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Developing an innovative go-to-market strategy An Innovation Catalyst Seminar

Prepared and Presented by

Marcus Tarrant Managing Director Mission HQ Pty. Ltd. ATF the Innovate Trust

Innovation Catalyst Seminar

Contact Details

Marcus Tarrant

Managing Direct or Mission HQ Pt y. Lt d. ATF t he Innovat e Trust Marcus.t arrant @m .au + 61 3 9005 9710 www.m .au

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Innovation Catalyst Seminar

Intellectual Property & Disclaimer

Copyright 2010 Mission HQ.

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This docum ent is int ended t o reflect MISSION HQ s high-level overview of t he a Go-To-Market St rat egy. It does not const it ut e form al professional advice or a recom m endat ion t o pot ent ial licensors, t ax advisors, invent ors or ot her t hird part ies as t o a course of act ion in respect of t he processes addressed, and should not be relied on as such. All care is t aken in t he preparat ion of t his docum ent but MISSION HQ bears no responsibilit y as t o t he cont ent s of t his docum ent and disclaim s any liabilit y wit h respect t o it s use or m isuse.

Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

Seminar Agenda
Agenda Item
Introduction Where Does the Go-To-Market Process fit? A framework to assist in selecting the ideal go-to market strategy Facilitated discussion/Questions Conclusion

10 mins 10 mins 40 mins 20 Mins 5 Mins

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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar


There are t hree kinds of com panies, t hose t hat m ake new t hings happen, t hose t hat w at ch new t hings happen, and t hose t hat wonder w hat happened


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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

About Mission HQ Pty. Ltd.

S o m e re ce n t p a st cl e n ts o f M i o n H Q a n d i ssi th e te a m :

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Why does a Go-To-Market Strategy Matter?

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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

The future of your organisation depends on it

Reduce t im e t o m arket Reduce cost associat ed wit h failed go-t o-m arket at t em pt s Reduce reput at ion risk Reduce risk of product success Increase abilit y t o adapt quickly Ensure regulat ory com pliance Enhance cust om er experience Manage innovat ion adopt ion issues

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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

But why today more than ever?

Channels t o m arket m ore com plex t han ever Access t o channels m ore com pet it ive t han ever Pat h t o m arket is now not always clear Business dem and for quick result s m eans choosing t he wrong pat h t o m arket can m ean prem at ure deat h of a great product or service More regulat ion and com pliance Many channels t o m arket for innovat ive product s have t he pot ent ial t o cause channel conflict wit h exist ing product s.

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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

So What is a Go-To-Market St rat egy?


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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

So what is a Go-To-Market Strategy?

N ew Thi g n

C u sto m e rs


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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

Whats so hard about that?

J i t on Ve n tu re s

C o l a b o ra to rs l

D i b u to rs stri

N ew Thi g n

C hannel Pa rtn e rs

Te ch n o l g y o Pa rtn e rs

Pro d u ct Pa rtn e rs

C u sto m e rs

M o b ie l

W e b si te

A ffi i te s la


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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

how do we get from here...

J i t on Ve n tu re s

C o l a b o ra to rs l

D i b u to rs stri

N ew Thi g n

C hannel Pa rtn e rs

Te ch n o l g y o Pa rtn e rs

Pro d u ct Pa rtn e rs

C u sto m e rs

M o b ie l

W e b si te

A ffi i te s la


Mission HQ Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

To here...

N ew Thi g n

C hannel Pa rtn e rs

Te ch n o l g y o Pa rtn e rs

C u sto m e rs

W e b si te

A ffi i te s la


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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

Without this


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Or this,...


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we need a map...


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some context...
Oper atio nal Proc esse s
Develop Vision and St rategy Develop & Manage Products & Services Market & Sell Products & Services Deliver products & services Manage Customer Service
Define business concept and long term vision Develop business strategy Develop long term vision

Manage product and service portfolio

Develop products and services

Understand markets & customers

Go To Market Strategy

Develop sales strategy

Develop & manage marketing plansDevelop & manage sales plans

Plan for and acquire necessary resources Procure materials and services Produce/Manufacture/Deliver product Deliver service to customer

Manage logistics and warehousing

Develop customer care/customer service strategy

Plan and manage customer service operations

Measure and evaluate customer service operations

Supp ort Proc esse s

Develop & Manage Hu m a n Capita l

Manage Information Tech.

