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BS Mechanical Engineering
8th Semester
ME-417 Aerodynamics
CLO CLO Statement Learning PLO

1 Apply the concepts relevant to the dynamics of C3 1

incompressible, inviscid flow field to aerodynamic flows

2 Calculate aerodynamic parameters for incompressible flow C3 2

around airfoil and wing of finite span

3 Examine the propulsive characteristics of different flight C4 3

propulsion devices

4 Analyze how an airplane responds to drag, lift, thrust, and C4 3

power in relation to its performance

Reference Books
1. Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
Author(s): John D. Anderson
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Year: 2016
2. Aircraft Performance and Design
Author(s): John D. Anderson
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education 2
Year: 2010
Lecture 2: Today’s Learning Outcome

You will be able to:

• Know fundamentals variable in aerodynamics;

• Understand various sources of aerodynamic forces

and moments;

• Relate dimensionless aerodynamic/moment

coefficients with forces/moments;

• Derive the integral form of the force and moment


Aerodynamic Forces and Moments

The aerodynamic forces and moments on the body are

due to only two basic sources:
1. Pressure distribution over the body surface
2. Shear stress distribution over the body surface

Fig.1 Illustration of pressure and Fig.2 Resultant aerodynamic

shear stress on an aerodynamic force and moment on the body

Cont……(Aerodynamic Forces and Moments)
The resultant R can be split into two components, two
sets of which are shown in Fig.3

L = Lift= Component of R perpendicular to V∞

D = Drag = Component of R parallel to V∞

c = Chord

Sometimes R is split into components

perpendicular and parallel to the chord as
shown in Fig.3
Fig.3 Resultant
aerodynamic force N=Normal force=component of R perpendicular to c
and the components
into which it splits A=Axial force=component of R parallel to c

Cont……(Aerodynamic Forces and Moments)
The geometric relation between these two sets of components is , from

Now lets us examine in more detail the integration of pressure and shear
stress distributions to obtain aerodynamic forces and moments.

Fig.4 Nomenclature for integration of pressure and shear stress distributions

over 2-D body surface
Cont……(Aerodynamic Forces and Moments)
Now consider the 2D shape in Fig.4 as a cross section of an infinitely long
cylinder of uniform section. A unit span of such a cylinder is shown in Fig.5.

Fig.5 Aerodynamic force on an element of the body surface

Where dS= (ds)(1) as shown by shaded area.

We are interested in the contribution to the total normal force N’ and total axial
force A’ due to pressure and shear stress on the elemental area dS.

Cont……(Aerodynamic Forces and Moments)
Examining both Fig. 4 and Fig.5, we see that the elemental normal and
axial forces acting on the elemental surface dS on the upper surface are

On the lower surface, we have

The total normal and axial forces per unit span are obtained by integrating
the above equations from L.E to T.E

Cont……(Aerodynamic Forces and Moments)
The aerodynamic moment exerted on the body depends on the point
about which moments are taken. Consider the moments taken about the
leading edge as shown in the following figure:

The moment per unit span about leading edge on the elemental area dS on
the upper and lower surfaces are

After integrating the above equations from leading edge to trailing edge, we
obtain for the moment about the leading edge per unit span

Cont……(Aerodynamic Forces and Moments)
As our discussion of aerodynamics progress, it will become clear that there
are quantities of an even more fundamental nature than aerodynamic
forces and moments themselves. These are dimensionless force and
moment coefficients defined as follows

For 2D bodies, it is convenient to denote the aerodynamic coefficients by

lowercase letters; e.g.,

Cont……(Aerodynamic Forces and Moments)
Where reference area S=c(1)=c
Two additional quantities of immediate use are

Substituting these dimensionless coefficients in the equations defined earlier for

normal force, axial force and moment, we can obtain the following integral
forms for the force and moment coefficients:

Lecture 3: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Calculate the drag coefficient for a given geometry

using concepts gained in last lecture;

• Understand and apply the concept of Center of


Example 2

Center of Pressure

Divergence of a Vector Field
Consider a vector field

The divergence of V is equal to . V and for different coordinate systems, we


Lecture 4: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Differentiate between streamlines, pathlines and


• Develop equation of streamline for a given flow field;

• Understand the concept of angular velocity, vorticity,

and strain of fluid element.

