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2 The properties of Liquids

1st hour
5.2 Liquid
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
a) Explain the properties of liquids : shape, volume,
surface tension, viscosity, compressibility and
Why a water strider can “walk” on
water ?
Why water beads on waxy surface
such as an apple, leaf or a freshly
waxed car after a rainfall?
5.2 The properties of Liquids

There are 5 properties of liquids:

1. Volume and Shape

2. Compressibility

3. Diffusion

4. Surface tension

5. Viscosity
5.2 The properties of Liquids

1. Volume and Shape

 has a definite ________ but not a definite _________

a) the particles are arranged

________ but not _________
b) Molecules held together by
an intermolecular forces but
they able to ___________

 A liquid flows to ____ the shape of

its container and is confined to a
________ volume
5.2 The properties of Liquids

2. Compressibility

 in liquid, the particles are ____________________

 thus, there is __________________empty space
  liquids are much ________ difficult to
compress than gas
5.2 The properties of Liquids

3. Diffusion

 Liquid diffuse _________ than

gases due to :
a) molecules are closely packed
compared to gases
b) _______ kinetic energy than
c) _________ intermolecular
attractive forces between the
molecules compared to gases
How do smell spread out??
Where is the smell coming from and how does it
spread out?
5.2 The properties of Liquids
4. Surface tension

 is the amount of energy required to stretch the surface

of a liquid by a unit area
 liquid molecules experienced intermolecular
attractive forces in _____________by their
neighbouring molecules
 however, molecules at the
surface are pulled ________ and
_________ from the
neighbouring molecules
 but not __________ away from
the surface
‘stronger the intermolecular attractive forces,
the __________ the surface tension’
The surface tighten like an elastic film

Water strider

What happen to the surface tension of a liquid

if its temperature increase?
Explain why.
Ans: EXAMPLE – 01

Surface tension __________:

Because when the temperature increase
the molecules become _________ energetic
and _________some intermolecular forces.

** Temperature
Molecular motion
Intermolecular force
5.2 The properties of Liquids
5. Viscosity
 is _____________(e.g: ability) of liquid to flow
 the greater a liquid’s viscosity, the more slowly it flows.
 viscosity _____________ as temperature _____________
 It depends on;
1) the size of the molecules( molar mass)
the ___________the molar mass, the more resistance their flow,
 more viscous the liquid
2) the strength of intermolecular
attractive forces between the molecules

the stronger the attractive forces,

the ________ the viscosity

Explain the following statement:

a) Liquid with long molecules has
higher viscosity that with spherical ones.
b) Liquid molecules with higher molar mass
more viscous than that of a lower molar mass
Ans: EXAMPLE – 02

a) Liquid with long molecules has

higher viscosity that with spherical ones
 Long molecules has larger surface area, so it
has __________ intermolecular force (Van der Waals).

b) Liquid molecules with higher molar mass

more viscous than that of a lower molar mass
 Molecules with higher molar mass has a _____ size,
means _____ surface area, so it has _______
intermolecular force (Van der Waals).
Does the strength of the intermolecular forces
in a liquid changes as the liquid is heated?
Why does liquid viscosity decrease with
rising temperature?


Compare the characteristics properties of

solids, liquids and gases in terms of:
a) Shape and volume
b) Compressibility
c) Ability to flow
d) Density
e) Motion of molecules

State Solid

a) Shape and Volume

b) Compressibility

c) Ability to Flow

d) Density

e) Motion of molecules

Properties / Solid Liquid Gas

Shape and Maintain it own Conforms to shape Conforms to
Volume shape and shape and
and size volume of container, volume of
volume limited by container
Compressibility Almost none Very low High

Ability to Flow Almost none Moderate High

Density High High Low
Motion of Vibrate about Slide past one Very free
molecules fixed positions another freely motion
Surface tension not related High Not related
5.2 The properties of Liquids

2nd hour
5.2 Liquid
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
b. Explain vaporisation and condensation processes
based on kinetic molecular theory and intermolecular
5.2 Vaporisation


Define : a process in which molecules escape from

______into _________ state through a surface.



5.2 Vaporisation Process
 A process in which liquid is transformed into gas
Based on kinetics molecular theory,
 molecules in a liquid move quite freely
 each molecule possesses different magnitude of
kinetic energy
 when the kinetic energy is sufficient enough to
overcome the attractive forces that bind them, the
molecules will ________and be ___________

 Occur in 2 ways;
 ____________
 ____________
5.2 Vaporisation Process
 Factors affected vaporisation rate,
 Surface area
The larger the surface area, chances for the
molecules to escape from the water surface
____________, evaporation rate ____________.
 Temperature
At higher temperature, more molecules possess
higher kinetic energy,  ____________molecules
have enough energy to escape from the surface of
the liquid. Thus evaporation rate ____________.
 Intermolecular attraction forces
The weaker the intermolecular attraction forces, the
____________ the evaporation rate
5.2 Condensation process
 A process in which gas is transformed into liquid
Based on kinetics molecular theory;
 some of the vapour molecules may lose their kinetic
energy during the collision
 they do not have enough energy to remain as
vapour molecules
 they reached the surface of the liquid and became
trapped by the attractive forces
 if they cannot overcome the attractive forces, these
vapour molecules return as liquid molecules
 the process is known as condensation
5.2 Dynamic Equilibrium
Liquid gas
Rate of vaporization = Rate of condensation

