handllna
Means of leaallv proLecLlna unlque feaLures
lanal of quallLv level Lo saLlsfled cusLomers
Means of endowlna producLs wlLh unlque
ource of compeLlLlve advanLaae
ource of flnanclal reLurns
W rands help manufacLurers Lo organ|ze |nventory and
account|ng records
W A brand also offers Lhe flrm |ega| protect|on for
unlque feaLures of Lhe producL
W A brand can reta|n |nte||ectua| property rlahLs alvlna
leaal LlLle Lo Lhe brand owner
W rands can s|gna| a certa|n |eve| of qua||ty so LhaL
saLlsfled buvers can easllv choose Lhe producL aaaln
1hls brand lovalLv provldes pred|ctab|||ty and secur|ty
of demand for the f|rm and creates barr|ers of entry
LhaL make lL dlfflculL for oLher flrms Lo enLer Lhe
W Companles someLlmes wanL Lo reduce Lhe number
of brands LhaL Lhev markeL1hls process ls known as
rand raLlonallzaLlon
ustomer 8ased 8rand Lqu|ty
W CusLomer based brand equlLv model ls LhaL Lhe
power of a brand lles ln what customers have
|earned fe|t seen and heard about the brand as a
resu|t of the|r exper|ence over t|me CusLomer
based brand equlLv ls deflned as Lhe dlfferenLlal
effecL LhaL brand knowledae has on consumer
response Lo Lhe markeLlna of LhaL brand 1here are
Lhree kev lnaredlenLs of Lhls deflnlLlon (1)
dlfferenLlal effecL"(2) brand knowledae" (3)
consumer response Lo markeLlna
8rand Lqu|ty as a 8r|dge
W 1he power of a brand lles ln Lhe mlnds of
consumers and whaL Lhev have experlenced and
learned abouL Lhe brand over Llme
W Consumer knowledae drlves Lhe dlfferences LhaL
manlfesL Lhemselves ln Lerms of brand equlLv
W rand equlLv can provlde markeLers wlLh a means
Lo lnLerpreL Lhelr pasL markeLlna performance
and deslan Lhelr fuLure markeLlna proarams
8u||d|ng a strong 8rand
1here are four sLeps of bulldlna a sLrona brand 1hese are as
1Lnsure |dent|f|cat|on of the brand w|th customers and as
assoc|at|on of the brand |n customers' mlnds wlLh a
speclflc producL class or cusLomer need
2llrmlv esLabllsh Lhe LoLallLv of brand meanlna ln Lhe mlnds
of cusLomers bv sLraLealcallv llnklna a hosL of Lanalble and
lnLanalble brand assoc|at|ons w|th certa|n propert|es
3LllclL Lhe proper cusLomer responses Lo Lhls brand
ldenLlflcaLlon and brand meanlna
4ConverL brand response Lo creaLe an lnLense acLlve lovalLv
relaLlonshlp beLween cusLomers and Lhe brand
1hese sLeps represenL fundamenLal quesLlons
LhaL cusLomers can ask abouL brands as
1Who are vou? (rand ldenLlLv)
2WhaL are vou? (rand meanlna)
3WhaL abouL vou? (rand responses)
4WhaL abouL vou and me? (rand
8rand 8u||d|ng 8|ocks
W 8rand 5a||ence
W 8rand 9erformance
W 8rand Imagery
W 8rand Iudgments
W 8rand ee||ngs
W 8rand kesonance
8rand 5a||ence
rand allence ls Lhe dearee Lo whlch vour
brand ls LhouahL abouL or noLlced when a
cusLomer ls ln a buvlna slLuaLlon
lor example how ofLen and easllv Lhe brand ls
evoked under varlous slLuaLlons? rand
awareness refers Lo cusLomers' ablllLv Lo recall
and recoanlze Lhe brand as reflecLed bv Lhelr
ablllLv Lo ldenLlfv Lhe brand under dlfferenL
W WrlLe down whlch brand comes Lo vour mlnd
when u ao for purchaslna a
W oap
W hlrL
W WaLch
W CosmeLlcs
W esLauranL
8rand 9erformance
W rand performance relaLes Lo Lhe wavs ln whlch Lhe
producL or servlce aLLempLs Lo meeL cusLomers more
funcLlonal needs
W 1o creaLe brand lovalLv and resonance consumer
experlence wlLh Lhe producL musL aL leasL meeL
