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• The force acting on the propeller of an aircraft

depends upon the variables ρ, d, v, μ and N
(speed of the propeller. Develop a relational
formula in terms of non dimensional numbers
using Buckingham π theorem.
 φ(ρ, d, v, μ, N, F)=0, 6 variables, 3 fundamental
dimensions. Nos. of π-terms =6-3 =3
 Select ρ, d & v as repeating variables.
 Π1= ρa1db1vc1μ ; Π2= ρa2db2vc2N ; Π3= ρa3db3vc3F
 Π1= μ/(ρ d v) or Π1= ρ d v/ μ =(Re) ; Π2= d N /v ; Π3=
 F/(ρd2v2)=f(Re, d N /v )
• Thrust developed by a propeller shaft (F) depends upon ω (
angular velocity), v (speed of advance), d (diameter of the
propeller), μ (dynamic viscosity of the fluid) and K
(modulus of elasticity of the fluid). Using dimensional
analysis technique and Buckingham π –theorem, develop
an equation in terms of non-dimensional parameters.
 Φ (ρ, d, v, μ, ω, K, F)=0; variables =7; fundamental
dimensions =3, nos. of π –terms =7 – 3 =4
 ρ, d, v are selected as repeating variables.
 Π1 =ρa1db1vc1μ ; Π2 =ρa2db2vc2ω ; Π3 =ρa3db3vc3K ; Π4 =ρa4db4vc4F
 Π1 = μ/(ρ d v) or Π1= ρ d v/ μ =(Re) ; Π2 =d ω/v ; Π3 = K/ρ
*(1/v2) or Π3 = [√(K/ρ)]2 * 1/v2 = [C/v]2 = (MN)2 ; Π4 =
 F/(ρd2v2) = f[ Re, d ω/v , MN2]
• The frictional torque T on a disk of diameter d rotating at N
rpm in a fluid whose density is ρ and viscosity μ in a
turbulent flow is given by : T= d5 N2 ρ f [μ/(d2Nρ]. Use
dimensional analysis and Buckingham theorem.
 f( d, N, ρ, μ, T) =0 ; 5 variables, 3 fundamental dimensions;
nos. of π –terms =5 – 3 =2
 Repeating variables =3 ; take d, N & ρ as repeating variables
 Π1 = da1Nb1ρc1μ ; Π2 = da2Nb2ρc2T
 Π1 = μ/(ρNd2) ; Π2 = T/(d5N2ρ)
 T/(d5N2ρ) = f [μ/(ρNd2)]
 T= d5N2ρ f [μ/(d2Nρ)]
• A centrifugal pump has a rotational speed of 1200 rpm,
design discharge of 0.5 m3/sec and a head of 20 m. The
shut off head is 30 m. for what speed will the discharge be
0.60 m3/sec? What will be the corresponding head? For
what speed will the shut off head be 22 m ?
 Flow coefficient Q/(ND3) =constant ; N2
=[Q2/Q1]*[D1/D2]3*N1 ; N2 =[0.60/0.50]*1200 = 1440 rpm
 Specific Head H/(D2N2) =const ; H2 = [N2/N1]2 * [D2/D1]2 * H1 ;
H2 =[1440/1200]2 * 20 = 28.8 m
 At shut off head H1 = 30 m ; Q1 =0 and N1 =1200 rpm ; N2 =?
When H2 =22 m
 Specific Head H/(D2N2) =const ; N2 =[H2/H1] * [D1/D2]2 N12 ;
therefore N2 = N1 *√(H2/H1) = 1200 * √(30/22) = 1401 rpm
• A water turbine develops 130 kW at 230 rpm, under a head
of 16 m. Determine the scale ratio and the speed of a
similar machine which will generate 660 kW when working
under a head of 25 m.
 H/(D2N2) =constant ; N = Constant * √H /D
& P/(D5N3) =constant ; therefore P/(D2 * H3/2 ) =constant
 130/(D12 * 163/2) = 660/(D22 * 253/2) ; D2/D1 = 1.612
 Unit speed , unit discharge & unit power are defined
respectively as the speed , discharge & power of a turbine
having a runner diameter 1 m and operating under a head of 1
 uu = u/√H ; Π*1 * Nu /60 = π * ND/60 *1/√H ; therefore Nu
=ND/ √H ; hence ND/ √H = constant
 N1D1/ √H1 = N2D2/ √H2 ; 230 * D1/ √16 = N2 * (1.612 * D1 )/
 N2= 178.35 rpm
• Two homologous pumps A & B are to run at the same
speed of 600 rpm. Pump A has an impeller of 50 cm
diameter and discharges 0.4 m3/sec of water under a net
head of 50 m. determine the size of pump B and its net
head if it to discharge 0.3 m3/sec.
 For homologous pumps specific speed is same ; NsA =
NA√QA/HA3/4 = 600 * √0.4/(503/4)= 20.18
 NsA= NsB ; 20.18 = NB √0.3/HB3/4 ; HB = 41.28 m
 Q/(ND3) = const ; QA/(NADA3) = QB/(NBDA3) ; DB = (0.3/0.4)1/3 *
0.5 = 0.454 m
• A multistage pump is to be designed to lift the water through a
total head of 140 m. when running at 1000 rpm, it delivered 0.2
m3/sec of water. Find the number of stages required when the
specific speed of each stage is 30.
 Ns = N√Q/(Hm)3/4 ; Hm is the head developed at each stage
 30 = 1000* √0.2/(Hm)3/4 ; Hm = 36.36 m
 Therefore nos. of stages =Ht/Hm = 140/ 36.36 =3.85 (say 4 )
• A jet of water coming out of 10 cm
diameter nozzle strikes a moving
blade with a velocity of 15 m/s β V2
horizontally and tangentially. The Vr2 Vf2
blade is also moving with a velocity
of 5 m/s in same direction as that of
jet. The blade is so shaped that the
jet is deflected through 145
degrees . Neglecting the friction loss
over the surface of the blade. Find 135
the following: (a) Force exerted by V1 =Vw1

