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By :
Ari Dwi Aminatus Surur 30318105
Amanda Kharisma Lestari 30318102
Ambar Wati Putri Adi 30318103
Oktavia Cikal Marhaenis 30318126
Yenny Rusmiharti 30318125
 A part of speech is a term used in grammar for one of the eight main
categories into which words are classified according to their functions
in sentences.
 Noun
 Pronoun
 Verb
 Adjective
 Adverb
 Preposition
 Conjunction
 Interjection
 Noun are a person, place, or thing.
names of things : Chair, table, book, cup, computer, picture
names of places : New York, Paris, Canada, Toronto, school
names of persons : John, Newton, R.H Stephen, Einstein, man
 Countable noun
Countable nouns are those that refer to something that can be counted, They
have both singular and plural forms.
Ex : tomato ~ Tomatoes, box ~ boxes, city ~ cities, wife ~ wifes
 Uncountable noun
Uncountable nouns are those that refer to something that can’t be counted
Ex : happiness,darkness, humour.
Some uncountable nouns can be used in the plural as well, depending on the
meaning or context of the word
Ex : a piece of bread, a piece of information, a glass of milk
 A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun in a sentence
Type Of pronoun
 Personal Pronoun
 Reflexive pronoun
Ex : Myself, herself, himself, itself, yourself, ourself,
 Reciprocal pronoun
Ex : Each other, one another
 Relative pronoun
Ex : Who, whom, whose, wich, that
 Demonstrative pronoun
Ex : This, these, that, those
 Interrogative pronoun
Ex : Who, what, wich, whose, whom
Verbs are what happens in a sentence. They're
either action words or show the state of being
(is, was) of the subject of the sentence.
1. Regular Verb and Irregular Verb
- Regular Verb is one that forms its simple past tense and its past participle with
adding -ed
 Irregular verb is one that does not form its simple past tense or its past
participle by adding -ed or -d to the base form
2. Action Verb and Stative Verb
- Action verb is a verb that tells what action someone or something is
- Stative Verb usually refer to a state or condition which is not changing
3. Transitive and Intransitive Verb
- Transitive Verb is a type of action verb that links the subject with the object
of a sentence
- Intransitive verbs are verbs that do not have a direct object
Adjective is a word that describes a noun
• Type of Adjective
Proper adjective
Ex : Indonesian people are typically very
Descriptive adjective
Ex : a beautiful woman, a brave girl
Quantitative adjective
Ex : much, little, any, some
 Numeral adjective
 Definite numeral
 cardinal : one, two, three
 ordinal : first, second, third
 multiplicative : one only, twofold, threefold
 Indefinite numeral
Ex : all, some, enough, no, many, few, several
 Demonstrative adjective
 Definite demonstrative
Ex : this time
 Indefinite demonstrative
Ex : anytime
 Distributive adjective
Ex : each, every, either dan neither
 Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, or even other adverbs
 Type of Adverb
 Adverb of Manner
Adverb that describes how things happen
Ex : sadly, happily, bravely, hard, fast, soundly, fairly
 Adverb of Time
A word that describes when action happened
Ex : now, yesterday, tommorow, daily
 Adverb of Place
The location where the action of the verb is beeing carried out
Ex : here, there, below, near
 Adverb of Frequency
A word that describes how often something occurs
Ex : often, never , frequently , sometimes , usually , rarely , dan seldom
 Adverb of certainty
A word that describes how certain we feel about and action or event
Ex : surely, obviously, definitely, probably, possibly, maybe, really, doubly
 Adverb of Degree
A word that describes the intensity of something
Ex : fairy, enough, rather, fairly, nearly, pretty
 Interrogative adverb
A word that used to ask questions
Ex : when, where, why, how
 Conjunction adverb
Adverb that connects two clauses
Ex : however, consequently, then, next, still.
 Preposition show a relationship between a noun (or a pronoun) and the
other words in a sentence, ex : in, on, at, to, with, under, above, into, by, of
 Preposition Time
Preposition about specific time period such as date on the calender, one of
the week, or the actual time something taken place. Prepositions time are the
some word as preposition of place, however they are used in a different way
Ex : at night, in the past, on New year’s day
 Preposition Place
Preposition which is used to refer to a place where something or someone is
Ex : at the door, in a box, on the floor
 Prepositional Phrase
Is a group of words that lacks either a verb or a subject, and that functions as
a unified part of speech.It normally consist of a preposition and a pronoun
 Conjunctions are words which link two clauses in one sentence

Source: Hugh Cory, Advanced Writing with English in Use (Oxford: OUP, 1999)
 Interjections are sound sequences, words, typical phrases or clauses which
can be realized as utterances signalled in speech by being produced with
greater intensity, stress and pitch, and as sentences in writing by an
exclamation mark.
Anger ha! hang it!hell! hunh! rats! what! zounds!

