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Idaho Core Teacher Standards and the

Danielson Framework for Teaching

Evaluation Method

Created by: Crystal Mireles

Education 290 Capstone

What you will be able to understand and take away from this
• Identify and understand the expectations that the State of Idaho
has for all educators.
• Identify the ten Idaho Core Teacher Standards that will help you
understand what is needed for students in a classroom setting.
• Become aware and familiar with and how the Frameworks for
Teaching Evaluations Instrument works.
• Understand all of the differences between the terms
unsatisfactory, basic, proficient and distinguished expectations
of a teacher.
Idaho Core Teacher’s Standard. What is it?

• Idaho Core Teacher Standards help teachers be a successful as an educator in

the classroom. It allows the teacher to determine where the student is in their
academic life.
• All teachers are expected to teach with common core standards. Teacher’s are
also expected to be certified with State of Idaho.
• There are ten standards that the State of Idaho requires for teachers to know
and standards will help address where students are and where they should be
with their studies in a classroom setting.
What does it mean for teachers?
Standard One
• The teacher must assess the
curriculum and all materials
necessary to teach a diverse
Learner Development classroom environment.
Teachers must
understand that all • The teacher must have students
students learn work together and engage in
differently and develop
individually across the
activities that allows them to
social, emotional, interact with one another in a
cognitive learning classroom setting.
experiences. Teachers
will help students learn
and give them the tools • The teacher will introduce the
to succeed in a academic aspects of the subject matter for
students to understand why it is
important and why they should know
What does it mean for teachers?

Standard Two • The teacher must recognize the every

student will be different, the teacher must
understand how his/her learners will develop
the skills they need to succeed in school .

Learning Differences • The teacher must be aware of diverse

Teachers must cultures in the classroom and identify the
understand that every different ways the students learn in a
individual student will be classroom.
learn different and must
know that every students • The teacher will make the curriculum more
cultures is different and time efficient for students to learn and must
must ensure a learning give students the opportunity to learn and
environment for each
grow as a student.
learner to succeed to
their fullest potential.
• The teacher must believe that each students
that walks into the class has the potential to
learn and be taught.
What does it mean for teachers?

Standard Three • The teacher will setup her

classroom for students to
collaborate in a group while
students learn individually at their
Learning pace.
The teacher must strive • The teacher will give opportunities
to create a classroom
environment that all to students to express themselves
students can learn which independently and within a group
include expectations, setting in the classroom.
structure and
consistency. The teacher
will encourage students • The teacher will give motivation to
to do their best and students and help them learn how
create a positive
atmosphere for students
to motivate themselves in regards
to learn. to their gained value and
experiences as a student.
What does it mean for teachers?

Standard Four • The teacher must apply different

roles to provide students with the
tools and knowledge to understand
the concepts.
Content Knowledge
The teacher must • The teacher will teach students how
understand the to use their reasoning to understand
content and the problem and come up with a
different methods to solution.
introduce to
students and provide • The teacher must take advantage of
them with a variety different teaching methods and learn
of methods that they
how to make content for accessible
can use for critical
thinking and problem and meaningful for every individual
solving. student to learn in a classroom
What does it mean to teachers?

• The teacher must provide students with

Standard Five different views and opportunities for
creativity, critical thinking, working in a
team, and problem solving regarding
local, global and world issues.
Application of
Content • The teacher will teach the students how
The teacher must to collaborate and analyze real life
understand how issues with each other and put them into
important it is for
students to engage with teams to help each other understand.
each other in a classroom
setting and work • The teacher must strive to make sure
together in activities that that each students is given the
will help each student
use creativity, encourage opportunity to be in a group and engage
critical thinking and work each student in direct instruction and at
as a team regarding both hand.
local, global and world
What does this mean for teachers?

Standard Six • The teacher will supply students with

tools and guides to help them
understand, this will help the teacher
assess their progress with following
Assessment directions.

The teacher must • The teacher will complete progress in a

understand that that
organized appropriate manner allowing
tests are the only form
of assessment. The her to go back and check students
teacher will use improvements and achievements.
different ways to assess
the students in a diverse • The teacher will communicate with
classroom, should student and parents about progress and
create appropriate
activities to support
show the student their own growth in
students learning, specific areas.
monitoring weekly
reports for students and • The teacher must always keep good
using different tools to communication with school in regards
engage students into to students achievements and
their own learning.
What does it mean for teachers?

