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Exchange Remote Connectivity Analyzer – Did test succeed?

UPN match
RCA results primary
identify SMTP?
failure? Mailbox
7-8 Policy test

7-10 Maybe the issue is 6
related to connectivity?
Finding the right server
Exchange 2013/2016/2019 begin at the Mailbox server where the mailbox is located

get-mailbox alias | ft servername,alias

Finding the right server
Finding the right server
Exchange 2013, 2016 and 2019 have the Managed Availability service that monitors ActiveSync health

• Open the browser on mobile device

• Browse to

• Returns the CAS FQDN and HTTP status code indicating health

• This shows the entry point for the client connection and can be used to retrieve HttpProxy and IIS
Finding the right server
PowerShell log search

• Be sure to flush the logs to ensure latest request is written from memory and can be searched

netsh http flush log buffer

• Make sure to use the logs from the correct directory, W3SVC1 for front end, W3SVC2 for backend


Select-String –Path c:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_exyymmdd.log –Pattern

alias | Select-String –Pattern ActiveSync | Select-Object –Last 10


Get-Content “C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC2\u_exyymmdd_x.log” –Tail 5000 |

select-string alias
Exchange ActiveSync mailbox logs
• Per mailbox, not device

• Web.config controls more granular logging options

• Records headers, SOAP requests and response pairs

• Server perspective of client communication

• Logging disabled automatically after 72 hours on prem, or 24 hours in Exchange Online

• Overwrites using FIFO when log size reaches threshold

Exchange ActiveSync mailbox logs
To enable logging for a mailbox:

Set-CASMailbox alias –ActiveSyncDebugLogging:$True

To retrieve logs for all devices associated with a mailbox

Get-MobileDeviceStatistics –Mailbox alias –GetMailboxLog:$True –


To retrieve logs for a specific device

Get-MobileDeviceStatistics <DN of device> -GetMailboxLog:$True | Select –

ExpandProperty MailboxLogReport | Out-File C:\Temp\Device.log
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Autodiscover xmlns="">
<Response xmlns="">
<DisplayName>Jim Martin</DisplayName>
</User> <Action>
• FolderSync or Settings
• Provision
• Provision
• FolderSync
• Sync
• Supported EAS protocol versions
• Supported EAS commands


Supported Versions: 2.0,2.1,2.5,12.0,12.1,14.0,14.1

Highest Supported Version: 14.1
Supported Commands: Sync,SendMail,SmartForward,SmartReply,GetAttachment,GetHierarchy,CreateCollection,
RequestBody : ResponseBody :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<FolderSync xmlns="FolderHierarchy:"> <FolderSync xmlns="FolderHierarchy:">
<SyncKey>0</SyncKey> <Status>142</Status>
</FolderSync> </FolderSync>
RequestBody : ResponseBody :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Provision xmlns="Provision:"> <Provision xmlns="Provision:">
<DeviceInformation xmlns="Settings:"> <DeviceInformation xmlns="Settings:">
<Set> <Status>1</Status>
<Model>GT-I9295</Model> </DeviceInformation>
<IMEI>358194052013256</IMEI> <Status>1</Status>
<FriendlyName>GT-I9295</FriendlyName> <Policies>
<OS>Android 4.4.2</OS> <Policy>
<UserAgent>Android/4.4.2</UserAgent> <PolicyType>MS-EAS-Provisioning-WBXML</PolicyType>
</Set> <Status>1</Status>
</DeviceInformation> <PolicyKey>2000257276</PolicyKey>
<Policies> <Data bytes="53"/>
<Policy> </Policy>
<PolicyType>MS-EAS-Provisioning-WBXML</PolicyType> </Policies>
</Policy> </Provision>
Requestbody : Responsebody :
<?Xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <?Xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<provision xmlns="provision:"> <provision xmlns="provision:">
<Policies> <Status>1</status>
<Policy> <Policies>
<Policytype>ms-eas-provisioning-wbxml</policytype> <Policy>
<Policykey>2000257276</policykey> <Policytype>ms-eas-provisioning-wbxml</policytype>
<Status>2</status> <Status>1</status>
</Policy> <Policykey>72162277</policykey>
</Policies> </Policy>
</Provision> </Policies>
Requestbody : Responsebody :
<?Xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <?Xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<foldersync xmlns="folderhierarchy:"> <foldersync xmlns="folderhierarchy:">
<Synckey>0</synckey> <Status>1</status>
</Foldersync> <Synckey>1</synckey>

