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(MCEB 212)

TOPIC 1: Diversity of Mankind

Diversity of Mankind:
• What is diversity of mankind?
• Diversity means…..?
• How do we classify the characteristics?

Diversity of Mankind:
• Race: A group of people who possess similar physical
characteristics, for example:

a. Shape of body b. Shape of head

c. Shape of nose d. Shape of lips
e. Shape of eyes & colour
f. Hair texture & colour g. Skin colour
Diversity of Mankind:

Which of the features is the most prominent or

frequently used to identify race?
Diversity of Mankind: Race

• Genetically distinct

• Have relatively minor morphological and genetic differences

• Diverse physical appearances, such as variations in skin color

or hair colour/texture.
Diversity of Mankind: Ethnicity
• It refers to a group of humans who practice similar socio-
cultural features or habits.

Language and literature (folktales, songs, arts, handicrafts

Food and culinary practices
Lifestyle – tradition, customs, beliefs, etc.
Diversity of Mankind: Ethnicity

Each ethnic group….

• Self-identification, identified by others

• Self-perpetuating, to ensure continuity.
• Conformity vs exclusion.
Race and ethnicity can obviously overlap, but they are
distinct. For example, a Japanese-American person would
probably consider herself a member of the East Asian
(Mongoloid) race. But, if she doesn't engage in any of the
practices or customs of her ancestors, she might not identify
with the ethnicity of being a Japanese. Instead she might
consider herself to be American because she eats
hamburger, celebrates Thanksgiving and speaks English with
an American accent.
Diversity of Mankind:
In other words,
• Race is associated with biological aspects.
• Ethnicity is associated with cultural aspects.
• A Nation?

Identify features that a nation is based on.

Diversity of Mankind: Nation
The word has associations which include:

• Geographical location.
• Politics - fixed boundaries, a country.
• Military power.
• Economy.
• Homeland.
Diversity of Mankind: Bangsa
The word has different meanings:

• Lineage or heritage
• Nation
• A group of people bound by history, living in the same
area, sharing the economy and also social values/core
beliefs (Abdul Rahman Embong, 2001)
Diversity of Mankind: Issues
• An issue that transcended over time is the difference in skin
• White Supremacy (Du Bois, 1903).
• People with fair skin believe that they are superior than
those whose skin are coloured (i.e. red, yellow, brown,
• Beauty?
• Intelligence?
Diversity of Mankind: Issues
Location Issues
South-East Asia Immigrants from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar &
South Africa Apartheid (between the ruling Whites and the Blacks)
United Kingdom British and immigrants from India, Pakistan and Arab
U. S. A The Whites and Coloured (Blacks, Hispanics, Asians)
Palestine The Palestinians and the Israeli Settlers
India Clashes between Muslims, Hindus & Sikhs
Significance of Racial/Ethnic Diversity:
Indicator of
structure &
ties in a

Foundation in Indicator of
national planning social stress
& development Importance levels from the
of social policies. of identifying due to social
race &

Indicator of Indicator of
prejudice & social
discrimination adherence &
levels. ethnocentrism

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