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Molecular Interactions in Cell

Advanced Higher Biology
• Speed up chemical reactions between a
million to a trillion times

• Carbonic anhydrase is said to convert 36

million molecules per minute

• Enzymes can only speed up a chemical

reaction that could take place anyway
Case Study: Hydrolysis of Maltose
• This reaction can happen
without an enzyme if:

-Maltose and water molecule

collide at the right speed to
provide sufficient energy

-water molecule has to be in
H H the correct orientation

-water molecule hits the

Hydrolysis of
glycosidic bond at just the
right angle

Hydrolysis breaks the 1,4 – glycosidic bond • All this isn’t impossible but will
Addition of water provides atoms lost in the occur infrequently.
dehydration reaction
• Enzymes makes sure this
happens more frequently!
• Proteases
hydrolyse peptide

• Liberate amino

• Digestive system

• Hydrolyse ATP into ADP and Pi.

• Energy released is used to power a particular
• Provide a phosphate to phosphorylate a
particular moelcule
• Nuclease enzymes also take part in a hydrolysis

• Break phosphodiester bonds in RNA and DNA to

separate nucleotides form one another

• Endonucleases (restriction enzymes) recognise

and cut at particular base sequences

• Add phosphates to molecules

• Phosphate is negative so it will change the
shape of the enzyme
• Phosphorylation may activate or deactivate
(depends on enzyme)
Specificity of enzyme activity
related to induced fit
Induced Fit Theory

• A change in the conformation of an enzym

e in response to substrate binding that ren
ders the enzyme catalytically active.
1. Active site lined with many amino acid R groups
2. Charged groups in active site complement charged
groups on substrate
3. Bind in correct position
4. Enzyme structure altered
5. Enzyme folds round substrate bringing catalytic R
groups of enzyme closer to substrate reactive groups
6. Enzyme flexes putting substrate under stress and
complex goes through several unstable intermediate
forms (transitional state)
7. Bonds are made and broken and electrons are moved
with catalytic R groups acting as go-between
8. Enzyme-substrate complex formed
9. Product diffuses away and enzyme returns to original
Inhibition of enzymes
• Decrease rate of reaction

1. Competitive

2. Non-competitive
Competitive Inhibitors Vmax
High No inhibitor

Rate Competitive inhibitor

Low Substrate High

•Low concentration of substrate relative to inhibitor = inhibitor will enter active

site first
•As substrate concentration increases reaction rate increases as more chance
substrate will enter first
•At very high substrate concentrations Vmax will be reached as inhibitor will
hardly ever enter first
Case Study: Succinate Dehydrogenase

Inhibition is
reversible as
malonate is
smaller so can
come out of
active site.
Case Study:
• Binds permanently to bacterial enzyme
• Enzyme is the start of the folic acid
synthesis pathway
• Bacterium unable to make folic acid and
• Humans not affected as do not synthesise
our own folic acid
Non-competitive inhibition
No inhibitor

Rate Non-competitive

Low Substrate High

•Enzyme is non-functional when non-competitive inhibitor is present

•Substrate cannot enter active site as the shape of the cleft has changed
•Inhibitor ‘lowers’ enzyme concentration so Vmax also lower
Summary of Inhibition
Allosteric effects
• Allosteric enzymes have at least 2 binding sites

• Small molecules can bind far from the active site

an so affect active site shape
-enzyme r-groups reshuffle and make new

• Shifting of amino acids result in small

adjustments throughout the rest of the enzyme
including conformation of the active site
Positive Modulators (activators)
Negative Modulator (inhibitor)
Summary of Allosteric Enzymes
What to do now…
• Read p66 ‘Covalent Modification’ to p67
‘Role of end-product inhibition in control of
metabolic pathways’ and make notes

• You will be doing a practical next week

based on the information above

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