W ellablllLv refers Lo Lhe conslsLencv of performance
over Llme and from purchase Lo purchase
W uurablllLv refers Lo Lhe expecLed economlc llfe of Lhe
W ervlceablllLv refers Lo Lhe ease of servlclna Lhe
producL 9erformance mav also depend on sensorv
aspecLs such as how a producL looks and feels
W Dnalded brand awareness (for Lhe caLeaorles ln whlch Lhe brand compeLes and
perhaps for Lhe cusLomer beneflLs Lhe brand dellvers)
W 1opofmlnd brand assoclaLlons (vour brand's Lrue poslLlon ln lLs cusLomer's mlnds)
W 9ercelved brand dellverv aaalnsL Lhe mosL lmporLanL cusLomer beneflLs
W ALLlLudlnal lovalLv Loward Lhe brand
W WhaL cusLomers Lhlnk makes vour brand unlque (dlfferenLlaLlon)
W rand prlce senslLlvlLv (a measure of brand sLrenaLh)
W rand vlLallLv (a measure of brand markeLplace momenLum)
W rand quallLv percepLlons
W rand value percepLlons
W rand accesslblllLv percepLlons
W LmoLlonal connecLlon Lo Lhe brand
W rand values allanmenL wlLh lLs cusLomers
W rand dlsLrlbuLlon
W rand markeL share
W rand sales
W rand proflLablllLv
W Whlch lapLop compuLer u feel whlch have
Lhe hlah brand performance
W Cars
W lkes
W Llquors
W CosmeLlcs
W Moblles
W uress brands
8rand Imagery
W rand lmaaerv deals wlLh Lhe exLrlnslc
properLles of Lhe producL lncludlna Lhe wavs
ln whlch Lhe brand aLLempL Lo meeL cusLomer
psvcholoalcal needs
W rand lmaaerv ls how people Lhlnk abouL a
brand absLracLlv raLher Lhan whaL Lhev Lhlnk
Lhe brand acLuallv does
W 1hus lmaaerv refers Lo more lnLanalble
aspecLs of Lhe brand
W lL ls based on Lhe proposlLlon LhaL consumers buv noL onlv
a producL (commodlLv) buL also Lhe lmaae assoclaLlons of
Lhe producL such as power wealLh sophlsLlcaLlon and
mosL lmporLanLlv ldenLlflcaLlon and assoclaLlon wlLh oLher
users of Lhe brand
W rand lmaae can be relnforced bv brand communlcaLlons
such as packaalna adverLlslna promoLlon cusLomer
servlce wordofmouLh and oLher aspecLs of Lhe brand
W rand lmaaes are usuallv evoked bv asklna consumers Lhe
flrsL words/lmaaes LhaL come Lo Lhelr mlnd when a cerLaln
brand ls menLloned (someLlmes called Lop of mlnd)
W 1ake a producL accordlna Lo vour llkeness and
Lhlnk 3 wavs how u can lmprove lLs Anu
8rand Iudgments
W rand [udamenLs focus on cusLomers'
personal oplnlons and evaluaLlon wlLh reaard
Lo Lhe brand
W 1o creaLe a sLrona brand four Lvpes of brand
[udamenLs summarv are parLlcular lmporLanL
CuallLv CredlblllLv ConslderaLlon and
8rand ee||ngs
W rand feellnas are cusLomers' emoLlonal responses and
reacLlon wlLh respecL Lo brand rand feellnas also relaLe Lo
Lhe soclal currencv evoked bv Lhe brand 1he followlna are slx
lmporLanL Lvpes of brandbulldlna feellnas
1WarmLh 1he brand makes consumers feel a sense of calm
2lun 1he brand makes consumers feel amused plavful and
cheerful and so on oo oo
3LxclLemenL 1he brand makes consumers feel eneraeLlc and
feel LhaL Lhev are experlenclna wlLh someLhlna speclal
4ecurlLv 1he brand produces a feellna of safeLv
3elfrespecL 1he brand makes consumers feel beLLer abouL
6oclal approval 1he brand resulLs ln consumers havlna
poslLlve feellna abouL Lhe reacLlons of oLhers
8rand kesonance
W rand resonance refers Lo Lhe naLure of Lhe
relaLlonshlp and Lhe exLenL Lo whlch
cusLomers feel LhaL Lhev are ln svnc" wlLh Lhe
brand rand resonance can be broken down
lnLo four caLeaorles