Annoyance bother !deuce! drat! drot! mercy! merde!oof! ouf(f)! ouch! rot! spells! tut! tut-tut! zut!

Approval hear! hear! hubba-hubba! hurrah! keno! olé! so!

contempt bah! boo! booh! faugh! hum! humph! hunh! paff! paf! pah!pfui! pho! phoh! phoo! phooey! pish! poof! pouf! pouff!pooh! prut! prute! pshaw! puff! poff!
quotha! rot! sho! shoo! shuh! shah! soh! tcha! tchah! tchu! tchuh! tuh! tush! tusch!tusche! tuch! yech! zut!

Delight ah! ach! coo! coo-er! goody! goody goody! whacko! wacko!whizzo! wizzo! yippee! yip-ee!

Disgust aargh! bah! faugh! gad! humph! pah! phew! phooey!pish! pshaw! pugh! rot!shoot! ugh! yech! yuck!

Enthusiasm hubba-hubba! wahoo! zowie!

Fear eeeek! oh! oh, no!

Impatience chut! gah! pish! pooh! pshaw! psht! pshut! tcha! tchah!tchu! tchuh! tut! tut-tut! why! zut!

Indignation here ! here! why!

Irritation cor! corks! hell! hoot! lord! lor'! lor! lors!lordy!

lord me! merde! sapperment!upon my word!

Joy heyday! hurrah! ole! whee! whoop! whoopee! yippee!

Pain ah! oh! ouch! ow! wow! yipe! yow!

Pity alas! dear! dear me! ewhow! lackaday! lackadaisy! las! och!oche! wellaway! welladay! welliday!

Pleasure aha! boy! crazy! good! heigh! ho! wow! yum! yumyum!

Relief whew! whoof!

Sorrow alas! ay! eh! hech! heck! heh! lackaday! lackadaisy! las!mavrone! och! oche! wellaway! welladay! welliday! wirra!

Surprise ah! alack! blimey! boy! caramba! coo! cor! dear! dear me!deuce! the devil! gad! gee! gee-whiz! golly! good!goodness! gracious! gosh! ha! heck! heigh!
heigh-ho! hey!heyday! ho! hollo! hoo-ha! huh! humph! indeed! jiminy!lord! man! mercy! my! nu! od! oh! oho! oh, no! phew! say!so!upon my soul! well!
what! whoof!whoosh! why! upon my word! wow! yow! zounds!

Sympathy now! tsk!

Triump aha! ha! hurrah! ole! so!

Wonder blimey! crazy! gee! goodness! gosh! ha! heyday! oh! what!wow!
1. I show emotion in a sentence, what am I?
a. Adjective
b. Interjection
c. Verb
d. Noun
2. I describe a verb. I tell how something is done, what am I?
a. Adjective
b. Verb
c. Adverb
d. Preposition
3. I take the place of noun, what am I?
a. Preposition
b. Verb
c. Interjection
d. Pronoun
4. I describe a noun, I tell what kind, how many, or which
one, what am I:
a. Adjective
b. Pronoun
c. Conjunction
d. Adverb
5) What is the pronoun in the following sentence?
 I sing loudly in the shower
A. Sing
B. Loudly
C. I
D. Shower

6) Wow! You did a fabulous job.What is the interjection in

this sentence?
7) There’s no truth in the rumours.
A. Verb
B. Noun Uncountable
C. Adverb
D. Adjective
8) Bird Fly when migrating before winter.
A. Conjunction
B. Preposition
C. Adverb
D. Adjective
9) Have we bought enough chairs?
A. Adverb
B. Adjective
C. Preposition
D. Conjunction
10) She was very impressed with her result.
A. Adjective
B. Adverb
C. Verb
D. Preposition

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