Manage Financial Resources

Program & Portfolio management

Manage OH&S

Manage External re lat ion shi ps

Manage knowledge & im pro vem ent

Develop & manage HR

Manage information

Perform planning & mgmt acct. Determine environment Maintain project/ program methodology Perform revenue accounting Manage Portfolio Develop OH&S Programme

Build Stakeholder relationsiposmanage organisational performance metrics Create &

Recruit, source & select employees IT Customer relationships

Develop & Counsel

Continuity and Risk

Perform general acct. & reporting

Train & educate employees

Manage gov.& ind. relationships Benchmark performance & manage change Manage board relations Develop enterprise wide knowledge management Manage legal & ethical issues

Reward & retain employees

Develop IT solutions

Manage fixed assets & proejcts

Manage Programmes

Monitor OH&S Programme

Re-deploy and retire employees

Deploy IT solutions

Process Payroll Manage Projects & resource allocation Process payables & expenses.

Ensure compliance Manage Public Relations program Manage Innovation

Manage Employee info.

Support IT services.

Manage remediation


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a start and end point...

Deve V lop isionan d S teg tra y De velop& Man ge a P rodu & S vices cts er Market& S ell P rodu & S vices cts er
Define business concept and long term vision Develop busines strategy s Develop long termvision Manage product and service portfolio Develop products and s ervices

Understand m arkets & cu stom ers

Develop go to m arket strategy

D evelop sales strategy

Develop & m age an m arketing plans

Develop & m age an sales plans

s c P l n o i t a r e p O

Deliverp u ts & rod c services Ma eC stom nag u er S ice erv

D elop& ev Ma g H a na e um n Ca l pita
Develop & m anag e HR R ecruit, source & select employees Develop & C ounsel

Plan for and acq uire nec essary resou rces

Procure materials and services

Prod uce/Manufacture/ Deliver product

Deliver service to custom er

Manage logistics and warehousing

Process Scope: A go to market strategy structures and defines the activities and participants (channels) that connect a product or service to customers.

Develop custom c er are/custom er service strategy

Plan and manage custom service er operations

Measure and evalu custom ate er service operations

Ma g na e Inform tion a T ech.

Manage inform ation IT C ustom er relationships C ontinuity and R isk Develop IT solutions Deploy IT solutions Su pport IT services.

Ma g na e F a in ncia l R ources es
Performplanning & m m acct. g t Performrevenue accounting Performgeneral acct. &reporting Manage fixed assets & proejcts Proces Payroll s Process payables & expenses.

Prog m& ra Portfolio m na em a g ent

Main tain project/ program m ethodology Manage Portfolio

Ma g O &S na e H
Determ e in environm ent Develop OH&S Program e m Train & educate em ployees Monitor OH&S Program e m En sure com pliance

Ma a e E n g xterna l rela tions ips h

Build Stakeholder relationsipos Manage gov.& in d. relationships Manage board relations Manage legal & ethical iss ues Manage Public Relations program

Man g ae k nowledg & e im prov en em t

C reate &m anage org anisational perform ance metrics B enchm ark perform ance & m anage change Develop en terprise wide knowledge m anagem ent Manage Inn ovation

s e c P t r o p u S

R eward & retain em ployees R e-deploy an d retire employees Manage Em ployee info.

Manage Program es m

Manage Projects & resource allocation

Manage rem ediation


ortunity we would like to progress through to customer engagement

Develop Go To Market Strategy

Identified market channel(s) and the cost of utilising those channels


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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

...and a process.

Refining your go-to market strategy.


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But, after searching


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We concluded


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That none existed


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So we built one


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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

And tested it


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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

It works!


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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

Developing Your Go-To Market St rat egy


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The Map


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The Process
Det ails of t he Go-To-Market St rat egy developm ent process have been rem oved from t his present at ion. For furt her inform at ion cont act Mission HQ at www.m .au


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How can we help?

Providing t raining for your t eam on t he Go-t om arket process Running go-t o m arket workshops t o assist in specifying your st rat egy Support ing execut ion of your go-t o m arket st rat egy t hrough a st ruct ured approach. Mission HQ undert akes consult ing act ivit ies for governm ent and business t o assist in realising value from innovat ion.

Thank You for your at t endance.

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Innovation Innovat ion Catalyst Cat alyst Seminar Sem inar

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