W ehavloral LovalLv
ALLlLudlnal ALLachmenL
ense of CommunlLv
AcLlve LnaaaemenL
Ident|fy|ng and Lstab||sh|ng 8rand
W rand poslLlonlna ls deflned as Lhe acL of deslanlna
Lhe companv's offer and lmaae so LhaL lL occuples a
dlsLlncL and valued place ln Lhe LaraeL cusLomer's
W 9oslLlonlna ls all abouL ldenLlfvlna Lhe opLlmal locaLlon
of a brand and lLs compeLlLors ln Lhe mlnds of
consumers Lo maxlmlze poLenLlal beneflL Lo Lhe flrm
W Accordlna Lo cusLomer based brand equlLv model
decldlna on a poslLlonlna requlres deLermlnlna a frame
of reference bv ldenLlfvlna Lhe LaraeL markeL and Lhe
naLure of compeLlLlon and Lhe ldeal polnLsofparlLv
and polnLsofdlfference brand assoclaLlon
AL Lhe funcLlonal level producLs and
brands can poslLlon Lhemselves ln loL
manv a plaLforms
W - 9rlclna sLraLeales
W - hlpplna/dellverv servlces
W - 9osLsale servlces
W - 9roducL feaLures/beneflLs
W - 9resale process
W - 9romoLlonal Llelns sponsorshlps communlLv aoodwlll
W - 9roducL quallLv
W - upporL servlces
W - CuaranLees/warranLles
W - 9ackaalna
W - CulLural svmbols eLc eLc
@arget Market
W A markeL ls Lhe seL of all acLual and poLenLlal
buvers who have sufflclenL moLlvaLlon ablllLv and
opporLunlLv Lo buv a producL
W MarkeL seamenLaLlon l nvolves dlvldlna Lhe
markeL lnLo dlsLlncL aroups of homoaeneous
consumers who have slmllar needs and consumer
behavlor and Lhus requlre slmllar markeL mlxes
W All companles never LaraeL all of lLs seamenLs
1here ls a crlLerlon under whlch seamenLs are
ldenLlflablv Can seamenL ldenLlflcaLlon be easllv
lze ls Lhere adequaLe sales poLenLlal ln Lhe
AccesslblllLv Are speclallzed dlsLrlbuLlon ouLleLs
and communlcaLlon medla avallable Lo reach Lhe
esponslveness Pow favorablv wlll Lhe
seamenL respond Lo a Lallored markeLlna
lrom manufacLurer perspecLlve Lhe model seamenLs users of a brand
ls dlvlded
lnLo four aroups based on sLrenaLh of commlLmenL from low Lo hlah
as follows
1onvert|b|e Plah llkelv Lo swlLch brands
25ha||ow noL readv Lo swlLch buL mav be
conslderlna alLernaLlves
3Average ComforLable wlLh Lhelr cholce
unllkelv Lo swlLch ln Lhe fuLure
4Lntrenched Plahlv loval unllkelv Lo chanae
ln Lhe foreseeable fuLure
ore 8rand Va|ues
W Core brand values are Lhose seL of aLLrlbuLes LhaL
characLerlze Lhe flve Lo Len mosL lmporLanL aspecLs of a
W Core brand values can serve as Lhe basls of brand
poslLlonlna ln Lerms of how Lhev relaLe Lo polnLs of parlLv
and polnLs of dlfference
W Core brand values can be ldenLlfled Lhrouah sLrucLured
W 1he flrsL sLep ls Lo creaLe a deLalled menLal map of Lhe
brand A menLal map accuraLelv porLravs ln deLall all sallenL
brand assoclaLlons and responses for a parLlcular LaraeL
W MenLal maps musL reflecL Lhe reallLv of how Lhe brand ls
acLuallv percelved bv consumers ln Lerms of Lhelr bellefs
aLLlLudes oplnlons feellnas lmaaes and experlences
8rand Mantras
W A brand manLra ls hlahlv relaLed Lo handlna concepLs such as brand essence used
bv oLhers
W A brand manLra ls an arLlculaLlon of Lhe hearL and soul of Lhe brand 1helr
purpose ls Lo ensure LhaL all emplovees wlLhln Lhe oraanlzaLlon and all exLernal
markeLlna parLners undersLand whaL Lhe brand mosL fundamenLallv ls Lo represenL
wlLh consumers so LhaL Lhev can ad[usL Lhelr acLlons accordlnalv
W 8rand mantras are powerful devlces 1hev can provlde auldance whaL ad
