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SMP/MTS TAHUN 2017-2018


 Tentang apa teks tersebut

 Untuk siapa teks ditulis

 Untuk apa teks ditulis

 Siapa yang menulis

 Dimana teks itu ditemukan

 Mengapa teks itu ditulis

 Mengapa teks itu perlu dibaca

 Apa untungnya kita membaca teks tersebut

 Pesan apa yang ingin disampaikan oleh penulisnya


 Why is the text written?

 What is the purpose of the writer to write the text?

 What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

 What is the text written for?

 Why does the writer write the text?

 What does the writer want to say?

 etc
 Purpose
 To give detailed description
 To attract people to observe/enjoy/come
 To persuade people to protect/preserve
 To introduce something
 To make people love/interested
 etc
 Purpose
 To tell how to operate certain appliance
 To give guidance in using certain appliance
 To avoid a danger in operating certain appliance
 To make easier in operating certain appliance
 To avoid the false operation of certain appliance
 To give guidance step by step in operating certain appliance
 To know how the appliance works correctly
 etc
 Purpose
 To amuse the readers
 To teach us to have good characters ( strong, patient, honest,
kind, wise etc)
 To make us learn something from the story
 To make known local story
 To preserve cultural heritage
 etc
 To tell the past experience

 To share unique or unusual experience

 To make the readers learn something

 To retell something unforgettable

 To give information about an incident

 To retell to give warning

 etc
 Purpose
 To describe a certain disaster in general.
 To make people know (what, why, when .how certain
phenomenon happens)
 To warn people the danger a certain disaster
 To inform people how to handle certain disaster
 To make people aware of the danger of a certain disaster
 To remind people the effect of certain disaster
 etc
 Purpose
 Describe its life in general
 Highlight its specialty
 Make people aware of them
 Ask people to protect
 Inform its reducing number
 Talk about their threat
 To share its uniqueness
 etc
Seahorse is a type of marine fish that can be
easily recognized because of its specific
morphology. There are 35 species of seahorses that
What is the main purpose of the writer
live in tropical and temperate water all over the
to write the text?
world. Seahorses prefer shallow water and they are
A.To discuss that seahorse is a unique
usually located near coral reefs, mangrove forests or
near the seaweed. Many
B.To tell that species
is are
endangered because of the over-fishing (seahorses
are used in C.To
make the Asian
aware of theOther
factors that negatively affect
danger of the their survival are
pollution of the ocean
D.To andtheglobal
inform numberclimate
of the changes
which decrease seahorse
number decrease
of coralbecause
speciesofand alter
the temperature of the water.
 What is the topic of the text?
 What is the best title of the text?

 What is the text about?

 What does the text talk about?

 What is the point of the text?

 What does the text emphasize?

 What does the writer want to highlight?

 etc
 A thunderstorm is a type of weather phenomenon
 The first stage of a thunderstorm, called the developing
stage, occurs when a cumulus cloud is pushed upward
by air. In the developing stage there is not usually much
rain but lightning can be seen. The second stage of a
thunderstorm, called the mature stage, occurs when the
rising warm air reaches warmer air and it spreads out
into a 'cap'. This creates frozen water droplets that fall
The text is mostly about...
to the earth, melting along the way. It is during this
of thunderstorm.
stage that lightning and thunder and strong winds and
rain occur. The third A.
of asize
thunderstorm, called the
dissipating stage, occurs when a cold air pushes to the
B. the effect
ground essentially cutting off the thunderstorm's inflow.
A thunderstorm is C. the of
a type cause
weather phenomenon
characterized by lightning
D. theand thunder and in most
cases, rain. Although thunder is loud it is not dangerous.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was built as a tomb for the
Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. It took approximately 20 years to
build and has three burial chambers inside. When it was
originally built (in approximately 2550 BC) it was almost 147
meters tall. Today, because of erosion, it is only about 139
meters tall. If you visit Egypt today you can enter the Great
Pyramid through the Robbers’ Tunnel.
The Great PyramidWhat doesisthe
of Giza thetext mainly
oldest tell
of all Seven
Wonders of the World. This pyramid is the largest of all three
pyramids that border El Giza, Egypt and it is also the largest
a. The construction of great
pyramid ever built. The pyramid was built with about 2.3
million stone blocks and itpyramid
is thoughtof to
Gizaweigh 5.9 million
tonnes. The ancient name b. The
of thegreat
Pyramid of ofGiza
Khufu's Horizon This pyramid
c. Theisoriginal
the only one in Egyptofknown
to have passages inside that go up and go down. If you wanted
to visit the king’s chamber you would have to walk down, all
the way, bent over. The d. mortar
The seven wonders
that was used toofbuild
the the
pyramid cannot be reproducedworld.
today. Even though it has been
analyzed they still can’t make it. It is stronger than the stone
that was used to build the pyramid and is still in place today.
 Why must we read the text?
 What is the message of the text?