• The teacher must be organized

Standard Seven with the curriculum, content
knowledge, pedagogy to made
each lesson, and integrative
Planning for
• The teacher must always consider
The teacher must all students backgrounds and
understand how cultures in a diverse classroom.
important it is
that students
• The teacher will create a lesson
meet their
academic goals, plan that is most effective to help
the teacher will learners understand the content
help them given to them.
instruction and • The teacher will help them
planning. develop skills to figure out their
goals and teach students how to
accomplish their goal.
What does it mean for teachers?

Standard Eight • The teacher will provide students

with multiple models of concepts
through hands-on experiences.

• The teacher will engage all

Instructional students to participate in a wide
Strategies range of learning skills such as
The teacher must technology and applying
understand and use information.
strategies and guides • The teacher will know how to use
to teach individual and when to use appropriate
students or groups to strategies to make sure all students
get a deeper
are using complex thinking.
understanding of the
material given to
them and build skills • The teacher will support all
that they will need to students in regards to building skills
use in different ways. in the classroom and adjust
instruction while planning tasks.
What does it mean to teachers?
Standard Nine • The teacher will take additional
courses to meet the expectations
to becoming a better educator
for his/her students.
Learning and Ethical • The teacher will use feedback
from other teachers through
The teacher must evaluations and observations to
acknowledge learning help the teacher with
new methods to teach is
improvements that he/she can
important for the
students and to evaluate make or strengths that he/she
the practice of may have that makes them a
becoming an educator great educator.
and the choices that
he/she makes regarding • The teacher will set goals to
the students academic
future can affect
accomplish based on data or
families, other teachers, performance as an educator to
and the community. always improve their teaching.
What does this mean to teachers?

Standard Ten • The teacher will be accountable for

setting a good example for all students.

• The teacher will keep great

communication with students families,
Leadership and
other teachers, and the community.
The teacher must seek • The teacher will set positive examples in
opportunities and a classroom setting to ensure that each
leadership roles from student is receiving the education that
other colleagues that can they deserve.
advance his/her profession
as an educator and must • The teacher will collaborate with students
strive to collaborate with about their academic future and will stay
families, students, and involved so that they are able to succeed
community members to and become successful in life.
ensure growth as a
teacher. • The teacher will make her students
education a priority.
How Do These Standards Affect You As An Educator?

These standards will help you

know what to teach, and they
will be used to figure out the
different tools and techniques
you can perform in a classroom,
they will help you create an
environment that is both a
learning environment and
followed with expectations. The
school district will then
evaluate you as an educator and
guide you in improvements you
can make and positive feedback
to help you understand your
responsibility as a teacher.
The Frameworks for Teaching Evaluation Method

In addition to the Idaho

Core Teacher Standards,
many districts are also
using Charlotte Danielson’s
“Framework for Teaching”
for structure, instruction,
and professional
development, this will
enhance teachers skills as
an educator.
Framework for Teaching Components

These Components have been applied to

InTASC Standards they have been broken down
into 22 Components and into domains for
teaching responsibility.
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students 
1c. Setting Instructional Outcomes 
1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
1e: Designing coherent instruction
1f: Designing student assessments
Domain 2: Classroom Environment

2a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport

2b. Establishing a Culture for Learning
2c. Managing Classroom Procedures
2d. Managing Student Behavior
2e. Organizing Physical Space
Domain 3: Instruction

3a. Communicating with Students 

3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
3c. Engaging Students in Learning
3d: Using assessment in instruction
3e. Using Assessment in Instruction
3f. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

4a. Reflecting on Teaching

4b. Maintaining Accurate Records
4c. Communicating with Families
4d. Participating in a Professional Community 
4e. Growing and Developing Professionally 
4f. Showing Professionalism
How Do They Align Together?

The Idaho Core Teacher Frameworks Idaho Teaching Standards

Standards and the Danielson
Danielson Domain 1: Planning and Standard 1: Learner Development
Framework for Teaching Preparation Standard 2: Learning Differences
Method both help each other Standard 7: Planning for Instruction
describe the standards and Danielson Domain 2: Classroom Standard 5: Application of Content
how they can be met. Environment

Danielson Domain 3: Instruction Standard 3: Learning Environment

Standard 4: Learning Environment
This table shows how both Standard 6: Assessment
Idaho Core Standards and Standard 8: Instructional Strategies
Danielson Framework are Danielson Domain 4: Professional Standard 9: Professional Learning and
able to align together to fit Responsibilities Ethical 
the needs of students in a Practice
Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration
classroom setting.
Frameworks for Teaching: Evaluation Tool

The school’s administrator will evaluate the teachers

performance using The Framework method based on a rubric of
the domains and subdomains.

