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Digital Unit Plan Proposal

Portrait Drawing
By Adam lo
Big Ideas/Goals

• Big Ideas/Goals
• Self identity: how will they describe themselves in an abstract way
• Creative expression: to view yourself different from you physical self
and portray yourself differently from others
• Expressing values: students should know how to express personal
beliefs and or cultural or current social traditions in a work of art.
• Skills
• Creative thinking: how to approach drawing your face in a different
angle and how to use the given theme in a artistic way.
• Use of material: its important to use what materials students need
to know in order to draw in a flat surface material
• Shading or line work: students need to learn how to use a pencil or
charcoal in different ways.
Student Learning Objectives

• Learning Objectives
1. Students can look at a reflection of themselves to see themselves in a
different perspective
2. Chose a theme that best fits them
3. Students get to explore themselves as an individual
• Assessments
1. Brainstorming: students will be able to share or do quick sketch on
their ideas of what they will be planning for their project. From these
ideas, student will have a list of ideas that best relate to them on their
2. Finalizing: using what sketch they make, they can expand their theme
and idea onto a bigger and stronger paper.
3. Summative: In class students will build their self reflective portrait
with a theme of their own
4. Rubric: student must follow the assign inorder to have a passing grade
Different Learning Activities

• Entry Level
• You can find this information from testing students by asking them to
draw anything they want to see their skills. Students will be able to
share or do quick sketch on their ideas of what they will be planning
for their project. From these ideas, student will have a list of ideas
that best relate to them on their portraiture.
• Build a single theme that can be given in class or an idea that is
made up (must notify the teacher before working). Additional ideas
will be written on the board for students to learn more.
• Critique
• Students will see the work and then critique their work honestly to
see what they should work on or how they like the assignments
• Teachers will also give advice to student work in order to improve on
their body of work or their future portfolio
Why I Chose This Assignment

• I chosen this assignment as my topic because its will

be the benchmark of other artworks in class. During
class, I can see their drawing skills and knowledge
to perform this assignment. Additionally, I observing
based on their work in class and seeing if they are
putting effort and dedication in their art work.
• Students can use these skills and apply their lessons
in different ways using their skills of what new skills
they have learned in class. This assignments will
have the student express their own ideas and
themes along with the given assignments when they
draw themselves.

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