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1. Be Creative
• Generate ideas and images in your head in order to come up with
solutions and alternative solutions to problems.
Is there a way to do it – more easily? More quickly? More
pleasantly? More safely?
- More healthy? More comfortably? More cleanly
and neatly?
- More sure? More cheap? More attractively?
More smartly?
Can it be made more useful, that is, multipurpose? More
adaptable to other uses?
Can its value be enhanced?
Can it be combined with some other existing tool or device?
Can it be more disposable or portable?
Can its distribution methods be improved?
Can its package be improved?
2. Actively Seek Opportunities
A successful entrepreneur actively seeks
opportunities. He looks at a situation and thinks,
“What is here that can be turned into a business?”
• Find customers or markets where other
people find one
• Find new uses for old products, including
waste products
• Find new ways of doing things
• Find new products for old markets or
3. Take Moderate Risks
• A successful entrepreneur take risks, but doing
so, he is able to recognize, assess and minimize
these risks. This is known as calculating,
moderating, or controlling the risks (make or
i. Assess the situation carefully;
ii. Find out if your actions will have negative
side-effects. Be prepared to cope with the
iii.Ask advise from knowledgeable persons.
iv.Plan for contingencies. Be prepared for
4. Practice Persistence
“trying and trying again”. It means to do something even
if other people say that you are likely to fail. It means
not being afraid to do hard work and not being afraid to
fail because you can try again.
i. Do not give in quickly when someone disagrees with
ii. Stay cool and composed, in so doing you will be
persuasive, convincing and credible.
iii. Face the opposition squarely and openly. Avoid
“behind the back” tactics. A truly persistent person
will be strong enough to change what needs to be
changed and do what needs to be done even if
others disapprove.
5. Be Committed to what you set out to do
• Keeping your promises and commitments is at the
very heart of entrepreneurs. Practice behaviour that
will lead to strong commitment to work contact.
1. Have strength of character “palabra de honor”.
2. Only make promises you can keep.
3. Know what to do when you cannot keep your
4. Cultivate the trust of others.
5. Clarify expectations.
6. Apologize sincerely.
6. Set High Standards of Quality and Efficiency
• Strive for quality and excellence. Good
entrepreneurs demand quality and efficiency not
only from their workers and suppliers, but also from
themselves, which results to selling goods and
services of good quality.
1. Consistency
2. Never neglect dissatisfied customer
3. A way of life for you and your workers
4. Use appropriate technology to help you
7. Seek Information
Knowledge is power. You need information to get wind of
business ideas and opportunities.
• To know if the business idea will be profitable or not
• To know about your competitors
• To know sources of assistance for the business
• Join industry chambers where they get to exchange
experiences and know-hows with other entrepreneurs
• Tune in to business-oriented programs on televisions
and radio
• Attend seminars and courses
• Ask questions
8. Believe in yourself
Entrepreneurs are self-confident people. They
believe they can achieve their goals. Have faith
in yourself, no one else will.
• Know as much about yourself as you can
• Look at your qualities in a realistic manner
• Emphasize your strengths and play down your
weaknesses by choosing activities and goals where
you do your best.
• Take care of yourself physically so that you look
good to yourself and others.

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