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Job evaluation

Job evaluation depends on job analysis and job description . job description is written statement of duties ,responsibilites and conditions of the job .

Lead the creation of a recruiting and interviewing plan for each open position. Efficiently and effectively fill open positions. Conduct regular follow-up with managers to determine the effectiveness of recruiting plans and implementation. Develop a pool of qualified candidates in advance of need. Research and recommend new sources for active and passive candidate recruiting. Build networks to find qualified passive candidates. Post openings in newspaper advertisements, with professional organizations, and in other position appropriate venues. Utilize the Internet for recruitment. --Post positions to appropriate Internet sources. --Improve the company website recruiting page to assist in recruiting. --Research new ways of using the Internet for recruitment. --Use social and professional networking sites to identify and source candidates.

Ranking method :
Points method is an analytical method of job evaluation which is based on breaking down jobs into factors or key elements. Methodology consists of following points: Factor selection(ex: skill , effort , responsibility

The job is split into a number of factors. The worth of each job is determined on the basis of its factors and not by considering the job as a whole. The procedure adopted is systematic and can easily be explained to the employees. The method is simple to understand and easy to administer.

Promotion and transfers

There are two types of promotion vertical and horizontal . Vertical promotion : employees are promoted from one rank to next higher rank in the same department or division . Horizontal promotion: under this employee may be transferred from one position in department to position in other department .

Movement of employee from one job to another on the same occupational level and at same level of wages or salary . Scott defined it as the movement of employee from one job to another ,may involve a promotion ,demotion or no change in job status .

Refers to espirit de corps ,feeling of enthusiasm ,zeal,confidence in individual or groups . Refers to the ability of group to work together for a common objective . High morale results in high efficiency of the organization .

Importance of morale
Refers to working of individual in a team towards realization of common objective . Content of morale can be divided into three groups : First concerns off the job satisfaction . Second concerns on the job satisfaction . Third concerns personal satisfaction derived from job .

Morale depends on the relation between expectation and reality . The closer the individuals enviornment comes to providing the kinds of rewards he expects , better will be his morale . Morale is also be defined as spirit and confidence with which the employee performs his job . Level of morale is a result of the degree to which the overall needs of individual are fulfilled .

Morale and productivity

High morale and high productivity go hand in hand . Most unpredictable effects of the level of morale is its impact on workers productivity . Productivity of the group is the composite of many factors at least one is the general state of mind or the will to do .

Measurement of morale
Morale can be measured by assessing attitude and job satisfaction . Cannot be directly measured or evaluated . Impression of supervisor :Manager can measure the morale of employees by observing their activites . They know how to get things done according to the methods they have been taught . Executives should be encouraged to sense the morale situation and capable of developing high morale

Guided interview
Guided interview is based on the hypothesis that employees answers to certain question will revel their attitudes . Questions selected are presumed ones that will call forth the true picture of how the employees feel . Interviewer seeks to direct interview in such a manner to revel the desired information .

Unguided interview
Technique is based on the theory that if employees are placed in a position to talk freely ,they will revel a true situation . If employee is permitted to talk through a given problem without prompting or questioning , he will become aware of the logic and choose for himself appropriate line of action . It not only provides means of interpreting morale but is also used to build morale .

Combination of guided and unguided interview

Interviewer starts with a guided interview , then invites to discuss with him any subject that he may like to talk about . Some persons tend to bring in material that has no significance in relation to information sought. Interviewer should observe such instances and encourage the interviewee to follow up these leads during unguided position of interview .

Company records and reports

Prepared by personnel department at regular intervals with assistance of supervisors and department heads . Grivances and complaints tend to revel the state of morale of a group . Excessive abseentism or tardiness may also serve as an index or general or specific morale conditions . Labour turnover is index of labour unrest or morale,during a period of labour shortage .

Questionnaire method
This method is generally used to collect employee opinions about the factors which affect morale and their effect on personnel objectives . Morale surveys are condudcted with a view to Finding out what employees think. Find out the kind of education and information they need .

Conducting the survey

Management may engage an outside consultant to conduct survey . Consultant must be introduced to employees and should be assured that he will not revel to anyone and individual answer .

Improving morale
There are number of methods used to control warning signals of low morale . Morale can also be improved by adapting to other measures as employee contest , special recognition award . Film shows to employees ,free coffee during rest pauses and training supervisors how to handle people .

It is agreed that unless individual are motivated to make sufficient potential to perform . They may not achieve level of performance desired from them . Managerial people always facing the problems of motivating their subordinates to release their potential most effectively and thereby .

It is rightly said that you can buy a mans time ,you can buy a mans physical presence at a given place but you cannot buy his enthusiasm . Motivation aims at transforming the ability to do to the will to do . Therefore when we see someone working hard at some activity we can conclude that the individual is driven by desire to achieve some goal which perceives as having value to him .