the jet on the vane in the direction

of the motion. (b) Power developed u Vr1

& η of the blade.

• d= 10 cm ; V1 =15 m/s ; Θ =135 degrees ; Β = 180 -145 =35 deg
• Vr2 = Vr1 as friction is neglected
• Vr2 = Vr1= V1 – u = 15 -5 = 10 m/s
• Vw1 = V1 = 15 m/s
• Vw2 = Vr2 cos β –u = 10 cos 35 – 5 = 2.8 m/s
• (a) Force exerted along the direction of flow of jet = aV r1ρ ( Vw1 + Vw2) = π/4 * d2
* Vr1 ρ * ( Vw1 + Vw2) = 1398 N
• (b) Power Developed = F * u = 1398 * 5 = 6.99 kW
• ( c ) η = P/(1/2 m V12) = 6990/(1/2 * π/4*0.12 * 15 *1000 *152 ) = 0.528 or 52.8 %
• A centrifugal pump is designed to lift water through a total
head of 25 m. but that head should not be more than 20
m, keeping the quantity of water the same. Find the %
reduction in the original impeller diameter which was 30 cm
when the pump has to run at the same speed.
 H=25 m; N=N, Q =Q; D= 0.3 m. We have to find D1 when H1=
20 m; N1 = N and Q1 =Q.
 Since H/(D2N2) =constant ; hence H/H1 =[D/D1]2
 D12= 20/25 * (0.3)2 =0.072 ; D1 = 0.274 m = 27.4 cm
• A model 1/10 of the prototype is made for testing. The
model is tested at 1000 rpm for total head of 10 m where
the power used is 20 kW. If the prototype has to work
against a head of 15 m. find the speed & power required to
drive the prototype. Also find the rate of flow in model &
 Dm = Dp/10 ; Nm = 1000 rpm; Hm = 10 m ; Pm = 20 kW;
Hp = 15 m
 √H/(DN) =constant ; Np = 122.5 rpm;
 P/(D5N3) =constant ; Pp = 3680 kW;
 Pm = Qm * (ρg) * Hm /1000; Qm = 0.2 m3/s
 Pp = Qp * (ρg) * Hp /1000; Qp = 25 m3/s

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