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Supporting and Enhancing

Collaboration between Teachers and Educational Assistants

EA/ Teacher Partnership Committee 2010

+ Who we are and why we’re here.
Our Goals:
- To examine and make explicit the structures, beliefs and practices that
support Teacher and Educational Assistant collaboration

- To strategically support inclusive classrooms of varying content and varying


- To consider how to build the collaborative relationship between teachers and

EA’s by reflecting on:
- what works and what doesn’t in terms of working
- how we use our working relationship to advocate and meet
the needs of all students in a classroom?

- In consideration of the results of the inclusion review, how can we

streamline the process of communication and collaboration into a systematic,
effective and efficient process for everyone?
+ How Can We build…
- communication, to support and
advocate for the success for students with
diverse needs?

- relationships, by developing and

maintaining positive, respectful, and
supportive working relationships?

- shared expectations, so we can

maintain standards of professional and
ethical conduct?
Teacher/EA/Resource Teacher
In June
•administrators seek input regarding possible
assignments for the following year from
teachers and educational assistants

Staring in September and throughout the

•T and EA communicate through words and
non verbal actions their mutual respect for
each other and their roles
•Both Teachers and EA build rapport with all
•Ts and EAs specifically seek to build an
honest, open and respectful relationship
through on-going discussions about
philosophies, strategies, expectations, For example: EAs are welcomed and represented in
assumptions, etc. the classroom with a workspace
Class Placements

•administration seeks input from EA and CT

regarding placement of students for the
following year (acknowledge that both have
unique information that should be shared in the
best interests of students)
•seek input from EA and CT regarding their
assignments for the following year in order to
maintain good working relationships and/or
build new working relationships within the
school as a whole
•SLP assists EA with low incidence students communication systems
•T/EA to review current IEP, materials/resources
•Discuss planning of weekly/monthly meetings

Resource T to relieve EA to give them time to shadow students/EA
for following year (information sharing)
Preparation of materials/resources for use first week in September
Professional Development
• Review (Admin/EA)
1 hour - yearly opportunity for EA to share
with Admin information about issues, goals,
• provide opportunities for T/EA to attend Pro
D together relevant to learning situation
and/or students (encourage and if possible
provide release)
• ”Free Pro D” sessions Tuesdays @ 1:15
Provided every 6 weeks based on input from
EA and expressed interest and/or need.
Invitation for all staff to attend.
Conferences and Meetings
•School Based Team Meetings ( EA invited to attend)
•Classroom T and EA meetings during the day (structured and/or unstructured)
•Scheduled EA Meeting 1 x month with Administration
•EA/SLP/Resource T/Classroom T (1/2 hour weekly meetings)
•IEP meetings- include EA with release to attend whenever possible
•Parent/Teacher conferences (EA participates where appropriate-early dismissal)

+ Essential Questions
 How can initial and ongoing conversations with colleagues
affect and improve our experience in classrooms?
 What questions could we ask to encourage and facilitate this
 How does our demeanor and language affect these
 How can we address the roles and responsibilities of the
Teacher - EA relationship while maintaining and honouring
this process?
+(Occupational) Speed Dating

-Turn to your

2 2

YOU have 1 minute to…

Round 1: Get to know as much about this person as

humanly possible
+What questions did you ask?

Why is it important to ask these questions?

How can asking these questions help us

working together in a classroom?

-Turn to your other


2 2

YOU have 30 seconds to…
Round2: What are the top 3 things you need in order to
do your BEST work?
+What did you discuss?

Why is it important to talk about these


How can this discussion, help us work

together in a classroom?

-Go back to your

first partner…

2 2

YOU have 30 seconds to…

Round 3: What are your top 3 triggers or things that

push your buttons at work?
+What did you discuss?

Why is it important to talk about these


How can this discussion, help us work

together in a classroom?
+ Thinking about one of
our essential questions?

How can initial and ongoing

conversations with colleagues affect
and improve our experience in
+ Other Questions

What about students?

What about space?
In your table groups brain storm some questions you could ask
someone whom you are…

sharing space sharing students

(classroom, office, etc.)
+ Thinking about our
essential questions?
Whatquestions could we ask to
encourage and facilitate this process?

Roles &

Share/ discuss/ questions/ concerns

Putting It All Together
+ Groups- dissecting scenarios
Using the Roles & Responsibilities

Sharing Scenarios
+ Thinking about your school, some things to consider…

Using the questions we have developed, build your

questionnaire and make a communication plan.

- what will you ask your colleagues to get to know them


- what questions could you ask your colleague so you can

work with them in the same space?

- what questions could you ask your colleagues so you can

work with them in sharing students?

- What questions could you ask your colleagues to address

possible areas of tension in your day?
+ Some questionnaire examples

Sample discussion points and questionnaire for initial collaborative meeting with

Getting to know:
Tell me about yourself.
How long have you been teaching/being an EA, what schools have you taught at?
What is your best / worst experience with inclusion?
What are your strengths?
What do you struggle with?
Sharing students:
What is the profile of class? Who are the students and what are their needs?
What does supporting the classroom and individual learners look like?
What information do we have about the students with specific special needs? (IEP’s /
student profiles)
How can examples of student work (modified or adapted) help us plan for this group?
What is your philosophy on seating arrangements? Is there a seating plan?  Are students
grouped by ability? Are students with special needs separated from the group?
How does support look different for adapted and modified students?
What is your philosophy on behaviour management? What role do each of you take in
behaviour control and management?
What is your philosophy on student lateness?  Can we develop a back up plan or some
strategies to consider situations that are unavoidable for some students? (e.g. school bus is
late, toileting or feeding schedules, student appointments etc.)
How can we discuss collaborating for assessment, evaluation and communication for
report cards?
What other supports and services do the students have throughout the school? (other
teachers and blocks / Resource or Learning strategies support/  assignment completion)
How will we communicate information to parents?  (Use of agenda, communication
book, telephone, email etc.)
Working with:
What types of activities are the most motivating for you when you are teaching?
What types of activities push your buttons when you are teaching?
What time is best to talk to you about future assignments and learning sequences as well
as their next steps.
How can we collaborate in planning and producing materials for students who are
modified?  When can we plan a time for us to work together, so we can maintain the
planning and implementing throughout  the course?
What does confidential mean to you and what types of things do we keep confidential in
this classroom?
What are your policies around on class or school based “rules” ( i.e. cell phones / iPod
use, Internet etc.)
What are you expectations around communication if there is EA reassignment or
What is your philosophy around EA / teacher lateness? What are some strategies or a
back up plan that we could implement if it is unavoidable?

Sharing space:
Where do each of you prefer to work within the classroom?  Why?  
Where can be a common and safe area to leave supplies?
How will pullout (if any) and small groupings be arranged within the time frame of
the class period?
With whom will the pullout occur? Where will they take place within the room?
Is there and/or how can we access technology/ computers?
What does EA support look like during lecture / work time / pull out time?
How do each of you feel about accessing personal materials? (tests, lesson plans,
notes, assignment criteria etc.)
+ Essential Questions
 How can we address the roles and responsibilities of
the Teacher - EA relationship while maintaining and
honouring this process?
+ The How????

Why is it important to consider HOW

we talk to people?

- time
- questions
- quiet spot
- changing our language

Don’t forget...

+ Essential Questions
How does our demeanor
and language affect these
+ Next Steps

-What is one thing you see yourself

implementing into your practice:

- tomorrow?

- next week?

- throughout this year?

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