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Presented By
Bh. Abinay Varma

Under the guidance of

Prof. P. Srinivasa Rao

 There are various types of digital forgeries out of which Copy-Move
attack is one. In Copy- Move Attack a part of the image is copied
and pasted on another part generally to conceal unwanted portions of
the image.

 Copy Move Forgery Detection (CMFD) follows block based

matching technique to detect Copy-Move attacks in a digital image.
First, the original image is divided into fixed-size blocks, Clustering
the blocks by intersection area among blocks and extracting exactly
similar clusters.

 This method successfully detects the forged part when Copy Move
regions are same and when the forged image is saved in a major
graphic file format, such as JPEG or PNG.
Existing System
 The Existing system uses active techniques such as watermarking or
digital signatures to solve the authentication problem in images and
to make it free from tampering.

 In Active Method certain information is embedded inside an image

during the creation or before the image is being disseminated to the
public. The information can be used to either detect the source of an
image or to detect possible modification of an image.

Problems with Existing system
 This system have limitations because they require human attention or
specially equipped cameras such as Digital cameras with watermarking
technology in it.

 This system also requires the information of the original image to detect
forgery in a image.

 This systems depends completely on watermarks and original image

information, but by using technically advanced digital photography tools,
one can edit, manipulate or tamper the images easily without living obvious
visual clues, for which the system fails to detect in most of the cases.

 Sophisticated tools
 3D Max, Photoshop
 Automated lighting, and processing that conceal forgery

 Increase of large size images

 High-definition images
 Much more costly to process

Proposed System
 Copy-Move forgery detection system can detect copy-move type
forgery in digital images without any data about the original image
and without any watermarks in the image

 Copy-Move Forgery detection works based on block matching

technique which is one of the passive technique of forgery detection.
In this PERFECT Match algorithm is implemented to detect
tampering in digital images.

Proposed system Advantages
 Improved version of copy-move forgery detection algorithm has the
following advantages

 Robust to various attacks: multiple copy-move forgery, Forgery in

very small and large parts of image.

 Lower time complexity

 Getting the image and forming it into blocks.

 Finding the similar blocks.

 Clustering only identical twins.

 Mark similar clusters with color.

 Display Detected regions

Perfect match algorithm
 To eliminate the details of the image, the whole image is first
 Then the image is converted into degraded palette where the whole
picture is converted into small pixels of colors palette.

 A block of size b x b is slid starting form top left corner to the

bottom right corner on the image from which the pixel values are
stored in an array.
Algorithm (Conti..)
 From the sorted array all the blocks are compared and those adjacent
blocks with very small absolute color difference are extracted.

 Cluster them by their intersection area and extract similar clusters

from it.

 From that identical twin clusters are extracted by calculating the

distance between each point in a twin cluster and eliminate the non
identical twin clusters.

 Mark the Exactly Identical twin clusters by coloring each pixel

 Display detected regions in an image

Methodology of CMFD

Functional Requirements
 The system Should detect forgeries done in multiple
regions in an image

 The system should detect large and very small copy

move regions in an image.

System Requirements
 Hardware Requirements
Processor : Pentium 4 or more
Clock Speed : 1.8 GHz
Ram : 512 MB or more
Disk Space : 20 GB or more

 Software Requirements:
Operating system : Windows XP or more.
Language : Python 2.6, MATLAB 2009b or more.

Use-Case Diagram

Class Diagram

Sequence Diagram

Activity Diagram

Collaboration Diagram

State Chart Diagram

Welcome Screen

After Clicking on Upload Image

Select Input Image

After selecting test image

Selecting level of Analyzing

After Clicking on Analyze Image Button

After Analyzing the image

Test Cases
 Detecting Tampering done on big size

Test Case (cont)
 Working on Small regions

Test Case (Cont)
 Working for Multiple Copy Move Regions

Test case ()
 Will not detect Textured areas

Applications of CMFD
 In courtrooms the trustworthiness of photographs has an essential
role as they are used as evidences thus CMFD can be used to know
its trustworthiness.

 In the medical field, physicians make critical decisions based on

digital images so CMFD can be used to provide proper treatment.

 In forensics for detecting tampered evidences in investigation CMFD

can be used to know the tampering in an image.

 A new methodology is proposed by which the user can detect copy
move type forgeries done with the intention to conceal certain details
or to duplicate certain aspects of an image.

 Contributions :
 Outperforms contemporary algorithms in speed of detection

 Robust to various attacks: multiple copy-move forgery, Detecting

very small and very big regions in an image.

 Different way of representing blocks (Rectangle), reducing

memory requirements

Future Work
 The future enhancements that are required for this system
are to improve the detecting process, the system needs to be
expanded for detecting all types of forgery such as
retouching and tampering in textured regions.

 J. Fridrich, “Methods for "Methods for Tamper Detection in Digital
Images", Proc. ACM Workshop on Multimedia and Security, Orlando, FL,
October 30−31, 2009, pp. 19−23.

 Bayram S, Sencar HT, Memon N. An efficient and robust method for

detecting copy-move forgery. In: Proc. ICASSP09; 2009. p. 1053–6. CASIA
image tampering detection evaluation database (CASIA TIDE) V1.0.2009.

 Pujari, V. S., & Sohani, M. (2012a). A Comparative Analysis on Copy Move

Forgery Detection in Spatial Domain Method Using Lexicographic and Non
Lexicographic techniques. IJECCE, 3(1), 136-139

 Parative Study of Image Forgery and Copy-Move Techniques Advances in

Computer Science, Engineering & Applications (pp. 715-723): Springer.



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