Requestbody : Responsebody :
<?Xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <?Xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<sync xmlns="airsync:"> <sync xmlns="airsync:">
<Collections> <Collections>
<Collection> <Collection>
<Synckey>0</synckey> <Synckey>274695188</synckey>
<Collectionid>5</collectionid> <Collectionid>5</collectionid>
</Collection> <Status>1</status>
</Collections> </Collection>
</Sync> </Collections>
• C re a t e s E x c h a n g e A c t i v e S y n c D e v i c e s l e a f o b j e c t c o n t a i n e r u n d e r u s e r o b j e c t i n
A c t i v e D i re c t o r y
• C re a t e s a m s E x c h A c t i v e S y n c D e v i c e o b j e c t f o r e a c h a c t i v e s y n c c l i e n t i n a f o l d e r
c re a t e d w i t h i n m a i l b ox :
ro o t C o n t a i n e r \ E x c h a n g e S y n c D a t a \ < D e v i c e _ I d e n t i t y >
Process flow

Is the device authenticated?

Is ActiveSync enabled for the user?
Is the mailbox policy enforced by the device?
Is the device blocked for the mailbox?
Is the device exceeding an autoblock threshold?
Is the device allowed for the mailbox?
Is the device blocked by a device access rule?
Is the device quarantined by a device access rule?
Is the device allowed by a device access rule?
Apply the default access state [Quarantine allows device connection in limited capacity]
quarantine new unknown Set-ActiveSyncOrganizationSettings
-DefaultAccessLevel Quarantine
Info sent to users when mobile
device isn't syncd because -UserMailInsert "Your device is currently undergoing
device is quarantined. corporate validation, please be patient while we confirm
that this new device meets our standards.”


Notification Address is also

sent details of device


• ActiveSyncEnabled
• ActiveSyncBlockedDeviceIDs
• ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs

• DevicePolicyApplied
• DevicePolicyAppliedStatus

• QueryString
• Characteristic
• AccessLevel

• DefaultAccessLevel

Explanation: Allowed 300 commands per 5 minutes. If hit, block for 2 minutes and send an email to the user’s mailbox with
the custom explanation.
• Requests are not instantaneously logged
• The date-time is in GMT
• The timestamp of the logs and when logs roll can vary
• Logs can get very large (over 1GB per day per server is common)
• Exchange 2013 and 2016 have IIS logs for two web sites (Default Web Site and Exchange Backend
• Know you status codes;EN-US;943891
Status code Description Caveats
200 OK Does not indicate EAS command success

400 Bad request Access token bloat

401 Unauthorized Wrong password, misconfigurd MDM

403 Forbidden SSL config error, CBA

404 Not found
441 Missing CSC cache entry Default timeout 20 seconds
449 Need provisioning Policy refresh or policy change
451 Redirect
500 Internal server error
503 Service unavailable Application level outage, ABQ
• Most field data is typical web server information
• Cs-uri-query element is verbose EAS logging information
• Sc-win32-status can give more information on HTTP status error
Example: net helpmsg 1909
The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to.
cs-uri-query translation
• & and _ used to separate data
• HTTP escaping characters used
Example: %3a represents “:” or PrxFrom:%3a%3a1 would be Proxy from ::1 which is the loopback address
• Fc = folder count
• Fid – FolderID
• Sk = SyncKey
• Correlates to IIS log entry by RequestId (Default Web Site)
• TotalRequestTime may be high for hanging Ping or Sync commands (heartbeat interval)
• 42 fields
• Last field is GenericError which may give more information on connection issues
• Versatile tool used to analyze many different types of logs
• Good for troubleshooting individual or macro ActiveSync issues
• ActiveSync troubleshooting primarily uses IIS logs
• Build in library includes queries
• Provides UI for powerful LogParser engine
Specific strategies for EAS troubleshooting
• GWT shows specific queries
• Track individuals by username or device
• Show EAS error codes and messages
• SyncKey 0 issues
1. import multiple logs merging them
2. flatten Activesync Mailbox Logs into table view
3. search all entries
4. displays original Log Entry for detailed view

Common Status codes for all commands [status code value > 100]
At the bottom portion of the page
Commands specific status codes
Find the status element section link
How to translate CollectionIds to Mailbox folder names

• If the Activesync mailbox logs capture an initial FolderSync response, the ServerId to folder
names will be represented, where ServerId = CollectionId in sync messages.
• There is a method using MFCMAPI for on prem mailboxes
• There is an EWS script that translates both on prem and Exchange Online
• Using the Get-ExchangeDiagnosticInformation command on prem with the correct parameters
• Alphabetically can guestimate the mappings especially when no new folders have been added
to the default starting folders. For example, Calendar is typically first alphabetically in the folder
list, so its CollectionId is frequently = 1.
• With EASInspector addin, full
verbose SOAP
• This means subject, attendees
• Good for troubleshooting
individual device issues, including
• Keep in mind, Ping and Empty
Sync requests will have expectedly
long server think times
Calendar Diagnostic Logs
1. Available when Calendar version store is enabled
Get-mailbox alias | fl *calendar*
Meeting requests Calendar Version Store
sent or received

