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Real Time Scheduling With
Security Enhancement For Packet
Switched Networks
Presented By
Ismail Taral
Under The Guidance of
Prof.Punya V

 Real-Time Scheduling:
 A system is said to be un schedulable when tasks cannot met the specified
 deadlines. A task can be classified as either a periodic or a periodic process. The term
 Scheduling Analysis in Real-Time Computing includes the analysis and testing of the scheduler
 system and the algorithms used in Real-Time applications. In Computer, Real-Time Scheduling
 Analysis is the evaluation, testing and verification of the scheduling system and the algorithms
 used in Real-Time operations. For critical operations, a Real-Time system must be tested and
 verified for performance. In computer science, testing and verification is also known as Model
 Checking
 A Real Time Scheduling System is composed of the scheduler, clock and the
 processing hardware elements. In a Real-Time system, a process or task has schedulability; tasks
 are accepted by a real-time system and completed as specified by the task deadline depending
 the characteristic of the scheduling algorithm . Modeling and evaluation of a Real-Time
 Scheduling system concern is on the analysis of the algorithm capability to meet a process
 deadline. A deadline is defined as the time required for a task to be processed.



 The source agent is the data packet generator. Suppose that it generates one of the two types of real-time data packets:
audio or video. Each packet has a fixed size Ps = 1500 bytes, which is the maximum Ethernet frame payload. The source
agent sends real-time traffic f with a rate of λf. An exponential distribution with mean 1/λ f is used to model the packet
inter-arrival time. A uniform distribution is used to model the relative deadline Df associated with real-time traffic f. A QoS
requirement is specified for traffic f in terms of deadline miss ratio Φf.


 The coordinator agent is a software agent. It interacts with other agents to regulate their functionalities. The coordinator
does not have a global view of the entire system. However, because it locates at the edge router (the default gateway of
the LAN), it has the capability of interacting with the source agent using a known IP address and with the destination
agent using a known MAC address. The coordinator interacts with the scheduler, the queue, and the server to deliver the


 The EDF scheduler agent enforces the timing constraints on the packets to provide the QoS requested by the
source. The Diff-EDF is one of the real-time priority scheduling algorithms that are based on the EDF scheduling
algorithm. The Diff-EDF scheduler provides smaller miss ratio and shorter average total packet delay at the edge router
compared with other real-time schedulers such as EDF and FCFS. Instead of using the relative deadline as the priority key,
the Diff-DEF uses the effective deadline Def.

 The server agent is responsible of serving the real-time data packets that are chosen by the scheduler. It
determines whether to serve or drop a packet based on the packet’s remaining time till expiration. If the packet
is not expired, the server sends it to the specific destination according to the MAC address with an
exponentially distributed service time. An exponential distribution with mean 1/μ f is used for the packet service


 The buffer queue agent has two processes: the queuing (storing) process and the dequeueing (fetching) process. In the
queuing process, the queue agent places the arriving packets in its buffer according to their effective deadlines. This
process is in response to a request from the scheduler. In the dequeueing process, the queue agent fetches the packet
that is closest to expire (with the smallest effective deadline) and sends it to the scheduler.


 The destination agent performs a FCFS scheduling algorithm on the received packets from the server. It sends two
parameters to the coordinator. The first is its processing rate Pf of traffic flow f. It is sent to the coordinator at the
initiation phase. The second is the size Bf of its available buffer for accommodating the packets of traffic flow f. The
coordinator specifies a time period T . At the end of every time period, the destination agent sends Bf to the coordinator.
It is used in the process that determines the packet’s security service level.
 Literature survey is the most important step in software development process. Before developing
 the tool it is necessary to determine the time factor, economy n company strength. Once these things r satisfied, ten
next step is to determine which operating system and language can be used for developing the tool. Once the
programmers start building the tool the programmers need lot of external support. This support can be obtained from
senior programmers, from book or from websites. Before building the system the above consideration r taken into
account for developing
 the proposed system.

