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Understanding the USEPA’s

AERMOD Modeling System for

Environmental Managers


Ashok Kumar
University of Toledo
• Theoretical Approach
Analytical Solution
Numerical Solution
• Experimental Approach
Field Studies
Laboratory Studies
What is a model?

Model is a way of expressing the

relationship between the different variables
of a system in mathematical terms

 An attempt to predict or simulate, by physical or numerical means, the

ambient concentrations of contaminants found within the atmosphere
of a region of interest.

 An Air Quality Model can be as simple as an algebraic equation or

could involve solutions of coupled partial differential equations using
super computers.
Examples of Air Modeling Problems

 Release of contaminants due to agriculture,

mining, industrial, and refining activities.

 Evolution of toxic gases during accidents.

Input Data Requirements of a Dispersion Model

 Source Data
 Receptor Data
 Site Data
 Meteorological Data
 Dispersion Data

 The location and amount of maximum ground

level concentration from the source(s) for various
conditions of wind speed and atmospheric

 The amount of ground level concentration at

varying distances from the sources.

 The amount of ground level concentration at

arbitrary locations on a grid.

 USEPA's Industrial Source Complex (ISC3)



 Urban Airshed Model

(Joint effort by AMS/EPA)

 Steady state plume model

 Uses PBL technology developed during 80’s

 Estimates the impacts from a variety of industrial sources

 Improvement over the ISC model


 Pre-processors – AERMET and AERMAP

 AERMET deals with the meteorological data

 AERMAP generates receptor grids and

characterizes the terrain features.

 Dispersion models
 Rural and urban areas
 Simple as well as complex terrain
 Accounts for different source types
- Surface and elevated sources
- Multiple sources – point, area and volume sources
 Concentration distribution in stable boundary layer (SBL): Gaussian in
both vertical and horizontal directions
 Concentration distribution in convective boundary layer (CBL):
horizontal distribution is assumed Gaussian but vertical distribution is
described with bi-Gaussian function
 Plume penetrates through the elevated boundary layer and re-enters into
the boundary layer.
 This model accounts for the vertical inhomogeneity of the planetary
boundary layer (PBL)

 Source data

 Dispersion data

 Receptor and Terrain data

 Meteorological data

 Downwash related information

Data Flow in the AERMOD
Features of AERMOD

 Steady state plume model

 Applied to source releases that are assumed to be steady over

individual modeling periods

 Computation of pollutant impacts in both the flat and complex


 Terrain height with respect to stack height need not be specified

since the receptors at all elevations are handled with the same
general methodology
Review of Terms Used in AERMOD
Lapse Rate

Friction Velocity

Monin-Obukhov Length
Atmospheric Stability Stefan-Boltzmann Law
Planetary Boundary Layer
• The PBL is a region immediately above the
Earth surface that is affected by horizontal
pressure gradients, viscosity, and Coriolis

• Surface layer and Ekman layer = PBL

Solar Radiation
• Sun emits enormous amount of energy to
• Solar radiation that reaches earth’s surface
is known as insolation (for incoming solar
Sensible Heat
• This is the amount of heat transferred via
conduction and convection from the surface
of Earth into troposphere.
• The sensible heating can be monitored, or
“sensed”, as the temperature changes.
Latent Heat
• The amount of heat that is involved in phase
change is known as latent heat.
• Evaporation of water from oceans,------
• Albedo = Reflected radiation/Incident
Bowen Ratio
• The ratio of sensible heating to latent heating

• Typical values:
North America 0.74
Australia 2.18
Indian Ocean 0.09
Note: Lower Bowen Ratio for moist surfaces.
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
• The total energy radiated by an object is
proportional to the fourth power of its
absolute temperature.

• E = σ T4

σ is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant

= 5.67 x 10-8 W/m2/oK-4
Lapse Rate
• The lapse rate is the rate of change of
temperature with height.