 What do you aware of after reading the text?

 What do you find something useful after reading the

 Why is it important for us to read the text?

 etc
A fire extinguisher.
 To operate the extinguisher, you pull the ring and
press the handle.
 Pressing the handle opens a valve that releases the
pressurized gas from
Why is theit canister.
important to read the text?
 The gas immediatelyA.To know how
expands and to prepare
fills a fire
the inside
of the extinguisher, pushing the water downward
B.To know how to operate a fire
 As the water is pushed down, it rises up the tube
extinguisher correctly.
 A jet of water emerges
C.Tofrom thethe
identify nozzle.
using of the fire
D.To get the information to the
importance use of the fire
 Who is the text for?
 To whom is the text directed to?

 To whom is the text?

 Who will read the text?

 Who get the benefit by reading the text?

 Who will be interested to read the text?

 Who will find the text is important to read?

 etc
Who will be interested to
read the advertisement
A. Old woman.
B. Beautiful woman.
C. Young woman.
D. Intelligent woman.
The advertisement will likely attract the
attention of the people who ....
A. like to sing English songs
B. want to speak English well
C. want to be a native speaker
D. like to write the ads in English

 Who likely writes the text above?

 Who probably writes the text above?

 The text is written by….

 etc

May, You are invited to Vina’s party,

aren’t you? Her party will be held in Gala
Resto in town. It is pretty far, isn’t it?
Please go with me. My brother will take us
there with his car. Let me know soon if you
Who is Maya for Wina?
A. A close friend.
Wina B. A relative.
C. A sibling.
D. A neighbor.
My mother is the most important person in my life. From
when I was still a baby until now, she gives me everything that I
need. When I am seriously ill she spends all days and nights takes
care of me. She has devoted all her energy and time to me. She
teaches me what is good and what is bad and how to differ one
from another. I sometimes make her cry by bad behavior, but
despite my numerous mistakes and disobedience she continues to
love me, and she helps me to cope writes
with the
difficult text
vital situations.
Moreover, my mother understands me in the way no other person
would, and she always finds niceabove?
words to comfort me. I am able
A. with
to share different secrets and opinions A grown
her, andup person.
I know for sure
that she will never let me down. She supports me in whatever I do
B. say
as long as it is good for me. I should A that
I was given enough
freedom to make my own decisions, C. andAI child.
believe that this is very
important in a formation of a person.
D. A student.
To conclude, I consider that I am a lucky person because I
have my loving mother. I can be like I am now because of her. She
has given me everything she could and now I swear to make her
happier in her old ages by working hard to make a living.
My school organized a trip to countryside. We planned to stay at the
hotel and had an out bond activity the following day. All students grade 9 had
to join the activity.
We all gathered in the school yard at 09.00. We left for the hotel at
10, 00 o’ clock in two different buses. We all enjoyed our trip. It took about 3
hours to reach the hotel. At the hotel we had lunch and took a rest.
The hotel was situated near a forest. I suddenly saw some pine trees
loaded with pinecones at a distance. I tempted to collect some of them. So, I
took my sweater and a knife. I quickly went into the forest. I found one or two
lying on the ground. I hoped to find more pinecones so I kept on going deep
into the forest.
2. Who probably wrote
But then suddenly, I heard the roar of a Lion. I ran at full speed at
the opposite direction into the forest. Exhausted and very scared, I climbed up
the text?
a tall tree. I sat on the top of the branches. When I looked down, I saw a giant
A. A pupil.
lion walked slowly toward my tree. I held my breath. My hands gripped the
tree firmly. I prayed for the lion go away from that place. Fortunately, the lion
B. A teacher.
didn’t stop at the tree. He just passed by. I waited until he disappeared. I
waited for about fifteen minutes before I finally decided that I could go down
from the tree. C. A principal.
When I stepped on earth, I felt my body trembling. I ran away to the
hotel as fast as I could. I told to all my had happened. My
teachers warned us not to go to the forest alone. That was really horrible
experience. But I loved it. It was such kind of adventure.
To : Rika Susanti

Student Board of Al- Falah Junior High School would like to

invite you to come to the meeting that will be held on:
Date : April, 1st 2017
Place : Meeting room
Agenda : To prepare the annual English Competition
For the sake of the importance of the agenda, please be

Muhammad Fauzan
The receiver of the message is the....
A. committee of the competition

B. participant of the contest

C. competition supervisor

D. principal of the school

 Where is the text likely found?
 Where is the text usually attached?