 1. A. Gupta, D. Gosh and P.Mohapatra, “scheduling prioritized services in multi-hop networks”, IEEE/ACM
Trans.New.vol.18, no.6,pp.1780-1792

 Convergence of the Internet based wireless technology to provide a multi-hop back-haul network has numerous
applications like streaming audio and video .Such real-time applications demand a guaranteed quality of service QoS in
terms of minimum rate and latency requirements to be functional. The QoS requirements of various applications are
categorized into multiple service classes. These classes reflect the flexibility to rate/latency adjustment that an
application can tolerate.

 2. Michael Menthe , University of Tubingen, Dept. of Computer Science, Germany ,Bob Briscoe , BT Research, UK, and
Tina Tsou, Hawaii Technologies, China.

 Applications like real-time voice and video conferences are called inelastic because they become unusable below
a minimum bit-rate. Even in well-provisioned networks, capacity shortage may occur and because all affected inelastic
applications to fail at once. This may happen due to heavy interest in the contents of one site or due to traffic rerouting
and lack of sufficient capacity on backup paths. To avoid this problem, networks often give inelastic traffic
 priority access to a generously provisioned logical partition of their Capacity, using differentiated Services technology.

 To provide the real-time network applications with the System, network technologies were developed by
applying a real-time scheduling algorithm. Nowadays, real-time data packet sources are required to provide
security services to their applications and make them robust against different security threats. In order to
provide the security services, security protocols were implemented such as the secure sockets layer
protocol (SSL), the transport layer security protocol (TLS), and the internet protocol security (IPSec).


 With the current security protocols, any dynamic change in the network cannot affect the pre-negotiated
security level. Therefore, network performance issues are not taken into account and the QoS may not be
guaranteed for different classes of real-time data streams. This may lead to a catastrophe especially for
those hard real-time network applications. Where no QoS guarantees are provided for the data traffics.
However, they are inefficient in modeling and analyzing complicated heterogeneous environments such as
the dynamic real-time networks with QoS guarantees and security aspects
 In order to overcome such inefficiency, real-time multi-agent simulation system is implemented in our
approach, where the whole environment is modeled by interactive entities that cooperate with each other with
a time-critical constrained protocol. In designing a multi-agent system, two major phases should be predefined:
collaboration and interaction. Collaboration is the process of establishing different levels of cooperation
between the agents while interaction is the protocol of rules and constraints that controls the transactions
performed by the cooperating agents.


 The key features of the proposed real-time scheduling system are as follows

 1) The proposed system combines the functionality of real-time scheduling with security service enhancement.
The real-time scheduling unit uses the differentiated-earliest deadline- first (Diff-EDF) scheduler, while the
security service enhancement scheme adopts a congestion control mechanism based on resource estimation;
 2) The security service enhancement is designed with two modules: a single- layer module and a weighted
multilayer module. The single-layer design provides enhancement for a single security service, that is,
confidentiality, integrity, or authentication. The weighted multi-layer design provides enhancement for multiple
security services with different weights;
 3) The proposed system provides the required QoS guarantees for different real-time data flows, while it
enhances the packets’ security service levels according to feedbacks from the congestion control.
 The congestion control efficiently utilizes the buffering system at the edge router, hence protecting the
network from being congested by heavy traffic loads;

 The development of a computer-based information system includes a systems analysis phase

which produces or enhances the data model which itself is a precursor to creating or enhancing
a database. There are a number of different approaches to system analysis. When a computer-
based information system is developed, systems analysis (according to the Waterfall model)
would constitute the following steps:
 The development of a feasibility study, involving determining whether a project is economically,
socially, technologically and organizationally feasible.
 Conducting fact-finding measures, designed to ascertain the requirements of the system's end-
users. These typically span interviews, questionnaires, or visual observations of work on the
existing system.
 Gauging how the end-users would operate the system (in terms of general experience in using
computer hardware or software), what the system would be used for etc.
 Another view outlines a phased approach to the process. This approach breaks systems analysis
into 5 phases:
 Scope definition
 Problem analysis
 Requirements analysis
 Logical design
 Decision analysis

