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______ Aurora met a girl named Luna.

______ Aurora loved reading, but never had a friend who

shared her passion.
______ Aurora invited Luna to go to the bookstore after class to
buy a new book.
______ The two of them started talking and realized that they
have the same favorite author.
______ When the final bell of the day rang, the two steadfast
friends held hands and walked to bookshop, eager to find a
new favorite book to read.
______ Luna agreed, and the two of them continued talking
about books the entire day.
A. Brainstorming
One of the most popular means to
determine which information is the most
relevant to a text is making a
brainstorming list.
Brainstorming is done mainly to
collect thoughts and is most effective in
group settings.
B. Graphic Organizer
A graphic organizer is a visual display
that demonstrates relationships between
facts, concepts or ideas. A graphic
organizer guides the learner’s thinking as
they fill in and build upon a visual map or
diagram. They are also informally used as a
term to describe all visual learning
strategies such as concept mapping,
webbing, mind mapping, and more.
Types of Graphic Organizers
1. Cause-and-Effect Pattern Organizer
- This pattern is used when the author
intends to express why something
happened or what resulted from a
particular event that happened or what
resulted from a particular event that
Examples of Cause-and-Effect Pattern Organizer
2. Comparison and Contrast Pattern
Organizer or Venn Diagram - This pattern is
used to show the similarities and differences
of two or more objects. Whenever you read a
text that uses the comparison and contrast
pattern, you may the graphic organizer called
venn diagram. Put similarities of the subjects
in the overlapping area, and the distinctive
qualities or differences in the non-
overlapping areas.
3. Time Pattern Organizer -
This pattern is used when
ideas in a text need to be
arranged in chronological
order such as in stories and
4. Listing Pattern
Organizer - This pattern is
used when the author
provides a series of details
that does not require any
Benefits of the K to 12 Basic Education Program

1 It will produce globally competitive graduates.

2 Students will learn more easily.

3 Students will be free to pursue their passion.

4 There will be savings on their college tuition fees.

It will reduce unemployment rate and improve the

5. Classification pattern
organizer - This pattern is
used when the author
divides a group into
subgroups or smaller
Claim of Fact Claim of Value Claim of Policy
- Claims that focus on - Claims that involve - Claims that advocate
empirically opinions, attitudes, courses of action that
verifiable and subjective should be undertaken
phenomena evaluations

Ex. George W. Bush Ex. Science Fiction Ex. Every person in the
was novels United States should
the 43rd US are more interesting have access to
president. to health
read than romance care.
6. Generalization and
example pattern organizer –
This pattern is used when the
author explains a general idea
and discusses it in specific
terms using examples.
General Idea

7. Definition pattern
organizer - This pattern is
used when the author
provides a meaning of a new
or difficult word.
C. Outlining
An outline is a summary that
gives the essential features of a text.
It shows how the parts of a text are
related to one another as parts that
are of equal importance, or sections
that are subordinate to a main idea
Two Kinds of
1. Topic Outline – is simply
a systematic arrangement
of ideas using broad topics
in the form of words or
simple phrases as headers.
Main Idea: The Negative Effects of Divorce on Adolescents
I. Family problems
A. Custodial: Noncustodial conflicts
B. Extended family
C. Adolescent age
II. Economic problems
A. Child Support
B. The custodial parent’s job training
C. Lower standard of living
D. Possible relocation
1. Poorer neighborhood
2. New school
III. Peer Problems
A. Loss of friends
B. Relationships with the opposite sex
2. Sentence Outline – This is also
known as expanded outline. In this
kind of outline, instead of the single
word or phrase, the writes uses a
sentence to describe the major
topic and minor topic, as well as
the subtopics following the
Main Idea:The Negative Effects of Divorce on Adolescents C. The low standard of living may result in misunderstanding
I. When family conflicts arise as a result of divorce, adolescentand conflicts within
suffers. the family.
A. During the first year, these young people may be depressed D. The deteriorated standard of living often causes relocation.
due to conflicts 1. The family may have to move to a poorer neighborhood in
between the custodial and noncustodial parents. order to cut
B. Grandparents, aunts, and uncles are often restricted by costs.
visitation provisions. 2. As a result, the adolescent may have to attend a different
C. Almost without exception, adolescents find divorce veryschool.
painful, but they react
in differing degrees depending on their age. III. Adolescents from divorced families often experience peer
II. Some of the most negative effects on adolescents may beproblems.
associated with A. Due to relocation and prejudice, adolescents may lose
economic problems. friends.
A. The family will most probably experience a lower standard B. The lack of a solid relationship with both parents affects an
of living due to the adolescent’s
cost of maintaining two household. attitude toward the opposite sex.
B. Some custodial parents have poor job skills and must train
themselves before
entering the job market.

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