Curl of Vector Field
Consider a vector field

The curl of a V is denoted by   V and in different coordinate systems, we


Governing Equations for Fluids in Motion

Continuity Equation

Momentum Equation

Energy Equation

Pathlines and Streamlines of a Flow

Fig. Pathlines for two different fluid

elements passing through the
same point in space
 In general, for unsteady flow, the pathlines for different fluid elements
passing through the same point are not the same.

Cont……(Pathlines and Streamlines of a
 Streamline is a curve whose tangent at any point is in the direction of
the velocity vector at that point.

Fig. Streamlines
 We can visualize a pathline as a time-exposure photograph of a given fluid
element while streamline pattern is like a single frame of motion picture of
the flow.
 For steady flow, streamlines and pathlines are the same

Cont……(Pathlines and Streamlines of
a Flow)
Given the velocity field of a flow, how can we obtain the mathematical
equation for a streamline?
Streamline is a curve in space, and hence it can be described by the
equation f (x, y, z)= 0. How can we obtain this equation?
From the definition of vector cross product,

To put the above equation in more recognizable form, expand in Cartesian


Differential equations for

streamlines 25
Cont……(Pathlines and Streamlines of
a Flow
Now we see the physical meaning of the differential equation of the
streamline. Consider a streamline in two dimensions.

Angular Velocity, Vorticity, and Strain
Consider an infinitesimal fluid element moving in a flow field. As it translates
along a streamline, it may also rotate, and in addition its shape may become

Motion of fluid element

along a streamline
Rotation and distortion of
fluid element
Cont…..(Angular Velocity, Vorticity, and
From the geometry of figure:

The above equation reduces to

Similarly we have

Now consider the angular velocities of lines AB and AC, defined as dθ1 /dt
and dθ2 /dt respectively. So we have

Cont…..(Angular Velocity, Vorticity, and
By definition, the angular velocity of the fluid element as seen in the xy
plane is the average of the angular velocities of lines AB and AC. Let
denote this angular velocity. Therefore by definition,

Putting the value of dθ1 /dt and dθ2 /dt we have

For three dimensional space, the angular velocity is

Cont…..(Angular Velocity, Vorticity, and
 Vorticity is another parameter which is very important in theoretical
 Vorticity is simply twice the angular velocity and is denoted by vector


From here we can define another important result that

This leads to two important definitions:

1. If Rotational flow

2. If Irrotational flow
Lecture 6: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Apply the concept gained in last lecture;

• Understand and apply the concept of circulation in


Cont…..(Angular Velocity, Vorticity, and

Fluid elements in a rotational flow Fluid elements in an irrotational flow

If the flow is two dimensional (say in xy plane) then

If the flow is irrotational then, then , hence

Condition of irrotationality
for 2D flow

Cont…..(Angular Velocity, Vorticity, and

Let the angle between sides AB and AC be denoted by κ. As the fluid

element moves through the flow field κ will change. In the above figure, at
time t, κ is initially 90 o. at time t+ Δt, κ has changed by the amount Δκ,

By definition, the strain of the fluid element as seen in the xy plane is the
change in κ. Hence

Cont…..(Angular Velocity, Vorticity, and
In viscous flows, the time rate of strain is an important quantity. Denote the
time rate of strain by Ɛxy we have

In the yz and zx plane, by a similar derivation the strain is, respectively

Note the angular velocity, and time rate of strain depend solely on the velocity
derivatives of the flow field. These derivatives can be displayed in matrix form
as follows

Consider a closed curve C in a flow field as show in the following figure.

The Circulation denoted by  , and is defined as

So, Circulation depends only on the velocity field and the choice of curve C.

Why is circulation important?
Circulation is also related to the vorticity as follows.

From Stoke’s theorem

Lecture 7: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Understand and comprehend the concept of stream

function and velocity potential;

• Identify the relationship between the two;

• Apply the concepts of stream function and velocity

potential for a given flow field.

Stream Function
Stream function for incompressible flow become

In general the concept of stream function is important for two primary

reasons. Assuming that ( x, y ) is known through the two dimensional flow
field then:
1.  = Constant gives the equation of a streamline.
2. The flow velocities can be obtained by differentiating the 
Velocity Potential
For an irrotational flow, we know that

Consider a following vector identity: if  is a scalar function, then

Comparing the above two equations, we see that

We denote  as the velocity potential. It is function of spatial coordinates.