The pressure of the vapor is constant at that

5.2 Dynamic Equilibrium

vapor (gas) phase

liquid phase

Dynamic equilibrium:
two liquid molecules escape

two vapor molecules are captured

5.2 Vapourisation vs Condensation
Some molecules at surface have a high enough
kinetic energy to escape

Number of vapor molecules __ pressure of vapor __

At the same time,
Vapor molecules collide with molecules at
surface and attracted  condense

Vapor molecules ___ rate of condensation slowly ___

Rate of vaporization = Rate of condensation
System is at Dynamic Equilibrium
5.2 The properties of Liquids

3rd hour
5.2 Liquid
At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:
c. Define vapour pressure and boiling point. Relate
i. Intermolecular forces to vapour pressure
ii. Vapour pressure to boiling point
5.2 Vapour Pressure
Define : The pressure exerted by vapour in equilibrium with
its liquid in a closed container

In an open system : In a closed system :

Vapour molecules which vapour molecules which
evaporate off will leaves the surface cannot
diffuse away escape from the system
5.2 Vapour Pressure
In a closed system :
When the vapour molecules cannot escape from the
system, they
 remain in the container
 are in contact with the surface of the liquid at
constant random motion
 continually strike :
the wall of the container
other vapour molecules
 the surface of the liquid

 pressure exerted. This is called the vapour pressure

5.2 Vapour Pressure

 for a more volatile liquid, it will exert a ________

equilibrium vapour pressure than a less volatile
liquid at the same temperature
 for volatile liquid, the attractive forces between
molecules are _________ compare to the nonvolatile
 for a less volatile liquid to vaporize and its vapour
pressure to reach the atmospheric pressure, it must
absorb _______energy (at higher temperature)
 thereby it boils at a ________ boiling point
5.2 Boiling point
Define boiling point :
the temperature at which the vapour pressure of
liquid is ______to the external atmospheric pressure
*** at any atmospheric pressure ( e.g: 1 atm, 0.5 atm)

EXAMPLE: Boiling Point of Water

100oC at 760 torr (sea level)
94oC at 610 torr (Boulder, Colorado)
72oC at 270 torr (Mt. Averest)

Define normal boiling point :

the temperature at which a liquid boils when the
external pressure is _____(that is the vapour
pressure is 760 mmHg)
5.2 Boiling point

 A process of changes from

liquid to gaseous occur at the
surface and inner part of the
 bubbles are observed
 temperature remains constant
during the boiling process even
heat is supplied
 occurs at specific temperature
and pressure
By referring to the graph, what is the boiling
is the boiling point of water
when the external pressure
is 187.5 mmHg?

187.5 mmHg = 187.5 torr

Ans: EXAMPLE – 03

Boiling point
of water
at 187.5mmHg
187.5 ≈ 65oC
Conclusion and Question

Question :

1. Describe properties of liquid.

2. Explain the vaporisation and condensation

process based on kinetic molecular theory and
intermolecular forces.

3. Give the definition of vapour pressure and boiling point.

4. Explain the relationship between intermolecular forces,

vapour pressure and boiling point of liquid.
Conclusion and Question
1. Describe properties of liquid.


There are 5 properties of solid :

1.Shape and volume ?
3.Surface tension ?
4. diffusion ?
5. viscosity ?
Conclusion and Question
2. Explain the vaporisation and condensation process based on
kinetic molecular theory and intermolecular forces.
The escape of liquid molecules to vapour phase. Occurs when
molecules on the surface of a liquid possess enough kinetic energy
to overcome the attractive forces leave the liquid phase as vapour

Process at which vapour molecules return to the liquid phase. Due
to random motion, some of the molecules lose their kinetic energy
during collison, they reached the surface and trapped by attractive
forces and return as liquid molecules
Conclusion and Question

3. Give the definition of vapour pressure and boiling point.

answer :

Define vapour pressure :

the pressure of the vapour over its liquid in a closed

Define boiling point :

the temperature at which the vapour pressure of
liquid is equal to the external atmospheric
Conclusion and Question
4. Explain the relationship between intermolecular forces, vapour
pressure and boiling point of liquid.
answer :

If the intermolecular forces are weak, the liquid

molecules easily escape to form vapour. Therefore, the
liquid vapour pressure is high. The boiling point of the
liquid is low because less energy is needed for its
vapour to achive atmospheric pressure
If the intermolecular forces are strong, the liquid
molecules hardly to escape to form vapour. Therefore,
the liquid vapour pressure is lower. The boiling point of
the liquid is high because more energy is needed for
its vapour to achive atmospheric pressure

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