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Subject Matter

Styles in Contemporary art
Contemporary artists’ artistic works are
expressions of freedom, experimentation
and exploration of patterns, figures,
objects, and a combination of many
things that are important to them.
Subject matter – art refers to the main idea that is
represented in the artwork. It is basically the essence of the
piece.The favorite subjects in contemporary art are children,
women, or the environment. It can be also a combination of
any of these.
Styles in Contemporary Art
1. Abstract expressionism – painting style in
which the artist applies paint in a manner that
expresses emotions and feelings in spontaneous way.
The figures may be heavy in lines and color without
solid mass. It emphasizes FREE,SPONTANEOUS
2. Kinetic art – An art from any medium that
contains movement perceivable by the viewer or
depends on motion for its effect. It is a sculpture
that moves with the wind or is powered by a machine
or electricity.
3.Op Art– Optical art , uses lines or images
repeatedly to create an optical illusion. It gives the
viewer the impression of movement, hidden images,
flashing and vibrating patterns.
4. Performance art – The combination of visual
art with dramatic performance. It combines variety
of media and the human body for execution and
6. Environment Art – involves the artistic
creation or manipulation of space such as landscape
or architectural design that may enclose its
audiences. Earthworks, or art that uses stones,
leaves, grass or other natural elements are included
in this category.
7. Feminist Art – emerged from concerns of
female artists expressed through art. It tackles
issues on issues of identity, sexuality, gender roles,
equality, and the ways on how the females is treated
in society among others.
8. Minimalism – pre-fabricated look, free of
details and often with flat surface but expresses a
specific content or statement.
9. Video Art – consists of images that are
recorded through a video and viewed through
television, computer, or projection screen.
10. Graffiti Art – a drawing, inscription or
sketch done hastily on a wall or other surface to be
seen by the public.
12.Body Art – art form that uses body as the
medium or main material.
13.Digital Art – done with the aid of computer
to create an image or design composed of bits and
bytes. The image can be printed out.
Discussions Summary
Task 2 : Create an example of Graffiti
Art about your favorite bible verse in a
Whole long bond paper. Make sure to
make creative and colorful. (50 pts.)

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