 Where is the text usually written?

 The text is likely found in ….

 The text can be read in…..

 etc
Follow the steps below to take pictures:
 Hold up the camera and centre the object in the LCD

 Move closer or use the zoom control for the result you
 When you are ready to take the pictures, hold the
shutter halfway. It is very important, so the camera
sets the focus, shutter speed, and various other
calculations. this make take a few do
Where second
we usually find
 A light should appear thatthelet text?
you know the camera is
ready to go A. In the manual.
 Press shutter all the way down B. In the magazine.
C. In the newspaper.
D. In wall magazine.
 What are you aware of after reading the text?
 What do you find something useful after reading the
 Why is it important for us to read the text?

 What can we learn from the text?

 From the text we know that….

 When I was eleven years old, I had a big accident. I get scared even
now when I think about that time. I went skating near my house. There
were many people, and I saw some of them were falling on the ice.
 It was my first time to go ice skating, so I was nervous. I was
wondering how to skate.
 I went with a friend who was very skillful. He spent some time
teaching me how to skate, but I didn't learn much. He left me and
skated all around. As soon as he left, I fell down. I envied the other
people because they could skate Whatveryarewell.
we aware of after reading

the text?
I was bored because I often kept falling so I took off my skates and just
walked around on the ice in my shoes.A. The ice cold
It was sheetand
canmybehands were
frozen. Suddenly, I stepped on something dangerous.
that was not hard. What was
it? It was a weak place in the ice.B. When
Be Icareful
I sank under
the ice. I thought that I was going to die, but I did my best to grab
something to get out from under the ice. I tried to grab the edge of the
Don’t play
ice, but it was very difficult for anC.eleven-year on the ice
 It seemed like a very long time, like askating area.fortunately, someone
year. Then,
helped me. He grabbed my arms D. and We must
pulled mebeup.skillful to play
So, I lived and I'm
still alive today ice skating.
 Mengidentifikasi rincian informasi yang terdapat dalam teks
 Menerapkan informasi pada konteks yang berbeda
 Menganalis informasi yang diperoleh
 Menyimpulkan berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat dalam
 Menentukan sebab terjadinya rincian peristiwa
 Menentukan akibat yang muncul terkait informasi yang
terdapat dalam teks
 Menggunakan informasi uutuk memecahkan masalah
 etc
 Label ( direction, ingredient, precaution,
production code, expired date, allergic warning)
 Short message ( opening, content, closing)

 Announcement ( opening, event, time, location)

 Advertisement (name of the product, function,

price, address etc)
 Person
 Physical appearance, Character, habit, achievement
 Things
 Physical feature, size (weigh, length, width), color, shape,
 Place
 Location, function, attraction
 Procedure
 steps
 Narrative
 Problem, solution (cause, effect)
 Recount
 Event (cause, effect, proceeds)
 Report
 Physical features, diet, habitat, behavior,
reproduction, life cycle, adaptation, migration,
survival ability
 Cause, reason, process, effect,
Baby Powder

Intan’s baby powder blossom is nicely scented with a long

lasting floral fragrance. Made of fine quality talc, it leaves
baby’s skin feeling textsmooth,
gives usdryinformation
and comfortable.
of thepowder
DIRECTION: Sprinkle product related
onto to its....
your hands before
A. content,
applying to baby’s skin. Closeprocedure,
tightly after size,
Warning: For externalweigh
use only! Keep out of reach of
children. Do not useB.onmanufacturer,
broken skin. Avoid brand,
contact with
eyes. Keep powder away from baby’s nose
ingredient, and mouth. Do
not apply C.
onto newborn baby’s
material, navel
direction, precaution
D. title, function, size,
Mosquitoes belong to the suborder Nematocera – true
flies with long antennae. Mosquito’s antennae have 6 or more
segments. The male's antennae have lots of surface area for
detecting female to mate. Female antennae are short-haired.
The mouthparts allow the adult mosquito to drink nectar. In
many species, the mouthparts of the females are adapted for
piercing the skin of animal hosts and sucking
their blood as ectoparasites. Mosquito’s wings have scales
In the text, mosquitoes are described in
along the veins.
terms of....
Larvae feed
A. on
theorganic matter
diet, the in the water,
reproduction, the including
algae, protozoan, decaying debris, and even other mosquito
larvae. Adult mosquitoes of bothappearance,
B. physical sexes feed on thenectar from
life cycle
flowers. Only females require
and theadietblood meal in order to produce
eggs. Female mosquitoes
C. thedon't require
life cycle, theblood to live,
habitat and but
the they
need the proteins in a blood
breedingmeal to develop their eggs. They
may feed on blood of D.birds, reptiles, amphibians,
characteristics or mammals.
of their bodies,
their eating habits, their habitat
 Identify each steps in operating the appliance
 Analyze the cause of each step