Γ = -T/z
Potential Temperature
• The temperature air would have if it was
compressed, or expanded, adiabatically
from a given state (P, T) to a pressure of
1000mb is defined as potential
temperature .
R/C p
 1000 
θ  T  T   
 P 
Friction Velocity
u* = (Shear stress/Density)0.5
u    
Atmospheric Stability
• Atmospheric stability is defined as the
ability of the atmosphere to enhance or to
resist atmospheric motions.
Monin-Obukhov Length
• A constant, characteristic length scale. It is
negative in unstable conditions (upward
heat flux), positive for stable conditions,
and approach infinity as the actual lapse rate
for ambient air reaches the dry adiabatic
lapse rate.
Temperature Scale

θ  
ρc p u 

 AERMOD, designed by the AERMIC committee to implement state-

of-the-art modeling concepts into the EPA's local-scale air quality


 AERMOD, developed as a new platform for regulatory steady-state

plume modeling
Data Flow In AERMOD Modeling System
AERMOD - Input File Format Description

 Wide range of options available for modeling air quality impacts of

pollution sources

 Use of an input data file called a “Run Stream File”

 Run stream file is divided into five functional sets, each called a “ Run
Stream Image”.

 Each run stream image describes the dispersion data, source data,
receptor data, meteorological data and output data respectively .
AERMOD – Run Stream Image Description

 Each run stream image starts with

i. A pathway ID
ii. An 8 character keyword
iii. A parameter list

 A pathway ID describes the type of data being input

 If the input data is “Control data,” then the ID is “CO”.

 Source data is indicated by “SO”.

AERMOD – Run Stream Image Description

 The 8- character keyword describes the nature of the input.

 For example, MODELOPT says that the model options of

the “Dispersion option” are being entered.

 The parameters falling under that particular pathway and

8-character keyword follow the 8-character keyword.

 A simple example of how a run stream image starts is

shown in the next slide.
AERMOD – Run Stream Image Description


( Parameters )
( 8 – character Keyword )
( 2 – character Pathway ID )
Advantages of Keyword Approach

 Descriptive of options and inputs being used

 Considerable flexibility in structuring the input files to improve their


 Gives easy notation of the input - output parameters and data used.
Dispersion Input Data Options

 The regulatory modeling options will be the default mode of

operation for the model.

 Use of stack-tip downwash and a routine for processing averages when

calm winds or missing meteorological data occurs.

 Includes the use of non-default options

 Calculates concentration values (dry and wet depositions review copy

is available on the USEPA website).

 Short term averages in a single run and also the overall period averages
Source Input Data Options

 Capable of handling multiple sources ( point, area, volume )

 Line source also (as elongated area source or as string of volume


 Several source groups may be specified in a single run with combined

source contributions for each group.
Source Input Data Options (Contd.)

 Capable of modeling the effects of aerodynamic downwash due to

nearby buildings on point source

 Emission rate can be assumed as constant or varied by month, hour,

other options. The variable emission rate factors can be specified for a
single source or group of sources.

 Separate file of hourly emission rates for some or all sources.

Receptor Input Data Options

 Designed to handle all types of terrain, from flat to complex

 Requires information about the surrounding terrain for the modeling of

receptors in elevated or complex terrain

 Includes a height scale and base elevation for each receptor in the run
stream file

 Terrain preprocessor (AERMAP) helps to obtain the base elevation and

height scale for a receptor
Receptor Input Data Options

 Considerable flexibility in the specification of receptor locations

 Capability to specify multiple receptor networks in a single run

 Can mix Cartesian grid receptor networks and polar grid receptor
networks in the same run
Receptor Input Data Options

 Flexibility in specifying the location of the origin for polar receptors

 Flexibility in input of elevated receptor heights to model the effects of

terrain above stack base or ground level

 No distinction between the elevated terrain below and above the

release height
Terrain & Receptor Data from AERMAP

 Uses gridded terrain data to calculate a representative terrain-influence

height (hc ), also referred to as the terrain height scale

 Gridded data needed are selected from DEM data

 Creates receptor grids

 Automatically assigns an elevation to each specified receptor

 Passes the receptor’s location (xr , yr), its height above mean sea level
(zr ), and the receptor specific terrain height scale (hc ) to AERMOD

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