campalans Lo run where and how Lhe brand should be sold and so on rand
manLras can be broken down lnLo Lhree Lerms brand funcLlons descrlpLlve
modlfler and emoLlonal modlfler
W 1he brand funct|ons descr|be the nature of theproduct
W @he descr|pt|ve mod|f|er |s a way to c|rcumscr|be the bus|ness funct|ons term to
further c|ar|fy |ts nature
W llnallv lemot|ona| mod|f|er prov|des another qua||f|er |n terms of how the brand
de||vers these benef|ts
W Lxample nlke brand funcLlon ls performance descrlpLlve modlfler ls aLhleLlc and
emoLlonal modlfler ls auLhenLlc
W r|ter|a for hoos|ng 8rand L|ements
W 1here are slx crlLerla ln chooslna brand
elemenLs whlch are as follows
W MemorablllLv
9roLecL ablllLv
|ve 8's from the ustomer
W 18as|c 1here are some baslc Lhlnas whlch are
requlred bv cusLomers
W 28ackground CusLomers have backaround when
Lhev are aolna Lo purchase
38eaut y 9ackaalna should be such LhaL aLLracL
48e||ef CusLomer should be bellef on Lhe brand
38enef|t CusLomers purchase Lhose Lhlnas
whlch alve Lhem beneflL
|ve 8's from 8rand Manager
W 18rave Pe should be bold ln respecL of Laklna lnlLlaLlves
28r||||ant Pe should be adepL ln deslanlna beLLer brand
38ack|ng Companv should supporL hlm ln senslLlve
W 48r|dge Pe ls a person LhaL creaLes a llnk beLween
cusLomers and
W companv and works as a brldae
W 38enef|c|a| Pe should provlde beneflL Lo hls companv ln
whlch he ls
W worklna
pt|ons and @act|cs for 8rand
e proLecLed (or aL leasL proLecL able) under Lrademark law
e easv Lo pronounce
e easv Lo remember
e easv Lo recoanlze
e easv Lo LranslaLe lnLo all lanauaaes ln Lhe markeLs where
Lhe brand wlll be used
ALLracL aLLenLlon
uaaesL producL beneflLs (ea LasvCff) or suaaesL usaae
(noLe Lhe Lradeoff wlLh sLrona Lrademark proLecLlon)
uaaesL Lhe companv or producL lmaae
ulsLlnaulsh Lhe producLs poslLlonlna relaLlve Lo Lhe
e super aLLracLlve
Land ouL amona a aroup of oLher brands llke LhaL one
compared Lo Lhe oLhers
8rand Names
W A leaallv proLecLed brand name ls called
a Lrademark 1he word brand has conLlnued Lo
evolve Lo encompass ldenLlLv lL affecLs Lhe
personallLv of a producL companv or servlce
W @ypes of brand names
W rand names come ln manv sLvles
A few lnclude
Acronym A name made of lnlLlals such as D9 or lM
Descr|pt|ve names LhaL descrlbe a producL beneflL or funcLlon llke Whole
loods or Alrbus
A|||terat|on and rhyme names LhaL are fun Lo sav and sLlck ln Lhe mlnd
llke eeses 9leces or uunkln uonuLs
Lvocat|ve names LhaL evoke a relevanL vlvld lmaae llke Amazon or CresL
Neo|og|sms CompleLelv madeup words llke Wll or kodak
ore|gn word AdopLlon of a word from anoLher lanauaae llke volvo or
ounders names Dslna Lhe names of real peopleand founders name llke
PewleLL9ackard or ulsnev
Geography Manv brands are named for realons and landmarks llke Clsco
and lu[l lllm
9erson|f|cat|on Manv brands Lake Lhelr names from mvLh llke nlke or
from Lhe mlnds of ad execs llke eLLv Crocker
rand awareness
rand awareness refers Lo cusLomers ablllLv Lo recall
and recoanlze Lhe brand under dlfferenL condlLlons and
llnk Lo Lhe brand name loao [lnales and so on Lo
cerLaln assoclaLlons ln memorv
lL helps Lhe cusLomers Lo undersLand Lo whlch producL or
servlce caLeaorv Lhe parLlcular brand belonas and whaL
producLs and servlces are sold under Lhe brand name
lL also ensures LhaL cusLomers know whlch of Lhelr needs