Maslov need hierarchy

hierarchy of needs indicates the following propositions about human behaviour . Physioloical needs: these are basic to life ,they are relatively independent of each other . They are satisfied for a short period ,then they reappear . Safety needs : if the physiological needs are satisfied ,set of needs emerge for protection against danger and threats .

Social needs : if the physiological needs are fairly satisfied ,the needs for love and affection and belongingness will emerge . Esteem needs : everyone has a need for self respect and for esteem .This results in the desire for strength ,confidence ,prestige ,recognition . These egoistic needs are rarely satisfied . Self actualization : term self actualization means to become actualized in what one is potentially good at . People who are satisfied with these needs are basically satisfied people and we can expect fullest creativeness .

Herzberg motivation theory

Things such as company policy ,supervision,working condition ,interpersonal relation, salary ,job security .exists everywhere their exixtance does not motivate people ,their lack of existence would ,however result in dissactisfaction .these were called hygine factors . Herzberg then listed certain motivators which include : recognition,work advancement ,growth in job .

First group of factors herzberg called hygiene factor their presence will not motivate people yet they must be present or else dissatisfaction will arise ,second group or job content factors are real motivators ,because they have potential of yielding sense of satisfaction .

Employees and motivation

People are motivated by themselves and are seldom motivated by other people . Instead of direct manipulation ,creation of atmosphere that will help individual to greater achievement ,is important . Secondly motivation of people depends on their expectation of what that image should be . Thirdly achievement is always result of motivation .

Motivation tools
First stage of motivation is to make sure of motivational needs . Every employee needs motivation . Prepare set of motivating tools :having determined motivational needs and executive must have list from which he should select and apply tools for motivation .

Selecting and applying the appropriate motivator : proper application of motivational plan is important .involves selection os appropriate technique . Follow up : the lasts stage of motivation is to follow up the results of the application plan .

Morale and motivation

They are not synonymous . Motivation is individualistic and morale is a group instinct . Employee may be motivated to do a job well even if morale is low . Morale is on account of favourable attitude and congenial climate avilable in the organization ,motivation is intrinsic .

During the last decade the growth of industries has been hampered by indiscipline . Maintemance of discipline is important in an organization During the early stages of industrialisation ,labour was exploited. Labour being illiterate had to seek outside help

Further with emergence of unions ,inter union rivalry is prevalent in most of industries . These factors lead to indiscipline . Rapid growth of industries results in many problems arising out of social changes ,lack of adjustments to industrial atmosphere ,changes in living conditions are responcible for 10% of dispute .

Meaning and objective

Observance of principles and rules laid out procedures ,written or otherwise in the organisation ,for smooth functioning of the organization . Dr Spriegal : discipline is the force that prompts an individual or a group to observe the rules ,regulations . Bremblet Earl R : discipline in the broad sense means orderliness ,does not mean strict observance of rules.

To obtain willing acceptance of rules ,so that organization objectives are attained . To develop among employees spirit of tolerance and desire to make adjustments To give seek responsibility , direction . To create atmosphere of respect for human personality . To increase the working efficiency and moral of the employees .

Maintenance of discipline
Rules should be framed in co operation with the representatives of employees . All the rules should be appraised at frequent and regular intervals. Rules should vary with changes in working conditions of the employees . Rules should be uniformly enforced if they are to be effective .

Penalties should be clearly stated in advance . Disciplinary policy should have as its objective as preventive rather than punitive. Extreme caution should be taken to ensure that infringements are not encouraged . If violations of a particular rule are fairly frequent ,the circunstances surrounding them should be carefully studied . Recidivism must be expected .

Ingredient of disciplinary action

Location of responsibility : the responsibility of Maintaining discipline should be entrusted to a responsible person . Proper formulation and communication of rules : It is essential that rules and regulation are carefully formulated and communicated to people . While finalising the rules everyone should be given opportunity to express freely.

Rules and regulations should be reasonable : plant condition and management climate should be such that it is conducive to the observance of rules and regulations . Equal treatment : all defaulters should be treated alike ,depending on the nature of offence , identical punishment should be given for identical offences . Disciplinary action should be taken in private :main objective is to ensure that wrong behaviour is corrected , if the disciplinary action is taken in presence of other employees ,it may impair his social standing.

Justice delayed is justice denied : if penalty is imposed long after violation of rules ,it loses its corrective influence . An individual is presumed to be innocent until he is proven to be guilty . Before taking any disciplinary action , it should be made sure to keep adequate records of offences and warnings ,it is always better to let the subordinate fully explain what happened and why .

Disciplinary action penalties

For most cases oral reprimand is sufficient to achieve the desired result . If the offence is more serious the reprimand may be put in written form . For offence as tardiness or work without permission fines ,or loss of various privilages can be used .

An accurate statement of the problem . Collecting facts having bearing on the case . Selection of tentative penalties . Choice of penalty . Application of penalty . Follow up on disciplinary action .

Accurate statement of the problem

First step is to ascertain the problem ,executive must find out that a violation has occurred , that is entirely the fault or partially the fault or one or more subordinates . Assess the seriousness of the fault . Who was involved in the violation , a individual or the group .

