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Main cover line


Main cover line

Cover lines

Central image


‡ Mise en Scene:
Within this particular picture there is no setting as I
have successfully cut it out to create a well detailed
imitation of a real magazine. This has been used
affectively as it presents my front cover positively.

‡ Costume and Props:

Costume was taken into account to depict the genre
and type of music magazine it really is. It displays
areas of Retro/Street in order to compare with the
genre of music such as Hip Hop. It reflects
³Today¶s´ fashion as most Hip Hop Artists are
dressing like this in comparison to ³Chris Brown´. Dr
Dre Beats headphones are also used to present the
R&B/Hip Hop style as most Artists from this genre
share a major interest for these type of

‡ Layout And Presentation:

The layout displays many areas of a real music
magazine. I have successfully followed the criteria
such as the µMast head¶ and µThird Left¶ in order to
reflect the functions of a music magazine. I have
also included a strict colour scheme consisting of
Red, black and white and various fonts which are
implemented in my magazine.

‡ Title and Font:

I have used a Bold font to represent seriousness in
order to attract the audience. The font used is very
simple but was chosen to relate to the younger
generation as it is big and bold which will
successfully drag the readers in.
‡ Layout And Presentation:
The Layout of my magazine contents page is very easy
to understand. Although I have used a mixture of text
and images it is still relatively easy to understand. This
enables the readers to feel comfortable reading this
magazine and would interest them.

I used the same colour scheme as my front cover to

create an affect. In relation to the Red Dr Dre Beats it
is signed by µTracie Claire¶ which is also why I have
related the colours to the front cover. I made the
information boxes lighter than the background to create
a good affect and provide the audience with an
understanding. Other images have been used to relate
to other stories rather than some other music
magazines where they simply just use text.

The layout and presentation is very understandable

and works well together with the front cover. The strict
colour scheme I have used is Red, Black, Grey, and
white. In comparison to the functions of a real
magazine it shares information and images but is layed
out very differently. It took on a more simple role rather
than the front cover where as not a lot of effort has
been put into the contents page.
‡ ]PS 1:
Within my first double page spread I used Page
Plus software which I am not very familiar with. I
found it hard to use and did not have a general
understanding of how to use things. Compared to
my second DPS It lacks realism and the layout is
different. But I have tried to make it look realistic
when including columns and other images within
the article. The same colour scheme has been
used to relate to the pages µTracie Claire¶ appears
in. This displays authenticity the images I have
used look very professional and relates to the
headline of the story as I am wearing headphones
to emphasise µsound check¶.

‡ ]PS 2:
I used Draw plus in order to create my finished
piece for my second double page spread and used
it affectively as I was influenced by a VIBE
magazine to fit the layout for this interview. I used
bold black font to represent the interviewer and red
to emphasise µTracie¶s¶ feed back but also to relate
to the front cover again as her name is outlined in
red again. Quotes are also shown in red to interact
with the interview to give off a positive affect and
replicate the functions of a real magazine. The
images that are used relate to the topics that are
discussed in the interview. Page numbers and the
LOUD website was used to reflect many different
areas of a magazine.
In direct mode ]irect Mode of
Of address Address

Both of these magazines influenced me to

imitate there style. The image above left
was used in my contents page and was
influenced by the image on the left. I¶ve
studied the difference in camera shots to
imitate the real functions of a magazine.

The image above right was used for my

front cover but was edited in Photo shop to
display an air brush affect just like the
magazine on the right. I also erased the
background to make the text and main
image stand out just like the magazine VIBE
successfully does.
My mast head was clearly influenced from the
one below. µVIBE¶ consists of a bold font with
a strict colour scheme to make the magazine
look detailed. I imitated the black and red
style and used this effectively as it produced a
similar effect. Although mine looks more 3D
as I used inner and outer glow to create bold
features to make it stand out in order to attract
the audience.
As you can see both images are slightly
covering the masthead to emphasise its
popularity as the audience will automatically
know what the magazine is called from its
awareness and quality.

I similarly copied VIBES idea to

use bold font for the main artists
cover story. I also used red but
outlined it with black to create a
bold affect and present it
‡ My Magazine Contents
My contents page lacks realism. It looks a lot more over
crowded than VIBES contents page as I have included
more images and focussed a lot more on the colour
scheme. I¶ve outlined the important features in the
magazine in red and white to show its importance and to
purposely appeal to the readers. I included real
celebrities in my contents but they are original images
so this shows my determination of creating a well known
music magazine.