 Speed : 1.1ghz
 Processor : Pentium IV
 Hard Disk : 40GB
 RAM : 256MB


 Operating System : Windows XP/2003 or

 Programming Language : Java
 IDE/Workbench : Eclipse / Net beans
 Database : MYSQL

 The topology of the network system where N source nodes communicate with N

 destination nodes through secure data channels. The destination nodes are connected to the

 default gateway, i.e. an edge router, with a star topology. The proposed real-time scheduling

 system is modeled and designed as a real-time multi-agent system .We adopt the Gaia agent-

 oriented methodology. It deals with both the macro (network) level and the micro (agent) level

 aspects of the design. The Gaia agent-oriented methodology is appropriate for our problem

 because it has the following characteristics.

 The goal is to obtain a system that maximizes some global quality measure which may be,

 however, suboptimal from the point of view of the system components.

• Agents are heterogeneous, because different agents may be implemented using different

 programming languages, architectures, and techniques.

 • The organization structure of the system is static such that the inter-agent relationships do not

 change at run-time

 A use case in software engineering and systems engineering is

a description of a system’s behavior as it responds to a request that
originates from outside of that system. In other words, a use case describes
"who" can do "what" with the system in question. The use case technique is
used to capture a system's behavioral requirements by detailing scenario-
driven threads through the functional requirements. Use cases describe the
system from the user's point.
 Use cases describe the interaction between one or more
actors (an actor that is the initiator of the interaction may be referred to as
the 'primary actor') and the system itself, represented as a sequence of
simple steps. Actors are something or someone which exists outside the
system ('black box') under study, and that take part in a sequence of
activities in a dialogue with the system to achieve some goal. Actors may be
end users, other systems, or hardware devices. Each use case is a complete
series of events, described from the point of view of the actor.
 "Each
use case focuses on describing how to achieve a goal or task. For most software
 this means that multiple, perhaps dozens, of use cases are needed to define the
scope of the new system. The degree of formality of a particular software project
and the stage of the project will influence the level of detail required in each use
 Use cases should not be confused with the features of the system under
consideration. A use case may be related to one or more features, and a feature may
be related to one or more use cases.
 A use case defines the interactions between external actors and the
system under consideration to accomplish a goal. An actor specifies a role played by a
person or thing when interacting with the system. The same person using the system
may be represented as different actors because they are playing different roles. For
example, "Joe" could be playing the role of a Customer when using an Automated
Teller Machine to withdraw cash, or playing the role of a Bank Teller when using the
system to restock the cash drawer.
 A business use case is described in technology-free terminology
which treats the business process as a black box and describes
the business process that is used by its business actors (people or
systems external to the business) to achieve their goals (e.g.,
manual payment processing, expense report approval, manage
corporate real estate). The business use case will describe a
process that provides value to the business actor, and it describes
what the process does. Business Process Mapping is another
method for this level of business description.

 A system use case is normally described at the system

functionality level (for example, create voucher) and specifies the
function or the service that the system provides for the user. A
system use case will describe what the actor achieves interacting
with the system. For this reason it is recommended that a system
use case specification begin with a verb
 Activity diagrams provide a way to model the workflow of
a business process, code-specific information such as a class operation.
The transitions are implicitly triggered by completion of the actions in
the source activities. The main difference between activity diagrams
and state charts is activity diagrams are activity centric, while state
charts are state centric. An activity diagram is typically used for
modeling the sequence of activities in a process, whereas a state chart is
better suited to model the discrete stages of an object’s lifetime.
 An activity represents the performance of task or duty in
a workflow. It may also represent the execution of a statement in a
procedure. You can share activities between state machines. However,
transitions cannot be shared.
 An action is described as a "task" that takes place while inside a state or
 Actions on activities can occur at one of four times:

Fig.9.Activity diagram
Thank You

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