 Analyze the effect of each step

 Applying certain step indifferent situation

 Making conclusion based on the steps in the text

 Identify
 the character in the story
 the personality of the characters
 the problem faced by the characters
 the way the characters solve the problem
 Applying
 Suggest a way to solve the problem
 Decide certain action in facing the problem
 Analyzing
 The cause of the problem
 The effect of the problem
 concluding
 Identifying
 Applying

 Analyzing

 Concluding
Lightning can do damage to buildings, cars or
other objects when it hits. It can also kill
or injure human beings. During a thunderstorm people
should stay away from doors, windows and
electrical devices.
WhichYou should
of the also stayisaway from
phones and thewires because
most lightningplace
dangerous can travel
to through
them. When you’re in the open do not try to protect
stay when there is lightning?
yourself by hiding under a tree. You can protect your
A. At thesurrounding
house or other buildings street. your home
B. In therod
by installing a lightning field.
on the roof. It attracts the
C. At
lighting that would home. hit the building and
D. In the forest.
leads it to the surface
 A thunderstorm is a type of weather phenomenon characterized by
lightning and thunder and in most cases, rain. Although thunder is
loud it is not dangerous. It's the lightning in a thunderstorm that is
dangerous as it can strike objects on earth as well as people. A
thunderstorm requires three basic elements in order to form. These
three elements are moisture, unstable rising air, and a force to lift such
as heat. A thunderstorm has three stages which include the developing
stage, the matureThe stage, and thestage
second dissipating
of thestage.
 The first thunderstorm
stage of a thunderstorm, called the developing stage,
occurs when a cumulus cloud is pushed upward by air. In the
A. its biggest part
developing stage there is not usually much rain but lightning can be
seen. The second B.stage
its strongest part called the mature stage,
of a thunderstorm,
occurs when theC.rising
its most
warm airimportant part air and it spreads out
reaches warmer
into a 'cap'. ThisD.creates frozendangerous
its most water droplets that fall to the earth,
melting along the way. It is during this stage that lightning and
thunder and strong winds and rain occur. The third stage of a
thunderstorm, called the dissipating stage, occurs when a cold air
pushes to the ground essentially cutting off the thunderstorm's inflow.
 A thunderstorm is a type of weather phenomenon characterized by
lightning and thunder and in most cases, rain. Although thunder is loud
it is not dangerous. It's the lightning in a thunderstorm that is dangerous
as it can strike objects on earth as well as people. A thunderstorm
requires three basic elements in order to form. These three elements are
moisture, unstableWhat will
rising air, happen
and a forcewhen
to lift one
such of
as heat. A
thunderstorm has thethree
elements doesn’t
stages which includeexist?
the developing stage, the
mature stage, and A.the Thedissipating stage.
thunderstorm will be
 The first stage of a thunderstorm, called the developing stage,
more severe.
occurs when a cumulus cloud is pushed upward by air. In the
developing stage B.there
Theis size of thea
not usually muchthunderstorm
rain but lightning can be
seen. The second stage is smaller.
of a thunderstorm, called the mature stage,
occurs when theC. rising
Thewarm air reaches warmer
thunderstorm air and
will not beit spreads out
into a 'cap'. This creates frozen water droplets that fall to the earth,
melting along the way. It is during this stage that lightning and thunder
and strong winds D.and There will The
rain occur. be nothirdrain
a thunderstorm,
called the dissipating thunderstorm.
stage, occurs when a cold air pushes to the ground
essentially cutting off the thunderstorm's inflow.
To avoid the outbreak we
have to apply the
A. closely
B. regularly
C. thoroughly
D. completely
May, You are invited to Vina’s
party, aren’t you? Her party will be
held in Gala Resto in town. It is pretty
far, isn’t it? Please go with me. My
brother will take us there with his car.
Let me know soon if you agree.
What will Maya do if she
agrees to go with Wina?
A. She will call her soon.
Wina B. She will meet her soon.
C. She will come to her
house soon.
D. She will call Wina’s
Mosquitoes belong to the suborder Nematocera – true flies with long
antennae. Mosquito’s antennae have 6 or more segments. The male's
antennae have lots of surface area for detecting female to mate. Female
antennae are short-haired. The mouthparts allow the adult mosquito to
drink nectar. In many species, the mouthparts of the females are adapted
for piercing the skin of animal hosts and sucking
their blood as ectoparasites. Mosquito’s wings have scales along the
 Larvae feed onIforganic
you wantmatterto
in add that including
the water, mosquitoes
protozoan, decaying debris, and even other mosquito larvae. Adult
can be
mosquitoes of both sexes easily
feed found
on nectar frominflowers.
the garden,
Only females
require a blood mealyouin order to produce
should put iteggs.
in Female mosquitoes don't
require blood to live, but they need the proteins in a blood meal to
develop their eggs. TheyA. may1 feed on blood of birds, reptiles,
amphibians, or mammals.
 B. 2complete metamorphosis in four stages. The
Mosquitoes go through
female mosquito lays her C.eggs
3 on the surface of fresh or standing water.
Larvae hatch and live in the water. Within one to two weeks, the larvae
pupate. Pupae cannot feed,D. 1butandcan2be active while floating on the water's
surface. Adults emerge, usually in just a few days, and sit on the surface
until they are dry and ready to fly. Adult females live two weeks to two
months; adult males may only live a week.