Relationship Between Stream Function and
Velocity Potential
Consider a 2D, irrotational, incompressible flow in cartesian coordinates. For a
streamline  ( x, y ) =const. Hence, the differential of along the streamline is

Similarly for equipotential line, ( x, y ) =const. Along this line,

Lecture 8: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Apply the concepts of stream function and velocity

potential for a given flow field.

• Calculate the velocity of fluid using Pitot tube.

Pitot Tube

Lecture 11: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Derive equation for incompressible, inviscid flow in a


• Understand the working principle of various types of

low speed wind tunnels;

• Understand the concept of Pressure coefficient.

Incompressible inviscid flow in Duct

Lecture 12: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Apply the concept relevant to low speed wind tunnel;

• Understand Airfoil nomenclature;

• Understand Airfoil Characteristics.

Incompressible Flow over Airfoil
What is Airfoil?

Airfoil Nomenclature

Airfoil Characteristics

Lecture 13: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Apply the concept gained in the previous lecture to a

numerical problem involving airfoil;

• Understand the concept of Vortex flow;

• Define and understand the properties of Vortex Sheet.

Lecture 14: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Define and understand the properties of Vortex Sheet.

• Comprehend Kutta condition used in theoretical


Vortex Sheet

Vortex Sheet

Vortex Filament

Now define    (s ) as the source

strength of vortex sheet per unit length
along S
Edge view of sheet 53
Cont…..(Vortex Sheet)
The small section of the vortex sheet of strengthds induces an infinitesimally
small velocity dV at point P, which is given by

We can also write the velocity potential.

The increment in velocity potential d  induced at point P by the elemental
vortex ds is

The velocity potential at P due to entire vortex sheet from a to b is

The circulation around the vortex sheet is the sum of the elemental vortices; i.e
   ds
a 54
Cont…..(Vortex Sheet)
Properties of Vortex Sheet
For a vortex sheet, there is a discontinuous change in the tangential component
of velocity across the sheet, whereas the normal component of velocity is
preserved across the sheet.

The Kutta Condition

Cont….(The Kutta Condition)

Lecture 16: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Understand how nature generate circulation over


• Derive expression for thin airfoil theory.

Kelvin Circulation Theorem and Starting
Questions: How does nature generate this circulation?

Does it come from nowhere, or is it somehow conserved over the

whole flow field?

Thin Airfoil Theory: The Symmetric

Vortex sheet on the camber Vortex sheet on the chord line

For the camber line to be a streamline, the component of velocity normal to the
camber line must be zero at all points along the camber line.

V ,n  w( s )  0

The expression for V , ncan be obtained as follows.

Cont….(Thin Airfoil Theory: The Symmetric

At any point P on the camber line, where the slope of the camber line is dz / dx ,
the geometry of above figure yields

Cont….(Thin Airfoil Theory: The Symmetric
Now we find an expression for w( x ) in terms of strength of the vortex sheet
as follows,

The velocity dw at point x induced by the elemental vortex at point  is

Cont….(Thin Airfoil Theory: The Symmetric

Fundamental eq of thin airfoil theory

For symmetric airfoil

Let us transform  into θ via the following transformation:

Cont….(Thin Airfoil Theory: The Symmetric

Hence for symmetric airfoil

cl  2 Lift coefficient

 2 Lift slope
cm , le  Moment coefficient

Cambered Airfoil
Now we treat the cambered airfoil, we know that

After transformation, we obtain the following form

The solution of the above equation is

The coefficient Ao and An (n=1,2,3…) must be specific values in order that

the camber line is the streamline of the flow. To find these specific values put
equation B into equation A.

Cont….(Cambered Airfoil)

Lecture 19: Today’s Learning Outcome
You will be able to:

• Understand real case of flow over airfoil;

• Understand the various configuration of high lift


The Flow over a Airfoil--- The Real Case

Cont…(The Flow over a Airfoil--- The Real

Cont…(The Flow over a Airfoil--- The Real

Cont…(The Flow over a Airfoil--- The Real

Cont…(The Flow over a Airfoil--- The Real

Cont…(The Flow over a Airfoil--- The Real

Cont…(The Flow over a Airfoil--- The Real


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