are saLlsfled bv Lhe brand Lhrouah lLs producLs
8rand Awareness
W rand awareness lmproved Lhe exLenL Lo whlch brand
names are chosen LhaL are slmple and easv Lo
W 1o enhance brand recall lL ls deslrable for Lhe brand
name to be s|mp|e and easy to pronounce
9ronunclaLlon also affecLs Lhe w||||ngness of
consumers to order the brand ora||y
W ldeallv Lhe brand name should have a clear
undersLandable and unamblauous pronunclaLlon and
meanlna @he way a brand |s pronounced can affect |ts
8rand prom|se
W 1he markeLer and owner of Lhe brand has a
vlslon of what the brand must be and do for
the consumers
W rand promlse ls whaL a part|cu|ar brand
stands for (and has sLood for ln Lhe pasL)
W lL has lLs rooLs from Lhe ldenLlLv LhaL lL aalns
over a perlod of Llme
W for example the best spark||ng teeth or Lhe
LrusLed bank Lo bank wlLh for cenLurles eL al
9romlses kepL
W A promlse can deflne a companv ln Lhe markeLplace
elow are a few examples of companles LhaL creaLe
expecLaLlons and conslsLenLlv dellver on Lhem Can vou
Lhlnk of oLhers?
W edLx our packaae wlll aeL Lhere overnlahL
W App|e ou can own Lhe coolesL easlesLLouse cuLLlna
edae compuLers and elecLronlcs
W Mck|nsey ompanv ou can hlre Lhe besL mlnds ln
manaaemenL consulLlna
W @he Nature onservancy Lmpowerlna vou Lo save Lhe
Creen brands
W Green brands are
Lhose brands LhaL consumers assoclaLe
wlLh envlronmenLal conservaLlon and susLalnable
buslness pracLlces
W uch brands appeal Lo consumers who are
becomlna more aware of Lhe need Lo proLecL
Lhe envlronmenL
W A areen brand can add a unlque selllna polnL Lo a
producL and can boosL corporaLe lmaae
W lL ls a Lerm descrlblna Lhe decepLlve use of areen
9 or areen markeLlna ln order Lo promoLe a
mlsleadlna percepLlon LhaL a companvs pollcles
or producLs are envlronmenLallv frlendlv 1he
Lerm green sheen has slmllarlv been used Lo descrlbe
oraanlzaLlons LhaL aLLempL Lo show LhaL Lhev are
adopLlna pracLlces beneflclal Lo Lhe envlronmenL
W Creenwashlna mav be descrlbed as spln Cne
example ls presenLlna cosL cuLs as reducLlons ln use of
G|oba| brand
W A alobal brand ls one whlch ls percelved Lo reflecL Lhe same
seL of values around Lhe world
W Clobal brands Lranscend Lhelr orlalns and creaLe sLrona
endurlna relaLlonshlps wlLh consumers across counLrles
and culLures
W 1hev are brands sold ln lnLernaLlonal markeLs Lxamples of
alobal brands lnclude lacebook Apple Coca
Cola Mcuonalds MasLercard Cap onv and nlke 1hese
brands are used Lo sell Lhe same producL across mulLlple
markeLs and could be consldered successful Lo Lhe exLenL
LhaL Lhe assoclaLed producLs are easllv recoanlzable bv Lhe
dlverse seL of consumers
eneflLs of alobal brandlna
W Lconomles of scale (producLlon and dlsLrlbuLlon)
W Lower markeLlna cosLs
W Lavlna Lhe aroundwork for fuLure exLenslons worldwlde
W MalnLalnlna conslsLenL brand lmaaerv
W Culcker ldenLlflcaLlon and lnLearaLlon of lnnovaLlons (dlscovered
W 9reempLlna lnLernaLlonal compeLlLors from enLerlna domesLlc
markeLs or locklna vou ouL of oLher aeoaraphlc markeLs
W lncreaslna lnLernaLlonal medla reach (especlallv wlLh Lhe exploslon
of Lhe lnLerneL) ls an enabler
W lncreases ln lnLernaLlonal buslness and Lourlsm are also enablers
W Clobal brand varlables
W 1he followlna elemenLs mav dlffer from counLrv Lo counLrv
W CorporaLe sloaan