‡ VIBE Contents :
Vibe¶s contents page is designed and created to allow
the readers to feel comfortable when looking for a
particular article within the magazine. There is only one
image which evidently shows that this celebrity is mostly
focussed on through out the magazine. The grey µV¶ in
the background is used to show that it relates to the title
of the magazine.

Both contents pages are completely different as I chose

to make it unique and not like other magazine contents
page. They either lack images or a lot of information and
I tried to include both to display authenticity and
±ow does your media product represent particular social groups?

‡ Both images positively show

drama/roles within the
magazine front cover. Both
females are using there
props i.e.. Headphones and
Camera in order to relate to
their story.

‡ The audience that would be

influenced and interested in
this would be those who
favourite R¶N¶B/Hip Hop

Social Group Targeted: Younger Adults 14+

Reasons being for choosing this particular audience is that the younger generation are more likely to read
More magazines than those that are Older. Younger readers were dispropartfanately likely to read
Publications such as Teen Vogue, Cosmo Girl rather than bridal magazines and pregnancy ones which
Immediately interests the older generation. The music would relate to all different social ethnic groups as
These two magazines show a black and white women reflecting the hip hop trend in music.
The image on the left and the one directly above both share a
similarity as the characters in the main images are interacting
with their props. His genre of music relates to R¶n¶B music
which is also another similarity compared to my magazine. This
evidently shows that different social groups are able to listen to
different types of music and not be judged.
The other 3 images on the right display other related artists to
this different consisting of different ethnicities.
_hat kind of media institution might distribute your media product

and why?


most likely to take on my
magazine as they are
based around the same
genre and the layout and
font is very similar.
_ho would be the audience for your Media Product ?

‡ My target audience would be teenagers and

young adults as hip hop/ R¶N¶B was the music
of their era and a lot of youths associate them
selves with hip hop/ R¶N¶B music and the
lifestyle it portrays.

‡ The ages of the kids in the image range

between 16 ± 17 years of age and this is the
audience I¶m aiming at as they will have a
general interest in what my magazine has to
offer and can also relate to the magazine.

‡ The clothes that they are all wearing are

basically relating to this current fashion of hip
hop/ R¶N¶B. Hoodies and major name brands
represent this as labels are a descriptive icon of
what most music artists tend to wear.
‡ Costume:
In all of these 3 images you can
identify a similarity that each person is
wearing a baseball jacket to relate to
µTodays¶ fashion. Ciara and Chris
Brown¶s genre of music is Hip hop and
R¶n¶B which can relate to my magazine.
As the person in my front cover is also
wearing a baseball jacket to depict the
fashion used in the music industry to
represent their genre of music.
Looking back at the preliminary task what have you
learnt in the progression from it to the full product?


Front covers
Within this preliminary task you can easily see that my use For the software
was very poor. I was unaware of how to Use the equipment as I was not
very good with Computers. The quality of my college magazine is low as I
Have not experimented with the real functions of a Magazine as I just
Included loads of random colours in Order to make it look nice. I have used
various different fonts but by doing I have made it look unprofessional
And over crowded. I used Page Plus which was a software I struggled with
As you can see the outcome to my college magazine lacks quality and
Realistic features. but found it very difficult in indicating where all the tools where. I
did not research any magazines or contents pages, so I had no idea how to create
a decent magazine.

Compared to my Preliminary task you can see the improvement when using The
software. I used photo shop for this particular part of my magazine as I Struggled using
page plus and draw plus but I used similar elements to a real Magazine. I erased the
background in order to make it realistic and share the Same functions of a music
magazine cover. Little information was used so The cover did not look over crowded
and un appealing so I managed to keep It short and understandable in order to make
the audience feel comfortable. I used simple fonts and didn¶t use too much computing
skills. On the other hand my music magazine looks much better, as I had more time to
research and analyse aspects to make me more confident in creating a better
magazine. I have learnt much more about photography, as I used direct mode of
address, and focused on pacific postures and clothing. The layout of my magazine has
improved as I have more room to place puffs and areas which I can advertise
competitions. By comparing these two magazines I have shown that I can use vast
amounts of computing skills and know how to arrange and produce a music magazine
cover. Over all I am happy with my final outcome


Mode of


Other images Barcode

Other image

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