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Chocó Technological

Yulia Hurtado Waldo
A substantive is an object or thing, in the dictionary it's identified like: (n)

Ex: Work (work) (trabajo), Home (jom) (Hogar)

Things or objects are pluralized with the following rules:

About writing a substantive, to all we have to add it a “S” at the enwriting

Ex: Friend, friends. Home, homes

Words which end with “s" we add “es" like: sentence, sentences, kiss, kisses.

Words ending with “Y" change the y to “ies” Ex. Baby, babies. Celery, celeries
Substantive and the plural. Adjectives.

An adjective tell us how a thing, an object or a person is.


Small, Big


Short, long

An adjective doesn't specify a gender. But a few does it.

Blond(rubio), blonde(rubia)
The adverbs

An adjective describes us something or someone.

Low, high. Things

Adjective rule. Are always before the substantive.

Fat dog, small chair, big table

Sometimes a substantive, adjetive or thing are written the same way.

Study (estudiar) study (estidio)

The adverbs: the prepositions, the
conjunctions or connectors and the
expressions or modems
Adverbs: Describes an accion does and in the dictionary its identity like (adv. O ad.) Ex. Hardly,Correctly,
Only (I work hardly - I only study)

Prepositions: This are words which express positions, precedent, destiny or direction. Ex. From, to, In, at.

Conjunctions or connectors: It works for linking sentences or phrases. Ex. With, without, and, but, because.

Expressions or modism: Its meaning is adapted for social behaviors but it hasn't a exact translation. Ex. By
the way, how do you do.
The articles the, a, and an

In singular or plural it's write the same. The = el, la, los, las. Ex. The car, the cars

But its pronouncing changes according to the rules.

De= the car, the sister, the chair

Di= the ocean, the idea, the hour

A, an = un, una, unas, unos

Action list (regulars) in present

Infinitives that end with ed using the past.

Accept, achieve, act, admit, agree, allow, announce, annoy, answer. etc.
Action list (irregulars) present
Words that changes its writing

Abide, arise, awake, be, bear, beat, become, begin, bend. Etc.
Adjectives and their opposites

Happy - sad

Beautiful - ugly

Old - young

Tall - short

These are used when we want to talk about:

Directions, locations, positions, origin place, destination place, size, time, rec.

Next to, beside, near, far from.

Ex. She is next to mr. Miller

In, on, at

Opposite, in front of, behind, in back of, in the front of, in the back of, at the back.

Ex. Your shop is opposite the park

Prepositions ll

About = acerca de, mas o menos, aproximadamente.

Ex. This subject is about English prepositions

This class is about to begin

I need to be here at about 2:00 o'clock pm

Adjectives and possessives pronouns
My - my car Mine - this car is mine

Your - your fruits Yours - this fruit is yours

His - his friend His - that friend is his

Her Hers

Its Its

Our Ours

Your Yours

Their Theirs
Demonstrative pronouns

This = sing. Express something or someone whose is near to us.

That = sing. Express something or someone far from us

These = plur. Express that two or more things or persons are next to us

Those = plur. Express that two or more things or persons are away from us.
There is and there are

There is = Express that something or someone exist ( singular)

There are = Express that many things or persons exist (plural)

How to use on, in and at
You use Ón by the weekends day, months days and holidays:


On Monday

On april

On holidays
The use of ing
We use ing at the end of an action for denoting “ando, endo.


Give - giving
Another, the other and others

Another plus (a singular substantive) is used to indicate you have a thing, an objec or a person Added, more
than you already have.

Ex. I have a good English course, but I want to buy another course
Present progressive

It's used for indicate that an action is happening at a specific moment in present.

Ex. I am studying English in this school right now.

Simple present

It's used for expressing an action that we do or that is more often repeated with

Ex. I have a class every day

Question words

Question words are “who, what, where, when, why, and how" and it can be used with any grammatical
Appendix 1 and 2

The adjectives or words that make them pass like adjectives, are located with the next order.

1) Articuls (a, an, o the)

2) Possessives adjectives (my, your, his, etc…)
3) The quantificators (some, any, much, many, etc…)
4) The ordinal numbers (first, second, etc…)
5) Cardinal numbers (one, two, three,... etc…)
6) Ex. Do you have a new telephone book?
Frequency adverbs

Theses are used to say how often do we do an action, theses ca be used on any grammatical time.

Always, usually, often, frequently, sometimes


These are words that we use for compare two persons, animals or things.

Tall, short, full, sad, hard, soft, big, small

The as, but, by and so use

Are used to compare three or more things, animals or persons, remember that to compare we use

Ex. Your father is the oldest of all here

Today I am the happiest person in the world.

Reflexive pronouns

Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

Ex. I hurt myself with a knife

Object pronouns

Me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them

Ex. I love her


These are words that are used to indicate a determined number or some kind of things quantity, wich could
be names, animals, things or persons.

Contables Uncountables

Hotel Beer

Bicycle Milk

Pen Water
Very and too

It's used to express that something is possible to do or something that, into the possible, could happen.

Ex. This coffee is very hot, but I can drink it.


The adverbs besides o qualify the actions, these can qualify the adjectives too or even to another adverb.

Ex. I am very happy

Idiomatic future, simple future and
continuous future
Idiomatic future is used for expressing an intention or a ultimated plan, in the future inmediat and how we
have seen before, the action is used “to be going to”

Ex. It is going to rain this weekend

Do and make

“Do” It's mean to a fisic or mental activity

Ex. Do me a favor

“Make" it's mean to do, create or build something with the hands.

Ex. Make a cake

Past simple and past progressive

In past simple “to be" it's divided in “was” and “were" when it comes with subject persons.

Ex. I was, you were, he was, she was, it was, we were, they were

I was afraid , he was a teacher


It's used when an action in past progressive is interrupted by an action in simple past.

Ex. He was reading the magazine when his sister sang.

Question words with future and past

Ex. She is going to visit her grandparents in New York at 7:00 o'clock PM. Tomorrow, because she wants to.
Tags with future and past

Simple future

+We will work next year. -Won't we?

- She won't go with them. + will she?

Simple past

+She went to a friend's house. -didn’t she?

-We didn't go to her school yesterday +did we?

Indefinite pronouns

These are words wich helps us to name people, animals, things or places, without specify gender or
direction;and they're always considered singular.



Ex. Everyone is here today.

Relative pronouns

These are used to give extra information about a person, a place, an objec, or time or another.

Who and whom, whose, where, which, when, that.

Ex. The man who is playing basketball will win the game.
The use of whatever, whichever, whoever,
whomever, wherever and whenever
These words are always considered in singular

Ex. Whatever book you choose

You can choose whichever you like

Whoever you are

I can do a favor to whomever I want

I am going to find her wherever she is.

Reciprocal pronouns

Each other, (one to other) (there are two persons)

One another (some to/with other) (there are three or more persons).

Ex. The two boys hate each other.

All of us in the class are very fond of one another

Conjunction connectors

So that, in order to, are used to indicate a purpose and can be translated as: (de manera que, o con el
proposito de/que. And sometimes are translated as: “for or because…”

Ex. He is washing the car so that he can take his girlfriend to the cinema.
The use of ...

Late and lately.


It's not good for him to keep himself awake until late at night

You are very pretty lately!

Thank you so much for your
quietly attention. I
appreciate that.

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