Teachers are scored based on their performance as a teacher

with the following criteria:

Unsatisfactory-Level 1
Basic-Level 2
Proficient-Level 3
Distinguished-Level 4
Frameworks for Teaching: Example of Evaluation Rubric

Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

The teacher has no The teacher is a able to The teacher is able to The teacher is able to
understanding about become familiar with to connect the completely understand
central concepts and some central concepts importance of the the importance of the
pedagogy and no but lacks the concepts and how they concepts and is able to
Domain 1a: structure of the importance about why are able to relate to know how they relate
Demonstrating discipline he/she they are important and each other. The to each other. The
teaches in a classroom how they are able to teacher plans a range teacher plans and is
Knowledge of setting. The teachers relate to each other. of pedagogy and is organized with the
Content and planning is not efficient The teacher plans a effective for his/her topics and concepts for
Pedagogy and displays errors in range of pedagogy but students to understand students to understand
curriculum. The limits the content for and grasp the and use a wide range of
teacher makes no students to understand. knowledge about effective pedagogical
change to his/her different topics and approaches. The
errors and or corrects concepts. students will then
students incorrect ensure their Rubric
answers. understanding. continues onto
next slide
Frameworks for Teaching: Example of Evaluation
Rubric (Continued)

Domain 1 Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished

Subdomain a:
Demonstrating Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Knowledge of
Content and

• Teacher has no • Teacher is able to • Teacher is able to • Teacher completely

understanding about become familiar with connect the understands importance
content. concepts. importance of of concepts relating to
• Teacher has no structure • Teacher lacks the concepts relating to each other.
of discipline in the importance of concepts each other. • Teacher is organized
Critical classroom. relating to each other. • Teacher plans a range and plans topics to
• Teacher’s planning is not • Teacher plans a range of of pedagogy and is students understanding.
Attributes efficient and displays pedagogy but limits the effective for students • Teacher uses a wide
errors in curriculum. content for students. understanding. range of effective
• Teacher makes no change • Teachers allows pedagogical approaches
in his/her errors or students to grasp the to help students ensure
students errors. concepts. understanding.

(Rubric continues
onto next slide)
Frameworks for Teaching: Example of Evaluation
Rubric (Continued)

Domain 1 Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished

Subdomain a:
Demonstrating Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Knowledge of
Content and

• The teacher states that • The teacher takes time to • The teacher organizes her • The teacher gives students
you won’t use math later organize his/her class lesson plan and allows time information about how the
in life, therefore, "it is a schedule but doesn’t account for students to understand decimal system and how it
waste of time to learn so for time needed to complete and take the time to interact works and allows them to
much of it.” lesson plan. with each other. understand it in more
• The teacher has students • The teacher sets expectations • The teacher notices who is depth.
Possible google the correct for students but doesn’t give struggling and pairs students • The teacher guides and
answers when they need warnings when students don’t to help each other with helps his/her students find
Examples help on a quiz. comply. assignment given to them. information about US
• The teacher doesn’t plan • The teacher plans an activity • The teacher sets History and allows students
ahead of time to create a for students to interact but expectations and praises to work together as a team.
lesson plan he/she will limits time to allow students those students that comply • The teacher knows how
teach for the day. to help each other on task. with the expectations in the important it is that students
classroom. fully understands the
information given to them
before they go onto the
next level.
Idaho Core Teaching Standards and Frameworks Evaluation Method

• The Idaho Core Teacher Standards are put into place for teachers to become highly
qualified to teach in the State of Idaho. All new teacher are also expected to know all the
expectations to teach before they become certified.
• The Danielson Framework for Teaching Evaluation Method is for administration in the
school to evaluate the teachers effectiveness in a classroom setting.
• The Framework Method has 4 domains that is important for a teacher to become familiar
with in a classroom which are: Planning and Preparation, Classroom Environment,
Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities.
• The Idaho Core Teaching Standards and the Framework Evaluation Method are both
connected to each other and to the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support
Consortium (INTASC).
• The Danielson Framework Method grades and evaluates teachers teaching a classroom
setting in the following terms: unsatisfactory, basic, proficient and distinguished .
A Framework for Teaching – Charlotte Danielson Rubrics for Enhancing Professional Practice (n.d.). In Idaho State Board of Education Education for Life. Retrieved
February 1, 2019, from

Certification (n.d.). In Idaho Department of Education . Retrieved February 13, 2019, from

Highly Qualified Teacher (n.d.). In Idaho Department of Education . Retrieved February 13, 2019, from

STANDARDS FOR ASSESSING TEACHER PERFORMANCE and PROFICIENCY RUBRIC (n.d.). In Idaho Department of Education . Retrieved February 13, 2019,

The Framework (n.d.). In The Danielson Group . Retrieved February 13, 2019, from


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