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Elementary Years
• 6 to 12 years old
• Elementary School Years
• Critical Period for the development of child’s
achievement motivation or the needs to achieve
• Develop sense of control, sense of self-esteem
and sense of maturity
• Begins to learn the basic skills in life
• Inadequacy or Inferiority
Developmental task of late childhood
• Learns physical skills necessary for group and
organized games.
• Let to get along with age-mates and members of
their family and community
• Learn fundamental skills in reading, writing and
• Develop appropriate masculine and feminine
social roles
• Develop a conscience, sense of right or wrong
and values according to their culture
Physical development
Height and Weight
- Age 6 to 7 years old, boys and girls are in
the same height but boys are heavier in
- Age 8 to 12 year old, girls are taller and
heavier than boys

Nutrition, education, immunization,

emotional stress or emotional tension
affects the physical development of a child
Motor development
• Master of a great variety of skills, both loco-
motor and manipulative
• Most of the activities involves combination
skills built upon the coordination of arms and
• In sports activities the sex role identification
becomes pronounced
• Hand writing is a finely coordinated skill
• Can do some home chores and school project
Intellectual development
• Intelligence is a complex accumulation of
knowledge, abilities and skills acquired as the
individual meets, copes and interacts with their
• Period of Concrete Operation is were thinking
can take place only in the presence of an object
• Decentering is a development of the thinking
what I now centered at the level of action to a
mental level of assimilation
• Child now able to perform reversible
transformations and conservation
• Can now classify concrete objects, order them,
establish correspondences between them or
perform numerical operations or measure
from spatial point of view.
Children who have a sense of industry
• Enjoy learning new things and ideas
• Reflect a healthy balance between doing what
they have to do and what they like to
• Reflect strong curiosity about how and why
things work the way they do
• Take criticism well and use it to improve their
• Tend to have a strong sense of persistence
Role of the school
• Schools/teachers are carrying out
the task of facilitating the maximum
enhancement of the child’s
intellectual growth
Role of the parents
• As partners of the school in development
of the child’s intellectual capacity
• Transmitting values and beliefs to their
• Children imitate and follow their
Keys of rearing successful children
• Stimulate child’s interest
• Build child’s esteem
• Teach child effective social skills
• Control the use of television
• Strengthen child’s conscience
Social development
• The Generalized Others were children are
able to respond to a number of individuals in a
group and integrate the various roles or set of
norms of the group
• Friendship were child begins to develop a real
sensitivity to what matters to another person.
(8 to 10 years old)
• Children base friendship on a simple principle
of reciprocity or sharing. (6 to 8 years old)
• Themes of trust, loyalty and self-
revelation are now frequently mentioned
in discussions of friendship. (10 to
adolescence age)
Emotional development
• Emotion is develop in the context of social
• Talking to others like what they like or dislike,
children retain some ideas about labels for
• Begin to have names for the internal arousal
of joy, sadness, fear, anger and
How to help children develop
healthy ways of expressing their
• Label Emotions give children the
vocabulary to describe the basic emotions
like happy, sad, mad and scared
• Help the child to interpret their emotions
• Separate mixed emotion
• Differentiate between emotions and
• Help children express their emotions

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