W 9roducLs and servlces
W 9roducL names (ln Amerlcan Lhe household cleaner Mr
Clean ls called Mr 9roper here ln Cermanv uawn
dlshwashlna llquld ls called lalrv uraer klna ls called
Punarv !acks)
W 9roducL feaLures
W 9oslLlonlnas
W MarkeLlna mlxes (lncludlna prlclna dlsLrlbuLlon medla and
adverLlslna execuLlon)
W 1hese dlfferences wlll depend upon
W Lanauaae dlfferences
W ulfferenL sLvles of communlcaLlon
W CLher culLural dlfferences
W ulfferences ln caLeaorv and brand developmenL
W ulfferenL consumpLlon paLLerns
W ulfferenL compeLlLlve seLs and markeLplace condlLlons
W ulfferenL leaal and reaulaLorv envlronmenLs
W ulfferenL naLlonal approaches Lo markeLlna (medla
prlclna dlsLrlbuLlon eLc)
Amb|ent brand
W An amblenL brand ls a movemenL where Lhe brand ls
oraanlzed around values and soclal needs lnsLead of
promoLlna a speclflc producL
W lL ls a vlrLual space deflned bv values and occupled bv
a communlLv of llke mlnded people
W Whereas a LradlLlonal brand ls enLlrelv dependenL on
producLs and Lhelr parenL corporaLlons an amblenL
brand ls an lndependenL soclal movemenL LhaL
companles can parLlclpaLe ln
W 1hev are noL selllna producLs Lhev are allowlna Lhelr
companv Lo parLlclpaLe ln a soclal movemenL and allow
Lhelr brand Lo be ldenLlfled wlLh Lhls
W DL sLands for unlversal resource locaLor
W lL ls also commonlv referred Lo as domaln names
DL musL realsLer and pav for Lhe name wlLh a
servlce such asealsLercom
W 1he ma[or lssue Lodav faclna mosL of Lhe
companles wlLh reaard Lo DLs ls proLecLlon of
Lhelr brands from unauLhorlzed use ln domaln
W lorexample nlke noL approve of lLs name
appearlna ln Lhe DL of a flcLlLlous fan slLe
W wwwn|keru|escom
Logos and 5ymbo|s
W 1here are manv Lvpes of loaos ranalna from
corporaLe names wrlLLen ln a dlsLlncLlve form
W lor example Lhe sLrona word marks lnclude
CocaCola uunhllland klLkaL
W 1here are some absLracL loaos whlch mav be
compleLelv unrelaLed Lo Lhe word mark 1hese
are called nonword mark loaos
W 1he nonword marks loaos are also ofLen called
svmbols ome loaos are llLeral represenLaLlons of
Lhe brand name enhanclna brand awareness
such as Apple loaos and Amerlcan ed Cross
W rand characLers Lvplcallv are lnLroduced Lhrouah
adverLlslna and can plav a cenLral role ln Lhese
and subsequenL ad campalans
W rand characLers come ln manv dlfferenL forms
ome brand characLers are anlmaLed where as
oLhers are llveacLlon flaures ConsequenLlv brand
characLers can be qulLe useful for creaLlna brand
W CharacLers ofLen musL be updaLed over Llme so
LhaL Lhelr lmaae and personallLv remalns relevanL
Lo Lhe LaraeL markeL
W loaans are shorL phrases LhaL communlcaLe
descrlpLlve lnformaLlon abouL Lhe brand
W loaans ofLen appear ln adverLlslna buL can plav an
lmporLanL role on packaalna and ln oLher aspecLs of
Lhe markeLlna proarams
W loaans can plav off Lhe brand name ln a wav Lo bulld
boLh awareness and lmaae ome sloaans become so
sLronalv llnked Lo Lhe brand LhaL lL becomes dlfflculL Lo
subsequenLlv lnLroduce new ones lor example Lhe
sloaan of a|eeb m||k |s "the th|ckest
W m||k"
Ad aaencles
W g||vy Mather ls an lnLernaLlonal adverLlslna publlc
relaLlons and markeLlna aaencv esLabllshed ln 1948
W 1hls nework based flrm operaLes ln 123 counLrles
across Lhe world wlLh lLs lndlan operaLlon cenLre
Callvv AdverLlslnaln Mumbal
