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When I was a little girl I was very independent.

I liked to do stuff
by myself. One morning I was hungry, so I went downstairs to find
my mom. I was three. My mom wasn’t up, so I looked for my dad. He
wasn’t there either, so I did what I’d seen my mom do like 50 times. I
got the bacon and eggs out of the fridge, and got the pans out. I got a
bowl from the pantry and cracked an egg in it, but there was one
problem, I didn’t know how to turn on the stove.
I guess at one point my mom came down stairs and watched me.
She rushed down the stairs and was looking at me like I’d done
something wrong. I said I was hungry and she wasn’t up, so I made
myself breakfast. Then I told her I didn’t know how to turn on the
stove, and she looked relieved. I guess it’s because it was a gas stove.
Finn is my friend’s dog. He is the cutest boy dog I
have ever seen. He is so adorable. He is also really mean.
He barks at everyone except Cara. He growls at everyone
except Cara. He’s tried to bite me like ten times. Cara’s
excuse is that he’s cute.
One time I went over to her house and we were
playing a game. All of the sudden I started laughing my
head off. Finn thought I was trying to hurt Cara or
something, so he bit me on the head. She locked him in
his cage for ten minutes, and hit him with a shoe. He
could’ve really hurt me, and I’m glad she did that. So
beware of the sheep herding but wagin’ Australian
shepherd, Finn!
Lily, a cute little bundle of fur, found us on our deck one day while we were
eating dinner. We were all surprised and I gave her small pieces of chicken to nibble
on. The next day Lily was still hanging around so my dad asked me to walk over to the
neighbor’s house and ask if she belonged to them. When the crazy lady next door said
the cat was hers, I became furious. The stupid neighbors made me give up my cute
little Lily even after I had made her a temporary little house out of a cardboard box.

The neighbor saw that I was sad, and said I could have her back if I got her
spayed. So of course I got happy again. After three days or so, Lily was missing. I went
back over to the neighbor’s house and asked if she had seen her. She said she took her
back because we didn’t spay her. What a cheepo, she said I could have her and then
took her back. She even picked the worse name, which was Sweety. That’s a disgusting
name, I feel so bad for her. I was so mad, I swear my head turned red. Like a fiery ball.
I never, ever wanted to see that old maid again, I officially hated her.
I play the violin. Even though I don’t like it anymore
I have been playing for 6 years. I’m so glad my mom’s
letting me quit next year, because I absolutely hate it!
I’m also happy, because I have enough money from
renting, that I can buy a clarinet. That’s the instrument I
play now.
I think clarinet is more fun that violin. I started
playing in primmer, and now I’m in 5th grade. That’s six
years. I don’t know what happened, but I just don’t like
violin anymore. It’s not as fun as clarinet.
Have you ever had an x-ray? They don’t really hurt,
it just feels weird to have a pad on you. I’ve never
broken anything, but my brothers have. Kevin brook his
nose, and Austin brook his arm. I’m glad I’ve never
broken anything.
Austin, my brother brook, his arm. Hw was playing
soccer, tripped over the ball, and fell backwards. The
trainer, Martha, gave him IBProfen for his head ache. I
don’t think it helped, because he still had a head ache. I
asked if her felt ok, and he thought he was about to puke.
So I backed away.
I have an uncle named Jim. He is the only brother my
mom has. She has 3 other siblings. Aunt Debbie, Aunt
Sindy, and Aunt Suellen. We never see Uncle Jim
though. My mom doesn’t even know what he does or
where he lives. That’s sad, but he doesn’t care.
My Uncle Jim is scary. I’ve only seen him once. It
was at my grandparents 50th anniversary. He has 2
children that are all grown up, they are Kendra and Karl.
Jim was an addict, and so were his kids. But they all
stopped. They all live together somewhere.
I learned a lot of things in writing about myself.
One thing I learned is that my life is a lot more
interesting than I thought. I have learned that I’m
different than every body else. I enjoyed writing
about all of my interesting stories. I love to learn
about other people, but sometimes it’s good to
learn about yourself. I will always keep this
memoir in my bedroom.

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