 Grammar
 Vocabulary

 Meaning (word)
 Referensi Makna (sentence/phrase)
May, You are invited to Vina’s party,
aren’t you? Her party will be held in
Gala Resto in town. It is pretty far, isn’t
it? Please go with me. My brother will
take us there with
Wina his Maya
asks car. Let
to me
go know
soon if you her….the
agree. location of the party
is pretty far.
A. so
Wina B. because
C. if
D. although
In the announcement, the readers ... an advice by MEGAMART
A. are given
B. are giving
C. will give
D. give
A Trip to the Zoo
Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see the elephant.
When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some
food to give to the animals.
... our family felt tired after visiting the
After getting the food we went to the nocturnal house
where wesaw
were still
birds andhappy.
reptiles which only come out at
A. Since
B. Because
Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a
C. to
thrill Although
ride it. Dad nearly fell off when he let go of the
D. Nevertheles

During lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the

afternoon we saw the animals being fed.

When we returned home we were tired but happy

because we had so much fun.
Most holiday visitors to Scotland go to the
Highlands because of the high mountains and
deep valleys, clean rivers, and cold ‘lochs’. The
highlands are home to many rare birds and
animals, like the golden eagle and the wildcat,
which are found nowhere else in Britain. It is a
lonely, wild and empty land. Only two percent
of the British “... population liveclean
and deep valleys, there and the
and cold lochs”
population is getting smaller all the time. There
The underlined word is closest in
is very little work so most of the young people
meaning to....
who were born A.there
coastshave to move south to find
a job. Perhaps B. the
lakeshighlands of Scotland will
become the lastC. great
islandswilderness of Europe.
D. rivers
“eliminate pimples, spot,
blemish” The underlined
word is closest in meaning
A. reduce
B. omit
C. destroy
D. press
“Air pollution is caused by many things like the increasing
number of cars on our roads, ...” (paragraph 1)

From this statement, it is implied that ....

A. people may not buy new cars
B. the government must build many new roads
C. the car factory must reduce the car production
D. we should use public transportation to reduce air
As the New Year begins
And the old one ends
We’d love to celebrate
With our family and friends!
Help us ring in the New Year
in December
“Help us ring in the New Year”.31 st at 9.00.

It means that the Wintertrail
writer …. Drive
A. wants the readers happy CO
Denver. in the65291
B. asks the reader to attend the new
year Hosted by
C. thinks theLauren
new year and
is Louis
D. Informs that the party989-234-678
will be cheerful
Most holiday visitors to Scotland go to the
Why is the Highland called ‘the last
Highlands because of the high mountains and
of the great wilderness’?
deep valleys,
A. It’s clean rivers,
a favorite placeand cold ‘lochs’. The
in Scotland.
highlands arehome
B. It’s home to many
to rare rare birds and
birds and
animals, like the golden eagle and the wildcat,
which areC. found
It’s a lonely, wild,else
nowhere and empty
in Britain. It is a
lonely, wildland.
and empty land. Only two percent
D. It has high mountain and deep
of the British
population live there and the
population is getting smaller all the time. There
is very little work so most of the young people
who were born there have to move south to find
a job. Perhaps the highlands of Scotland will
become the last great wilderness of Europe.

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