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From Ideas to Reality

So How?

1. Meet a socio-environment need

Definition: Socio-environment = social + environment

Professor Earl Babbies Experiment

Find a social problem & fix it

Potholes in a neighborhood street were filled up. Apart from that, 20 neighbors who watched a student working, decided to work together to fill them. Tying up and supporting a small tree that had been blocking a sidewalk due to roots loosened by a recent rainstorm. Clearing of litter on the street. Removing a fallen branch that was a hazard to drivers Cleaning up the dormitory bathroom.

2. Gather A Team


4. Resource Management

5. Combine it with a social event

6. Rally Others

7. Market radically

8. Invite media & elected officials



10 Steps
1. Be Relevant 2. Gather team 3. Plan 4. Resource Management 5. Combine it with a social event 6. Rally Others 7. Market radically 8. Invite media & elected officials 9. Evaluation 10. Appreciation

Age is just a number.

Be the change you want to see in the world. [M. Gandhi]

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