W Callvv MaLher ls Lhe creaLlve Leam behlnd lndla's
mosL successful and renowned brands such as PuLch
(vodafone) Cadburv Aslan 9alnLs and levlcol
W 1he CM neLwork offers servlces Lo counLless lorLune
Clobal 300 companles across Lhe world Callvv
AdverLlslna conLlnues Lo remaln lndla's number one
adverLlslna aaencv
IW@ ! WalLer 1hompson
W 9opularlv known as IW@ ! WalLer 1hompson ls
headquarLered ln new ork havlna offlces ln over 90
W lL was seL up ln 1864 and even Lodav conLlnues Lo
creaLe lnnovaLe and deflne Lhe world of
communlcaLlon ln lndla
W !W1 has manv feaLhers ln lLs cap lncludlna nesLle
Cadburv aver lord nokla and Dnllever
W Amona lLs several accolade !W1 was recenLlv proffered
wlLh Lhe Crand 9rlx" award aL Lhe 2008 Cannes Llons
lnLernaLlonal AdverLlslna lesLlval for Lhe Lead lndla"
Mudra ommun|cat|on
W Mumbalbased Mudra ommun|cat|on was seL up ln
1980 wlLh Lhe alm of uslna Lhe arL of communlcaLlon Lo
express ldeas LhaL shape lLs brands
W 1he Mudra Leam focuses on lLs consumers and Lhelr
needs and experlences lLs four aaencv neLworks
ensure a cusLomlzed and collaboraLlve approach Lo
creaLe a brand experlence for lLs cllenLs
W Mudra CommunlcaLlon has promoLed famous brands
llke neuLroaena PC 9hlllps ellance neLConnecL
la azaar and Marv kav ln such a wav LhaL lL creaLes a
lasLlna lmpresslon ln Lhe hearLs of Lhe lLs consumers
1he mlnL wlLh a whole
1he world ls ln vour pockeL
kar Lo uunlva MuLhl Meln
l love u rasna
W 8 D|ka Advert|s|ng Ltd slnce lLs lncepLlon ln 1961 has conLlnued
Lo be amona Lhe Lop 3 adverLlslna aaencles ln lndla 1hls companv's
alm has alwavs been Lo creaLe adverLlslna LhaL ls noLlceable and
LhaL ls mosL relevanL Lo Lhe buver noL Lhe seller ome of lC Dlka's
successful ads lnclude 1aLa lndlcom Whlrlpool Zee Clnema
anLoor unfeasL and Amul amona oLhers lC Dlka ls consldered
as a Lurnaround speclallsL LhaL lndulaes ln more Lhan [usL brand
W ked|ffus|on D k ls a Mumbalbased adverLlslna aaencv LhaL was
seL up ln 1973 lL focuses prlmarllv on lnLearaLed 9 servlces and
medla relaLlons 1hls flrm sLands proud aL number 3
W Grey Wor|dw|de (I) 9vt Ltd ls a Mumbalbased adverLlslna
aaencv speclallzlna ls provldlna effecLlve adverLlslna and
markeLlna soluLlons WlLh offlces ln uelhl kolkaLa anaalore
and Ahmedabad Crev Worldwlde lndla 9vL LLd ls parL of Lhe
laraer famllv called Lhe Crev Clobal Croup lollowlna are
some of Lhe brands LhaL feaLure on Crev lndla's noLeworLhv
llsL of cllenLs Pero Ponda MaruLl uzukl nesLle lndlan Cll
Ambu[a CemenL D1v 9C and Codre[
W 1he creaLlve Leam of Leo 8urnett Ind|a 9vt Ltd has over Lhe
vears successfullv offered consumers wlLh powerful brand
experlences uslna ads llke Mcuonald's Pelnz Complan a[a[
and PulC Lo name a few A reaular award wlnner aL Lhe
Cannes fesLlval lndla's Leo urneLL has been proclalmed as
one of Lhe mosL creaLlve aaencles of Lhe counLrv
W lnce lLs lncepLlon ln 1986 ontract Advert|s|ng
Ind|a Ltd has sklllfullv dellvered successful resulLs
Lo lLs hlahproflle cllenLele lncludlna 1aLa lndlcom
ellaare Aslan 9alnLs uomlno's 9lzza plce!eL
amonslLe and Amerlcan 1ourlsLer ConLracL
AdverLlslna lndla LLd ls known for lLs oneofa
klnd speclalLv dlvlslons LhaL provlde compleLe
adverLlslna soluLlons 1hese dlvlslons lnclude
ueslanuLra lConLracL and Core ConsulLlna

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