Inbox When meeting requests

are edited
Sent Items
Meeting requests or Deleted Items
calendar items moved
to deleted items Calendar
When calendar items
Dumpster 2.0 are modified
Deleted Items
folder emptied Recoverable Items


Meeting items “purged” Purges

Calendaring issues

Data collection Methodology

• Detailed account of events leading up to symptom
• Calendar Diagnostic Logs
• Exchange Activesync Mailbox Logs
• IIS Logs
• Fiddler trace
• SARA results
• device specific logging*
Calendaring issues

What properties do Activesync calendar item use?

Global Object ID (GOID)
• Generated when the organizer sends the meeting request
• Used to match meeting updates and responses for a meeting
• Same across all copies of the calendar item
• Represented by the UID element in an EAS mailbox log
ServerID – unique identifier assigned to each object synchronized by Exchange
InstanceID – GMT timestamp of the original start time for this instance of the recurring meeting
Calendaring issues
Typical IIS log entries look like this, but we can’t get them easily from the cloud…

2015-01-20 13:36:43 fe80::74da:4feb:67d2:d395%14 POST /Microsoft-Server-

ee-9110-7c836abbba13%2cIsServiceAccount%3aFalse%2cLiveTime%3a00%3a00%3a03.9062595_ 444
TOYS\jmartin fe80::74da:4feb:67d2:d395%14 Apple-iPad2C5/1202.440 - 200 0 0 14490 3675 249
Calendaring issues
IIS logs
Informational only – not enough details

Enable EAS mailbox logging

Logging automatically turns off after x number of hours
Scripts available to overcome this limitation

Scheduling collection of ActiveSync Mailbox logs -
Exchange ActiveSync log parser for calendar items -

Wait for issue to reoccur

Global Object ID
Field name Type Size Sample Description
Byte Array ID BYTE array 16 04 00 00 00 82 00 E0 This byte array identifies the BLOB as a Global Object ID
00 74 C5 B7 10 1A 82
E0 08
Year WORD 2 00 00 The original year of the instance represented by the
M BYTE 1 00 The original month
D BYTE 1 00 The original day
Creation Time PtypTime 8 A9 06 1B E8 BB C3
D0 01
X BYTE array 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Reserved
Size LONG 4 10 00 00 00 The length of the Data field
Data BYTE array 16 FA 82 B1 70 7C 3C CA The data that uniquely identifies this meeting object
4F 9B 0C 9A 1A AB
C9 F6 EF
<Subject xmlns="Calendar:" bytes="25"/>
<Body=4 bytes/>
<Sensitivity xmlns="Calendar:">0</Sensitivity>
<BusyStatus xmlns="Calendar:">2</BusyStatus>
<AllDayEvent xmlns="Calendar:">0</AllDayEvent>
<Reminder xmlns="Calendar:"></Reminder>
Mail issues – Direct Push

T=O: If any items

change in the next 15
min. let me know.
Otherwise, return OK.
Enterprise Network
T=15: No response
…network must have dropped

T=15: If l receive
mail in the next 8
min. let me know.
Otherwise, return OK

T=23: HTTP 200 OK CAS

Cellular …network must be good try longer Servers
Network TCP TCP
T=23: If new items in the
443 443
next 12 min. let me know. AD
Otherwise, return OK.

T=26: New item in Inbox

T=26: Sync Inbox

T=23: If new items in the
next 12 min. let me know.
Otherwise, return OK.
Sync – Sample Request

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Sync xmlns="AirSync:">
Performed <Collections>
Operation <Collection>
Current Sync Level <SyncKey>662762728</SyncKey>
(Watermark) on <CollectionId>21</CollectionId>
the device <GetChanges/>
Folder (e.g. Inbox <Options>
or Calendar) <FilterType>5</FilterType>


Microsoft Confidential 76
Sync – Sample Response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<Sync xmlns="AirSync:">
Current sync level <SyncKey>1387514663</SyncKey>
(Watermark) on the
server – Replaces the
value on the device <Status>1</Status>
Operation <Add>

Microsoft Confidential 77
SyncKey = 10000002
<ApplicationData />

SyncKey = 10000003
<ApplicationData />

Status = 3 (Invalid SyncKey)
Access token Refresh token
• Specific resource • UPN specific
• Short lived (~1 hour) • Long lived (between 14-90 days)
• Stored in registry • Stored in Credential Store
Modern auth (Federated Identities)

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