Collecting facts
Before any aciton is taken it is necessary to gather all the facts ,thorough examination of case should be done ,within the stipulated time period . Selection of penalties : kind of penalty to be imposed should be determined before hand . Application of penalty : if the disciplinary action is simple the executive should calmly dispose of the matter .

Dismissal and discharge of employee

According to article 311 of the Indian constitution says no person shall be removed from the service until he has been given the resonable opportunity to show cause as to why the proposed action should not be taken against him . Steps to be followed for dismissal of employee :

Chargesheet is framed
Contains details of the offence with which he is charged . Should indicate time limit within which reply to the charge sheet should be submitted .employee is called upon to show why disciplinary action should not be taken against him .

Receipt of application
Employee should submit his explanation within the prescribed time period . Issue of notice of enquiry : if the explanation is found to be unsatisfactory , notice of enquiry should be given to him . Holding of enquiry : enquiry is held by enquiry officer , in the prescence of employee , contents of chargesheet and explanation of procedure to be explained .

When the enquiry is over ,enquiry officer gives his findings , documents produced and examined , charges made and explanations given . He submits his findings to the authorities empowered to take a disciplinary action .

Human nature is such that whereever he works he has grievance about something or the other . Grievance of the employees produces unhappiness , frustration , and ultimately it has adverse effect on the efficiency and productivity of the employee .

Any discontent or dissatisfaction ,that affects organizational performance . Dissatisfaction is defined as anything that disturbs the employee . It is the complaint formally presented by the employee to the management .

Why do grievance arise

It is important for he manager to know the root cause of the employee dissatisfaction It is a symbol of malfunctioning or maladjustment and skilful manager can find reasons for a grievance .

Importance of grievance handling

Many firms have specifically trained supervisors as to how to handle a grievance or complaint properly . receive and define the nature of dissatisfaction : supervisor should assume that employee is fair in presenting the complaint or grievance .supervisor should not be too busy .

Get the facts : should become aware of the importance of keeping records . Should posses skill of discussion . Analyse and divide : manager must analyse and evaluate them and come to some decision . Apply the answer : some answer is better than none . Employees dislike supervisors who take no stand . Manager must have decision and reasons for his decions .

Group dynamics
Primitive man recognised the importance of group as a basic unit of survival . Meaning of group : two or more person who interact for a common cause , kimball defined it as two or more persons in a state of social interaction .

Characteristics of group
Members meet occasionally ,talk and do things together , they do not have to meet at the same time but in order to be a group member they must have occasional contact with one others . Must have something in common , they might share a goal ,share a common threat , common ideology .

Group fulfills the following needs : Affinitive needs Egostic needs Functional needs Cognitive needs

Types of groups
Formal group : organising workers by means of interrelated tasks ,goal is creation of behavioural relationship among persons that will best enable them to work together Sanctioned by some authority Prescribed division of labour Individuals are assigned responsibilites .

Stable and consistent personal interactions . Rewarding group members . Has designated leader who supervises group . Group members may or may not have say .

Informal work group

They are loosely organised groups such as bowling teams and social clubs which arise from the formal organisation to which members of the informal groups belong . Exist because formal groups fail to satisfy human needs . Provides a source of satisfaction of security needs ,social needs ,esteem needs .

Increase the sense of security ,enable work to be done more effectively . Assist manager in providing discipline . Disadvantages : interfere with organisational effectiveness It emerges when formal group fails to satisfy on the job needs . Way to eliminate it is to make formal group more effectiveness in meeting needs

Group characteristics
Membership in a group Emergent leadership Formal hierarchy Some activity or task to perform Interaction Group norms Group cohesiveness

Group decision making

Big decisions in organisation are made by groups rather than individuals . Even group of people do not sit together ,several people provide input to major decision . Advantages : Greater variety of alternatives are considered

Group decision is helpful in gaining acceptance and commitment . Disadvantages : Takes longer than individual decision making . individual dominance ,tendency for one person to dominate over other .

Group dynamics
Interaction and forces between various members . Forces operating in the group Principles of group dynamics : Group is used as an effective medium of change . More attractive group is ,greater influence it will have .

Higher the prestige of a group member in the eyes of other ,greater influence he will have . Efforts to change group would result in making them conform to norms . Strong pressure can be made by creating a perception for the need for change . Information relating for the need for change ,plans for change must be shared by all the members .

Good leader displays great leadership ,wilingness ,builds employee morale ,motivation . Relationship in which one person influences others to work together . Haiman defines leadership as process by which executive directs ,guides , and influences work of others in choosing and attaining specified goals

Theories of leadership
Great man theories . Trait theories. Contingency theories Situational theories Behavioural theories Participative theories Management theories

Classification of leadership
Bureaucrat Autocrat Diplomat Expert Quarter back

Functions of leader
Maintenance of membership . Objective attainment Group interaction .

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